I'm looking forward to hearing all of the Hillary voters explain themselves...
( I'm with her )
the outrage that he would even suggest such a thing!!!.
it will be interesting to see if someone other than trump will be investigated.😏.
I'm looking forward to hearing all of the Hillary voters explain themselves...
( I'm with her )
the outrage that he would even suggest such a thing!!!.
it will be interesting to see if someone other than trump will be investigated.😏.
ok, so i played the game of putting on my jw apologetic cap for a moment, and thought of how a devout jw could rationalize this whole liquor buying situation.. they could say:.
"this actually proves that jehovah is guiding his organization!!
he was bringing this activity of tomo3 to light, and it would also prove to be a loyalty test for all jws, to see if they would be stumbled right out of the truth!".
Someone needs to show the video to the store employees and ask if he's a regular...
after seeing the atrocity in new zealand, do you think white nationalism is a major issue affecting you or where you live?.
somebody already called out chelseaclinton, blaming her for the attack!
What's wrong with being a nationalist?
Isn't every citizen that swears an oath to uphold the US Constitution automatically a nationalist?
Trump will win again
what do you think will ai learn a lot from discussion groups?.
Yelling is wrong?
What do i win? :D
i shared one of these before in which my approach left something to be desired, and i got some flack for that, and rightly so.
so if this story doesn't go over well i won't share another... but given how it ended, i just had to share.... a few days ago i took a trip to a nearby city by bus.
in the about 20-30 minute window between my connecting buses i walked over to a mcdonald's and got a cup of coffee, and when i came back to the little bus station i saw a literature cart sitting unmanned near the doors.
I support your efforts to speak out however you choose.
i was driving along through a quiet neighborhood on a saturday morning ( yesterday )and , looky-looky, two dubs.i recognized one of them, complete asshole, exbethelite, can i say his name?it's not important.i rolled up, downed the window and "hey!
"they spun around and i continued, "what are you going to do about all those pedophile lawsuits all over the world?
the two witness rule is wrong and so are you!
do it your way...
I'll do it mine.
None of these people were strangers to me.
These are the people that said amen to my public prayers.
The people I knew for up to 25 years.
So maybe I should check in with a bunch of people I've never met to get your permission on how i live my life and what i do?
Sounds pretty dumb when I put it that way, doesn't it?
< but he yelled, though >
i was driving along through a quiet neighborhood on a saturday morning ( yesterday )and , looky-looky, two dubs.i recognized one of them, complete asshole, exbethelite, can i say his name?it's not important.i rolled up, downed the window and "hey!
"they spun around and i continued, "what are you going to do about all those pedophile lawsuits all over the world?
the two witness rule is wrong and so are you!
How many of you engage on ANY LEVEL?
Just mock from the confines of your keyboard...
I don't even tell all of my encounters.
I just faced off with an elder in the grocery store.
I told him in a non-yelling voice, as we were indoors and he could hear me.
"The two witness rule will be your downfall."
I mentioned the notorious child rapist from Napa where I live that had a JW daycare in his home effecting 20 young JW girls, and asked him about all of the child abuse lawsuits Watchtower is facing.
i was driving along through a quiet neighborhood on a saturday morning ( yesterday )and , looky-looky, two dubs.i recognized one of them, complete asshole, exbethelite, can i say his name?it's not important.i rolled up, downed the window and "hey!
"they spun around and i continued, "what are you going to do about all those pedophile lawsuits all over the world?
the two witness rule is wrong and so are you!
Apparently the definition of 'yelling' is not fully comprehended.
Loud, clear, understandable voice.
"He was mean to those harmless and loving dubs as they were doing god's work"...
I'm no coward.