Stupid me does not know how to copy paste pics from Instagram site. Just look, I really don't need to say anything else!! NMH
stupid me does not know how to copy paste pics from instagram site.
Stupid me does not know how to copy paste pics from Instagram site. Just look, I really don't need to say anything else!! NMH
just watched the latest installment of jw-tv november series.
uhh basically made me sick to my stomach!
first thing that stood out to me is that during or after all the "testimonys" of these individuals they start crying & getting all emotional.
Band on The Run: I know they are not "mainstream". But I think that they are trying to be more Attractive & Hip so that one day they can be. You are right about "knocking on door" thing. I know somebody rings my doorbell, I won't even answer it, peeping out window to see who the hell is ringing!! Either it is a cop or salesman!
just watched the latest installment of jw-tv november series.
uhh basically made me sick to my stomach!
first thing that stood out to me is that during or after all the "testimonys" of these individuals they start crying & getting all emotional.
I inserted "testimonies". I know they are called "experiences" it just seemed fitting to me since they are just like every other religion now. Now they are Mainstream & All About The Money
just watched the latest installment of jw-tv november series.
uhh basically made me sick to my stomach!
first thing that stood out to me is that during or after all the "testimonys" of these individuals they start crying & getting all emotional.
Just watched the latest installment of JW-TV November series. Uhh basically made me sick to my stomach! First thing that stood out to me is that during or after all the "Testimonys" of these individuals they start crying & getting all emotional. This is getting rediculous already.
Be careful if you watch, I had to watch in small segments because I started to get BRAINWASHED!!!!
i heard from a reliable source that a one-day assembly in arizona last weekend had a "cost" to the publishers of $17,000.. predictably, the elders were nice enough to obligate the attendees to a $6,000 donation to wt before the assembly "costs" (i.e.
"rent/extortion) were even met.
$11,000 rent plus $6000 in extra "donations".
AndDontCallMeShirley: That's how much it was at ours as well!
the recent circuit assembly day cost get this... $17,0000 in an assembly hall that they own!
this was announced during the assmbly at the 3/4 mark of days activities.
after he said how much the assembly cost, he then proceeded to say that we have recieved $6,000 in donations up to this point of the day.
There was 1700 people there. You should've seen it that place was hopping!! I glanced around for a bit during lunch & noticed people taking selfies!!! It was the "best time ever". NOT!! So maybe $17,000 then 1700 people every soul must pay $10 for our top notch facility!!
many outside are now aware of the scam.... the brother announces a "deficit" at the assemblies.
what they dont announce is that the so called expenses include a predetermined donation to the branch.
meaning, the assembly hall is paid for so the basic expenses should be utilities, maybe some speaker expenses and a 52nd share of property taxes and the like.... however the "deficit" always seems to run into the thousands with "expenses incured" totaling 7-10k.
I was just present at one where costs were $17,000!! For one day!! I think this is gonna backfire one day. It is one thing to be brainwashed about beliefs that are wrong, but another thing to be brainwashed & broke by a religious organization. Personally I don't care what happens to this cult but I just gotta get loved ones OUT!!
the recent circuit assembly day cost get this... $17,0000 in an assembly hall that they own!
this was announced during the assmbly at the 3/4 mark of days activities.
after he said how much the assembly cost, he then proceeded to say that we have recieved $6,000 in donations up to this point of the day.
The recent Circuit Assembly Day cost get this... $17,0000 in an Assembly Hall that they own! This was announced during the assmbly at the 3/4 mark of days activities. After he said how much the assembly cost, he then proceeded to say that we have recieved $6,000 in donations up to this point of the day. He then said "Thank You". I don't understand how they can justify this at all. Anybody with half of a brain sitting in attendance has got to see that there is something very, very wrong here.
Oh and there is another one next weekend and so on
found this video of the entertainment preperation for the delegates in atlanta, u.s. this seems to be professionally done maybe outside sources or probably done by "professional" jw's.
this is just like christendom or all the other religious organizations that they deem to be from the devil.
the people seem to be very sincere in there efforts & is much appreciated,.
THOMASCOVENANT: I hear ya completely! I am resenting all of this BS myself. I think back at how I gave up a pursuing a music career to pursue "Kingdom Interests" & get baptized etc. I wasted 20 years of my life & maybe could've had a music career of some sort. Had very connections growing up in music industry. Not gonna cry about it! But I would be lying if I said it doesn't bother me!
Now it is OK for these ones to indulge in there musical fantasies. The WT are a bunch of "Hypocrites" telling people not to pursue goals, careers etc. Always keeping there "THUMB" on you. NMH
found this video of the entertainment preperation for the delegates in atlanta, u.s. this seems to be professionally done maybe outside sources or probably done by "professional" jw's.
this is just like christendom or all the other religious organizations that they deem to be from the devil.
the people seem to be very sincere in there efforts & is much appreciated,.
Found this video of the entertainment preperation for the delegates in Atlanta, U.S. This seems to be professionally done maybe outside sources or probably done by "Professional" JW's. This is just like Christendom or all the other religious organizations that they deem to be from the devil. The people seem to be very sincere in there efforts & is much appreciated,
BUT.... This kind of thing I thought was frowned upon. Not to be in the spotlight, not to make a show of yourself, not to have these aspirational yearnings in your life of being prominent in the "WORLD". It is such a double standard.