JoinedPosts by DocHouse
Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?
by DocHouse inyes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
If Spash IS a JW- then he is a BIGGER hypocrite than church-goers and apostates.... -
Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?
by DocHouse inyes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
Splash, I don't go to ASSemblies- to be read to all day (GB 'talks).
The "Holes" are in opinions about the prophecies, and their rules- NOT the Truth about God & Christ.
The "new light"= New Opinions.
You are whacked, Splash.
Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?
by DocHouse inyes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
Outlaw- funny cartoon!
Piz- what a stupid claim. I'm on a PC I've had for several years. Any other idiotic babble?
Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?
by DocHouse inyes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
Magnum, the burden of proof is on you. You claimed that "everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even MORE so."
I said in response to that that I disagree - that organizations have checks and balances to prevent mistakes.
Then you replied "Magnum- look at the Government, and apply your claim."
Now I say to you, No. YOU PROVE YOUR CLAIM. You prove that organizations have more faults and make more mistakes than individuals. Take your example of "the Government". Sure it has faults and makes mistakes, but prove that it has more faults and makes more mistakes than individuals.
You shoot off words that can't stand up to scrutiny.
Doc- Magnum, save your diversion for those stupid enough to be fooled by it.
You have shot yourself in the foot by ignoring my example- or do you have a government position????
Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?
by DocHouse inyes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
The "Generation" doctrine ( 'over-lapping' generations, heh) IS Ludicrous! I agree!
How much lying and bullshit do you find acceptable? Just how much can you tolerate?
Doc: Like The Trinity, Hellfire, Immortal Souls, Once-Saved-Always-Saved, God & Country, Clergy, Transubstantion, Phony 'Holidays', etc, etc, etc?
Remember the illustration: A glass of water with just a pinch of poison (or sewage, or dirt, or whatever) in it -- would you drink it? Add another pinch of *whatever* -- Would you still drink it.
Seems to me that you're still drinking their Koolaid. How much shit in the Koolaid is enough?
I found my limit.
Mad- Goofy ideas about what prophecies of God mean, are not 'poison', nor sewage- so you illustratiuon doesn't apply. What do YOU , for example, think "666" means?
Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?
by DocHouse inyes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
Witness My Idiocy-
Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?
by DocHouse inyes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
Magnum- look at the Government, and apply your claim.
Are you an atheist? Trying to prove ANYTHING to one who doesn't WANT to know is futile.
Why make false claims about the Bible? Sounds like you don't BELIEVE it. Ask ONE question at a time, and I will answer.
The "Generation" doctrine ( 'over-lapping' generations, heh) IS Ludicrous! I agree!
Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?
by DocHouse inyes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
Honest people don't accuse without stating WHY.
Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?
by DocHouse inyes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
My, all you two have are smug insults.
No WONDER they DFed you!
Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?
by DocHouse inyes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
Safe from WHAT- thinking?
Atheist now?