JoinedPosts by NoMoreHustle
Still waiting for my prayers to be answered or understanding to be RE-Adjusted!
by NoMoreHustle inso about 2 years ago when i started to feel like something was wrong with the religion (jw cult) i was in, i was told by close friend to just study more & pray incessantly to jehovah!.
well after careful consideration of the steps to re-build my faith in jw cult, i would have to say that after more rigorous study & prayer than ever before in the history of mankind, nothing answered, no new enlightment!.
except for me figuring out that it is a scam!
Still waiting for my prayers to be answered or understanding to be RE-Adjusted!
by NoMoreHustle inso about 2 years ago when i started to feel like something was wrong with the religion (jw cult) i was in, i was told by close friend to just study more & pray incessantly to jehovah!.
well after careful consideration of the steps to re-build my faith in jw cult, i would have to say that after more rigorous study & prayer than ever before in the history of mankind, nothing answered, no new enlightment!.
except for me figuring out that it is a scam!
So about 2 years ago when I started to feel like something was wrong with the religion (JW cult) I was in, I was told by close friend to just STUDY MORE & PRAY INCESSANTLY TO JEHOVAH!
Well after careful consideration of the steps to re-build my faith in JW Cult, I would have to say that after more rigorous STUDY & PRAYER than ever before in the history of mankind, nothing answered, no new enlightment!
Except for me figuring out that IT IS A SCAM! IT IS A CULT! IT IS ALL ABOUT MONEY!
You ever notice how personalities change when CO comes around?
by dugout inisn't it sickning when normaly people in the cong don't even speak to you.
but when the co visits comes they want to shake your hand and even (cringe) hug you?
then as soon as he leaves back to normal.
I used to be offnded when they didn't choose me on Saturday service. Now I don't give a rats ass! I have been in for 20 years now. So at about 2 visits per year that puts it at about 40 something visits. I can count on 1 hand how many times I worked with him. I was not a "popular or spiritual minded brother" People would be falling alll-over themselves to impress
?'s like: Who is gonna volunteer for lunch?
Who's bible study are they gonna go on?
Who is giving student talks during visit?
The Internet Proves JWs Are a Joke Now
by jw07 ini'm a born in, born in the 1980s and old enough to remember studying beefy (albeit full of crap) material like the the evolution book and revelation book (which we studied over and over and over and over).
books and brochures were wordy and chock full of legalistic language explaining away teachings and policies, some explanations slightly above the iq of the average person.. watchtower studies were longer (30 paragraphs sometimes), talks were longer and thus meetings were longer, pioneering was harder (70 hours if i remember correctly), assemblies and conventions were longer, and there were intricate food provisions to feed thousands of people (for a cost of course).. the average jw could recite watchtower propaganda for hours to indoctrinate others or defend their faith.
jws were interested in having meaty discussions at the door and challenging even pastors on doctrinal points.. i know this has been said many times, but the organization has gone through a massive dumbing down.. i can't figure out if it's due to the oblivious nature of the current governing body, a premeditated attempt by them at dumbing down the organization, or just the effects of life becoming easier around the globe due to reliance on technology.. i can only speak on my era, and i know that from the early 90s until around 2004 the organization was allot more doctrine savy.. over the past decade or so i'd say the collective iq of the followers has moved from 105 to 85.. indoctrination and blind belief has allot to do with being prone to be emotionally manipulated, but thinking ability has a say in that too.. social media is a decent gauge of how and what the average person within a certain demographic is thinking, and doing a simple hashtag search on twitter, instagram, or facebook reveals allot about how the current generation of young jws (15-28 or thereabout) are thinking.. many have become self obsessed, internet obsessed, hubris filled and passive, i can see an even bigger decline in growth over the next 5 years.. take a look:.
I agree 100%. The photos that they are posting are alarming. I am not trying to slam them for having fun or express themselves but this type of thing even 5 years ago would be unheard of. It looks like the ORG is loosening up but we know that it is the other way around "IF YOUR NOT WITH US THAN YOUR AGAINST US"
The GB has got to be promoting all of this crap (or looking other way) JW Instagram etc. It's all about MARKETING there BUSINESS! People on there are acting like bafoons sometimes & the corniest pictures I have ever seen. It is truly embarrassing!
