Scotsman, he reminds me of my wee ginger pal only a bit bigger, they have a mental streak those ginger folk don't they
Nice ink by the way, good message
ok, so i got some new ink yesterday.
whoa whoa whoa now.
i'm not jumping in to this thing head first, this had been planned since day one.
Scotsman, he reminds me of my wee ginger pal only a bit bigger, they have a mental streak those ginger folk don't they
Nice ink by the way, good message
would you still remember most names of jw's in your congregation if you saw them again.. let it be the children or people your age or older.. gee, even when i was active, i knew less than half the names of brothers and sisters and their kids..
Sadly yes JH, they are emblazoned in my brain for a long time sadly
a while ago someone had put a photo on here that was taken at the british museum.
it was of something with the date of the fall of jerusalem inprinted on it.
i can't find the thread.
Oh that old chestnut I'll be standing there for days, I 've been stood up before you know
I can't quite remember if that is a nook or a cranny your getting me into
Oh and I just hope those fig leaves are big
See you there
just adopted a collie mix from the pound.
4 yrs.
old and has had about as many litters of puppies, from the looks of her.
You have to remember you will be shouting her when you take her out so a naff name would make you look nuts, you might like that of course
How about Collix, you said it was a Collie Mix
Kiera, Tanya, Betty, Senga, Izzy, Rosie, Skye
Just a few to be getting on with
a while ago someone had put a photo on here that was taken at the british museum.
it was of something with the date of the fall of jerusalem inprinted on it.
i can't find the thread.
I enjoyed the tours especially the big doors from Assyria I think
Unlike Crumpet I was unable to get a damsel into a nook let alone a cranny oh the very idea!!
We did the whole Bethel thing when we went down as well
on saturday, september 9th, 2006 i will be running my first 5k (3 miles) race in the freedom run (
we start running at 8:30 am.
there will also be a 1 mile walk for anyone who wants to support the cause but is not up to running three miles.
Sorry I can't be there to cheer you on but I am sure you will do great
I ran a 10K here at the weekend now if I can do that you can do 5K no probs
All the best
i remember that magazines and books came in faster than i could read, it was accumulating fast.
in my first years, i didn't dare throw away anything.
even later when i was starting to cool down, i still had mountains of books, magazines and brochures.
Yes, no problem there, I paid for it so I can do what I want with it
I still have an Aid Book with my name on it, my folks gave me it when I got dooked, I don't use it but it would seem wrong some how to throw it out
i really fancy a cup of tea and a cake, maybe cos i am british?
A nice wee Lotto win would be nice thank you very much, then the UK curry fest would be easier to say yes to
i would always leave a space between me and someone else.
i hated when someone was seated right next to me.
didn't feel comfortable.. i also loved sitting in back of a tall person, that would hide everything, like that i could close my eyes and the speaker wouldn't
Platform duty sat at front
Mike duty sat at back ready for action
Sound duty sat at back kiddin on I was a DJ
On platform for WT reading duty
If not doing any of the above sat anywhere
Kids came always at back and told off for reading too many kids books and not paying attention
our congregation had some of the best circuit overseers money could buy!.
Good grief Tijkmo you have rang a few bells there I can tell ya
Gordon Webb, John Flack, John Andrews, Ray Midgley, Alistair Campbell to name but a few stayed at our place when they visited, it was a bummer as I had to give up my room for them, oh and Michael Reid as well
Ray was a header indeed big Al's wife recounted stories of Brazil and how shoes she got repaired became possessed and she had to throw them out
Some funny stories but also some sad stories
Who was the big heavy guy with the bald head that sadly passed away a few years back? He married a younger sister if I remember correctly
Scott from Riddrie went on temp circuit for a while if I remember