Is it just me but when Serena won Venus didn't even crack a smile! She looked like she was sucking a lemon instead!
BTW all the JW's I know are busy now saying " what a wonderful witness for Jehovah she gave!"
a huffington post link to an article where serena williams 'secret weapon' is you know who..... interesting read .
Is it just me but when Serena won Venus didn't even crack a smile! She looked like she was sucking a lemon instead!
BTW all the JW's I know are busy now saying " what a wonderful witness for Jehovah she gave!"
i watched/ listened to the brave and courageous souls on youtube who bravely recorded their jc's.
you really see a different and horrid side to the elders there.
it might sound whimpy but i don't think i would be able to stand strong like those guys did.
I watched/ listened to the brave and courageous souls on YouTube who bravely recorded their JC's. You really see a different and horrid side to the elders there. It might sound whimpy but I don't think I would be able to stand strong like those guys did. I think under their twisting reasoning and interrogation I would just crumble.
I wonder if anyone has ever got into that situation and then lied about being apostate just to keep in with their family etc?
I'm being very careful in what I do and say so that I don't get discovered. That's all, you can go ahead and call me a whimp now...
Maybe the bro's who think up these insane pics are smoking wacky bacy or similar?
Seriously though what's so wrong with lions? I seem to recall they are a constant feature of every "paradise" PIC...?
i can't believe they had the cheek to come out with that explanation.. it's no more "new light" it's "new scam"!!
Surely? Surely there must be tons of jw's out there who are mentally shaking their heads at this?
Surely the penny must drop in their minds soon?
i had this idea of topic when john aquila made me laugh in one of his post when he said : new light!the governing body has the right to have sex with all the new virgins that get baptized before they get married.. and then i've decided to open this topic to ask this (stupid but funny) question : if you was in the gb, what's the "new light you will want to fight for?
I would have instead of theocratic min school. I would have a school training people in objective thinking and have people using outside sources for study.
But if you want a joke, I'd have a rule that all the bro's and sis's were now to wear the same clothes as worn in Jesus day. I mean dresses for men with sandles, beards etc... I'd like to see how many converts they would get after that!!!
Also how about imitation of Jesus at the temple? Once a month publishers could be commanded to go into their local banks and churches with whips and trash the place as much as possible while shouting "encouring" scriptures!
i note on here the feedback from the currently ongoing conventions that the gb are heavily trying to guilt and shame any brothers who are not ms or elders.
i agree with most posters who reckon this shows just how thin on the ground they are for ms and elders but... my question is.
how comes that even though they are so desperate they still will not allow women to fill those roles?
I note on here the feedback from the currently ongoing conventions that the GB are heavily trying to guilt and shame any brothers who are not MS or elders. I agree with most posters who reckon this shows just how thin on the ground they are for MS and elders but... My question is
How comes that even though they are so desperate they still will not allow women to fill those roles? I mean how desperate would they have to get???
i saw an instagram post showing a short clip of a talk being given in one of our southern states.
the talk clip showed speaker making the statement, "jehovah doesn't want anyone to know satans real name, jehovah hates satan so much, he doesn't even want his name mentioned" .
i posted in comments: matt 5:44-48 with the full scripture rendered from niv.
"everytime you want to do something think at what jesus would have done at your place".
every one already heard that once, i'm sure.. what's funny and i always dreamt to do, but never had the courage, it's to take the box where you put contributions and throw it at the ground to break it.
elders : "what are you doing?".
so i went out today with my broken leg and got accosted by an old lady, with some magazines.. it was my first ever encounter with a jw in ten years, and i had said 'i know you are jw's, i'm not interested thank you.
" twice.....then she started talking about my broken leg and how wonderful we are made and how amazing the healing process is.... and that's when it all started...."i used to be a bethelite pioneer, now i'm an atheist doctor...".
she was with me a good 30 mins, her elder husband left very annoyed but she stayed, and she was dying to hear everything i spurted out, despite aggressively defending every point, from military engines to paedophilia.
Hey sweetie, you did great! Hope your leg heals well. Congrats on graduating too.
if satan is the greatest apostate there is, why he was allowed to be in heaven?
job chapters 1 and 2 says that jehovah talked to him.
wasn't jehovah supposed to shun his son and set an example to all parents?.