I found my lovely wife, after a horrible 17 years with a nutcase that I was suppose to stay with my whole life.
more than one thing for me, but i have learned to enjoy festivals, and just enjoying free time.
it's not that the org wouldn't allow it, i just felt i shouldn't.
there are others, of course, and i really have been happier and good things have come my way since i left.
I found my lovely wife, after a horrible 17 years with a nutcase that I was suppose to stay with my whole life.
now i'm not preaching hatred here i am just expressing how i've felt for years even when i was a jw.. i totally loathe the police/policticians...any authority......anyone that is over anyone else.
i have a total hatred of them all.
i wonder if it's because i was raised a jw?.
my son sees his grandparents who are active jw's and has told me that they now have bugout bags by the door by direction of the society.
my question is, if s*&t hits the fan where are they bugging too?
everybody meeting at the hall?
My son sees his grandparents who are active JW's and has told me that they now have bugout bags by the door by direction of the society. My question is, if S*&t hits the fan where are they bugging too? Everybody meeting at the Hall? Maybe to drink the coolaid? Jehov will give directions to biggest safe hole? Just curious.
just curious to see how many on here like to carve up roads.
if so what type of bike and where do you ride.. 1987 yamaha fj1200.
1986 yamaha fj1200.
Sounds like this Overseer needs to ride with me on my daily commute through Dallas traffic. He would freak! I dont drive crazy either! Every car out there is out to kill you. There is always someone who tries to spoil the day and what right does he have to come to that judgement. Guess he is guided by the big hand from above.
just curious to see how many on here like to carve up roads.
if so what type of bike and where do you ride.. 1987 yamaha fj1200.
1986 yamaha fj1200.
Im currently building a 1996 CBR600F3 for a JW coworker. Will have it running this weekend.
just curious to see how many on here like to carve up roads.
if so what type of bike and where do you ride.. 1987 yamaha fj1200.
1986 yamaha fj1200.
Just curious to see how many on here like to carve up roads. If so what type of bike and where do you ride.
1987 Yamaha FJ1200
1986 Yamaha FJ1200
1985 Honda vfr500 interceptor
1984 Yamaha FJ1100 Intercooled alcohol injected turbo Pro street.
Dallas Texas is building a new 635 expressway that is going to be excellent. I have logged over 11,000 miles in the last 6 months on my 1987 FJ . I also enjoy riding in Arkansas on HYW7 and HYW540 going to Bentonville
Safe riding all,
i am having a discussion at work with the jw's.
should you spank a child to make them understand or do you reason with them.
they both agree with spanking.
I remember a time when my youngest sister (about 8 years old) got into trouble with my mom. I dont remember what for but mom bent her over the bed and gave her 3 quick swats with a belt. She turned around and suppressing the urge to cry looked up at mom and said, "That didnt hurt" in as defiant a tone as possible.
I remember thinking oh crap she is toast. Mom looked at her and said....."this one will"! I should have gotten the butter ready!
hi guys,.
i am so out of touch with tv shows and i have got a lot of catching up to do.. some-one suggested dexter and it was fantastic and what an ending.
really loved it.
i am having a discussion at work with the jw's.
should you spank a child to make them understand or do you reason with them.
they both agree with spanking.
the latest wtaf dub convention video...enjoy.