Great seeing you Billy! Seeing this flag waving at the hall really sticks in my craw after all the times I was ridiculed growing up for not saluting the flag or saying the pledge.
Just saying!
joe, sorry, you'll have to eat some humble pie.. .
thank you so much for the poster on who sent these pics!!
can't have been better!!.
Great seeing you Billy! Seeing this flag waving at the hall really sticks in my craw after all the times I was ridiculed growing up for not saluting the flag or saying the pledge.
Just saying!
i stumbled upon this website a few weeks ago due to the ridiculousness, since then i haven't been able to pull myself away.
the thoughts, feelings, and concerns i have had the past few years aren't just mine.
it's global.
Can you emagine going through life with a cold rubber mask on your face because you where told from birth that the air outside would kill you?
One day the strap breaks off the rubber mask and it falls off.
You do your best to hold your breath till you can't any longer. Knowing from what you have been told you will die. Letting your breath out you for the first time, you smell the fresh air of fall.
In your mind you will have these little fears of doubt about how dangerous it is to breath but the freshness fills your lungs.
You say to yourself WTF! I could have been breathing this fresh wonderful air the whole time!
The last thing you want to do again is hold your breath.
I have started the same journey so lets enjoy the ride. Welcome and goodluck in your journey.
i've just glanced out my window and i saw the most picturesque countryside.
i do believe we're entering autumn.
so summer has had its day and like an old friend slipped away and we moves do you feel about entering autumn?.
Autumn is here and time to jump on one of these! Absolutely love the cool weather!
i've applied to be reinstatement in a new city after attending meetings for a bit.
i wrote my letter and they heard my case.
they were very helpful.
Theron: [ before raping Queen Gorgo in 300 ] This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this.
my wife (a blonde) told this one to our son and i yesterday, knowing we'd find it really funny.. .
a blonde woman was speeding down the road in her little red sports car and was pulled over by a woman police officer who was also a blonde.
the blonde cop asked to see the blonde driver's license.
What do you call a blonde at the bottom of a swimming pool? An air pocket.
Sorry Blondie, nothing personal!
as you all know i am just going thru the motions.
well today during the brain washing session.
one stupid elder made the comment i quote "the website is the most visited website in the world!
By now the Witnesses hold about every record there is. If you dont believe me just ask one! Definition of delusional!
this bus load of people crashes off of a cliff it is very late in the day.
st peter is about to call it quits for the day and they don't have very many spaces left that day in heaven.
when he finally gets to the last two on the bus there is only one spot left.. he explains that this has happened before and that what they do is draw a word out of a hat and whoever makes the best poem gets to go to heaven and the other one got to well you know.
someting happened yesterday that i thought might be noteworty enough to relate to you here.. mrs. eyz and i were invited to my new boss's home for his annual end of summer party.
it's a pretty big deal....his is a name known locally (i'll call him j.r.) a really nice interesting guy who's held a number of high level and politically connected jobs.
there was to be music, dancing, wine and reprotedly lots of well dressed, well educated, well to do and influential people (oh yes...and us) in attendance.. anyway we thought we'd make an occasion out of it and got ourselves spiffed up which involved new outfits and extra mirror time before we left home.
this is my first post on here so bear with me.
currently i am still an active jw with serious questions about the jw org.
i was hesitant signing up but really need as much input from the people on this forum to get a clear understanding on things.
From my experience with friends who are gay I have never actually heard of someone becoming gay. They are born with these feelings and have no choice in the matter. They can only hide it or ignore their feeling which is dangerous in itself. My best friend growing up was a catholic and I found out in later years he was gay. He ate a shot gun at the age of 18 because of the emotional stress. His brother told me he never could get over the guilt he felt.
i walked in about 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting- i sure looked like an unusual visitor wearing my best jeans a golf shirt and my yarmulke.. the first brother who approached me was an slighly built late middle age guy- he gave me a big hello and extended his hand.
i pulled out my 'end of false religion tract' and showed it to him.
"did you put this in my door?