"This data they acquired without member’s knowledge or
How? How did they get this data? Did they stalk the person? Hack the person?
from one of our informants inside the watchtower.
(same person whosent us videos from the legal dept., accounting dept., pioneer school,and so forth.
) atlantis told him that he is walking on a razors edge,to be extremely careful.his email message:1. watch tower has no right to demand you to sign a consent form.
"This data they acquired without member’s knowledge or
How? How did they get this data? Did they stalk the person? Hack the person?
from the jw.org global data page.
"upon receipt of your written request, after you provide sufficient evidence of your identity and enough information to permit us to identify your personal data, the applicable data controller will fairly consider granting the request by balancing the interests of the individual in gaining access to data or correcting or deleting data against the legitimate interests of the organization, including whether granting the request would endanger the organization’s right to religious freedom and practice.
we will also notify any third-party recipients of the necessary changes.. please note that your data may not be erased if processing is required by law or if the data may be kept on other legal bases.
From the jw.org global data page
"Upon receipt of your written request, after you provide sufficient evidence of your identity and enough information to permit us to identify your personal data, the applicable data controller will fairly consider granting the request by balancing the interests of the individual in gaining access to data or correcting or deleting data against the legitimate interests of the organization, including whether granting the request would endanger the organization’s right to religious freedom and practice. We will also notify any third-party recipients of the necessary changes.
Please note that your data may not be erased if processing is required by law or if the data may be kept on other legal bases. For example, the religious organization has an interest in permanently maintaining data regarding an individual’s status as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Deleting such information would unduly infringe on the organization’s religious beliefs and practices. Requests to delete personal data are subject to any applicable legal reporting or document retention requirements imposed on us. You may also lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority about the processing of the data you have provided through this website."
You can see here that they also have allowed themselves the right to keep your data regardless of wether you want them to or not, can this be legal? Or are they banking on the rank and file not challenging this?
i've just been watching theleaked videos that fay dehr has provided, they really scared me and i can't understand how legally they can justify keeping contact det ails for people who refuse to sign their new data form?
surely the law states that they must destroy the data if the person refuses to sign?.
also i'd like to look at their data form and the terms and conditions (the small print) that comes with it, where can i find this?.
I've just been watching theleaked videos that Fay dehr has provided, they really scared me and I can't understand how legally they can justify keeping contact det ails for people who refuse to sign their new data form? Surely the law states that they must destroy the data if the person refuses to sign?
Also I'd like to look at their data form and the terms and conditions (the small print) that comes with it, where can I find this?
i thought it would be enlightening to see what jws said 100 years ago.
it's no different as we check out the jan 1, 1918 watch tower and herald of christ's presence.. .
Wow they were even more badly written back then!
here's a link to a common form that publishers are required to fill in if they want to participate in city cart witnessing:.
note on the reverse of the form comments that elders write, and a box to rate your "spirituality"!
What are the options to tick for what level of spiritual the jw is?
ok with the push for more personal data to be held by watchtower.. what if... they one day came out and said great news brothers and sisters.
we are soon to be launching jw internet.
you can soon cancel your service provider and sign up to ours.
I think many would sign up.... but I reckon it would not be used exclusively the bros are more savvy than that, I think they would sign up just to show willing but would do all the usual stuff on Google. So no advertising revenue to be had there.
Also how would they enforce it? All the jws would have to do is just lie and say they had signed up to it when they hadn't
it's my first time on this site though i am no stranger in the ex-jw community.
i come to you now asking for your assistance in what to present to the dean of students at my university.. why am i meeting with dean of students, you may ask?
because today, while innocently finishing an assignment in the school library, i happened to look out the window and see the jws with their stupid little cart.
Please do update us!
And I agree put them on camera and co front them with (apostate) truths, they will soon run for the hills!
And educate your fellow students about them too in case the jws try to target the uni in other ways
just looked at the convention program.
what weird artwork.
and the odd voices on the bible reading "gee-hoooe_vaah".
Yes I've noticed in the past couple of years the American pronunciation of Jehovah has gotten very odd indeed with a big emphasis on the "hooo" part
after listening to the leaked videos this is what i think it’s all about.
first i don’t believe they will want to much personal information ie bank accounts etc do to potential legal problems down the road.
what i think is their goal is once all publishers are in the data base they then have no need for written information about any issue concerning a publisher and how issues are handled by elders and the branch etc... this information now is in their own data base and can be deleted or manipulated by them at any time.
This would explain why, in the 5 congs I've attended in my life the official membership numbers were around 150-200 but mostly an average of 65 only showed up and on the memorial night's it was big news if we tipped the 100+ mark.
And yes I agree that this is almost certainly a way to flush out the faders, perhaps with the elders resorting to their old tactics of sitting outside the house in a dark car watching and stalking to get dirt on the fader?
i remember an elder questioning a woman who had admitted to giving and receiving oral sex from her unbelieving mate.
he asked her the most intimate questions which clearly flustered her.
interestingly, she “confessed “ to the elders because her conscience bothered her.
That experiments had been done at London zoo where they fed straw to the lions and the lions behaviour became peaceful and calm as a result, so that was proof of what lions will be like in paradise and not want to eat meat.
Of course this is untrue, lions are built in every way to catch and eat meat.
Oh and my favourite. .. women deserve to be treated as second class citizens because eve ate the Apple first! Lol
And another said in an answer in the watchtower study, "the planet's and stars obit eachother perfectly, they never crash into eachother and this shows how perfectly God has made the universe! "
... that we people in the northern hemisphere would have tropical animals as pets!
That the continent's would be fitted back together in Pangaea, so that we didn't have to travel overseas in the new system
And also in the new system we wouldn't have seasons, so that there would still be plenty to eat and no freezing weather during winter!
How did I swallow this for all those years??