My friend at the ICD (Internet Crime Department) has this persons IP address and is doing a trace we should know who he/she is and where they stay quite soon, I'll keep you posted
Wouldn't it be good if you could do that?
My friend at the ICD (Internet Crime Department) has this persons IP address and is doing a trace we should know who he/she is and where they stay quite soon, I'll keep you posted
Wouldn't it be good if you could do that?
it was a place, where paradise already existed.... is it just me or are jw,s getting crazier?.
check out this site.
Is the lady on his left sitting on is knee?? I think she is wearing a rather fetching mix and match outfit as well, charming
ok, i'm now da'd as many of you already know.
it's so fresh that my stomach turns everytime the subject comes up about religion.
however, something that does puzzle me a how do you answer people when they ask you the question "what religion are you?
I believe in love and start singing a Beatles number
I think I have only been asked 3 or 4 times and I just say I'm not religious but thanks for asking
But MASH has a much better way of answering, quality
my son just informed me that his grandfather left him and his brother, (his only grandsons) , money for their education.. i had no idea, of the amount but it did make sense to me...a suposed $50,000.00 but the will was on a small personal computer and promptly erased by someone in my mom's kh at her request.. she has in the mean time shunned me, and low and behold sent $200,000.00 to the society.
this tires me beyond belief.. thanks for listneing....i am feeling crazy!.
That skinks more than a stinkery, I hope you work something out
My father in law told us to our face that he had cut us out of his will as well as we had stopped going to the meetings, it was good of him to let us know, prick!!
Any how I don't want his stinking money he can give it to the borg
my parents worship a god that they believe is going to kill me and their grandchildren.. thomas covenant
Replace god for cult and you are nearly there
It amazes me this one as you would think if we are not going to be here for much longer they would want to spend more time with us before we pop our clogs but instead you get told "we have to limit the time we can spend with you"
Rulz are rulz I guess
i bet some still carry them.
you all know what i'm talking about; there were at least 3 brothers in the congregation that had one.
thank god my father wasn't one of them.
My Dad has a tan coloured one with a brass fastener he has had it for years but just stuffs papers and what not in it, I have no idea why he doesn't through it out maybe it has good memories or something or maybe it reminds him of when I carried it too meetings for him
these are just 3 things that i was shocked to learn when i was in the org.
they may not seem like big things to some, but they are to me.. 1. speakers at the d.a.
had food catered to them.
Reading the old books and seeing all the crazy dates that were written down in black and white
Being appointed by Holy Spirit as an MS what pish that was
The fact that their love is conditional not all encompassing so not really AGAPE love that they teach
DO's and CO's being looked upon as great guys when really they were paid and given a company car, what an easy number
Having to report your hours is not a requirement to be a follower of Jesus
be sure to share it with us... visit and scroll down to the smurf picture.. daniel (odoriferous smurf).
Pantsless Smurf, wtf is going on here??
A smurf with no pants, well thats just like saying the world will end in 1975 is a JW behind this?
i' curious how everyone came up with these unique alias names.
my partner gave me mine because my favorite meat is ham.. hambeak
Hmm, I like Roman stuff, take it to the Max Brutus old boy
i love carling 'extra cold' lager.. .
i am going to the pub tonight - whoo!
I'm a light weight so I can drinks loads of Tennets, Miller Genuine Draft and I am now into a wee Brazilian beer called Brahma, very nice
Have a great night and no nonsense