Go Bag
by notsurewheretogo inmy still-in wife has asked we prepare a "go-bag" with all the stuff we need in case of a natural disaster....we live in a country where there is none!.
but when i asked where this all came from she mentioned hurricanes etc but again we live in an area where they can never be things like this.. thus i suspect this is a society based instruction...can anyone enlighten me?.
are the society advising dubs to be doom preppers???
I remember them going over this as well. I distinctly remember them saying "Isn't this loving of the GB to prepare us".
I said to my wife that night "Didn't they just have the same info on the 5 o'clock news?" Friggin' IDIOTS!
I know there is NO GOD
by jam inisis, plain and simple.
if there is a god there is no way he.
would allow this to occur (beheading of james foley).
The question I have been wondering is Isn't God's heart hurting at what he (SUPPOSEDLY) sees on a global scale every minute of every day? How many more murders, rapes, human atrocities can continue.
When you see those kids being rescued on a helicopter from ISIS the fear on those kids face is just so sad & heart wrenching. The first thing I said to myself is "WHERE IS GOD" I mean that is who is suppose to fix ALL PROBLEMS! SOMEDAY
by NoMoreHustle ini had listened to the degrading talk by gb heard (on women) & watched a video on evie bklyn channel & there was alot of interesting questions that are raised.. i had always wondered why can't women in the hall handle mics or run magazine counter etc.?
but they (if annointed) will rule in heaven with jesus.
that is a pretty heavy responsibility to help jesus rule millions of people on earth, but yet they can't pass a mic or even run the sound system in the kh.
I had listened to the degrading talk by GB Heard (on women) & watched a video on evie bklyn channel & there was alot of interesting questions that are raised.
I had always wondered why can't women in the hall handle mics or run magazine counter etc.? But they (if annointed) will rule in heaven with Jesus. That is a pretty heavy responsibility to help Jesus rule millions of people on earth, but yet they can't pass a mic or even run the sound system in the KH. Absolutely makes no sense.
These are pretty small jobs in KH compared to the task of ruling humans from heaven. It always seemed STUPID to me that they can't participate & help! I figured out that the GB just don't know what the hell they are talking about!!
Why are so many JW's smug & phony?
by NoMoreHustle inin my 20 years of being in this cult i was always struck at how alot of ones in my immediate hall never really talked to me or tried to get to know me.
i know it is a two way street & i always tried to rbe nice & polite to everyone.
i am shy person but i went beyond what i was comfortable with in trying to be likeable!.
ZEB: I know of a situation like that too. A sister in the hall has a mentally slow person in family that goes to meetings with them. The people there treat her like she has the plague or something. They will talk to her or gesture to her from a far, she is treated like an outcast.
The only couple of times I saw some sort of friendliness with this girl, it was so akward like a politician doing a phot op with someone. PHONY!
I always thought that is not love.
Why are so many JW's smug & phony?
by NoMoreHustle inin my 20 years of being in this cult i was always struck at how alot of ones in my immediate hall never really talked to me or tried to get to know me.
i know it is a two way street & i always tried to rbe nice & polite to everyone.
i am shy person but i went beyond what i was comfortable with in trying to be likeable!.
In my 20 years of being in this cult I was always struck at how alot of ones in my immediate hall never really talked to me or tried to get to know me. I know it is a two way street & i always tried to rbe nice & polite to everyone. I am shy person but I went beyond what I was comfortable with in trying to be LIKEABLE!
Alot of the friends are very smug & could care less if you are there. It drives me nuts that they think they are so important in there little CLICK.
Just a little rant. Thanx
Singing, dancing, etc at Int. Conv's, pushed by top leadership?
by WingCommander inover the past several months, we've seen a flood of youtube video's showing not just the advertising of the cities for the international conventions, but also of the "entertainment" happening at various convention halls and congregations.
examples would be the line-dancing, worldly music, dancing outside the conventions, etc.
many of us who grew up in this ultra-strict, thou-shalt-not cult are left with our jaws on the floor at this seemingly "worldly" display of showy, excessive, mainstream behaviour.. progress is happening.
I played music at the hall at someone's wedding a few years ago. I suggested that we play a real nice song that is not a kingdom melody one & they were floored at what I had suggested. It was Rachmaninoff-Rhapsody on a theme by Paganinni. "It was still classical music I thought".
Now there pumping Pharrell in the KH. They made me feel like I was a slimeball