JoinedTopics Started by DocHouse
Churches: Praise the LORD! ---- JWs: Praise the Org!
by DocHouse insad but true; i've yet to be at a meeting where the org/ 'fds' isn't praised....
Bizarre contrast of 'Gospel' Coprolite!
by DocHouse inchurches: jesus switched bodies for you and has risen!.
jw org: jesus has been ruling for 100 years!.
both equally ridiculous!~.
Still pointing your Finger when having a Rafter in your eye?
by DocHouse inyes- everyone has faults and makes mistakes; an organization even more so.. yet, you ignore all the fingers pointing at you.. many here have no faith.
many here go to churches who lie about everything biblical; look at x-mas!.
but at least we know god and christ and try to live up to their name!.
How to Avoid the Faithless Spirit of most here-
by DocHouse in1- pray to god (whomever you may imagine him to be) asking for understanding.
2- study the background about the bible (from non-religious sources) to see where it came from.
3- discard (or at least set aside) chuyrch claims and dogma.. 4- read it, looking up archaeological/historical sources about the places and peoples referred to.