I hear ya loud and clear Xena. I find that it is usually those with the loudest voices proclaiming open mindedness and tollerence who are the most narrow and unaccepting of contrary opinions. If you say that you don't want your child to turn out gay, you are simply stating a truthful viewpoint, but many "open minded" people will immediatly start calling you a homophobic redneck and brand you with a plethora of steryotypes and stigmas, the very things they accuse others of doing. My Dad's girlfriend is one of those "enlightened," Birkenstok-wearing, make-up shunning women and considers herself very open minded. When I was single, I would talk to my dad about my dating life in blunt and honest terms saying things like "this chick was so stupid" and "this honey coulda used a bit of a boob job, but aside from that she was smokin!" From those early days, I have been labled a chauvanist in her mind and will be forever unable to change it. I have been called names and had negative assumptions made about me on this board for simply stating my opinion, often by people who call themselves as open minded, when a simple statement of disagreement would have sufficed. I think the most basic reaction in human nature to ideas that contrast with our own is to be afraid of them and to attack them, but that what makes us civilized is the acceptance of differing ideas, even though we may not agree with them. Personaly, I believe that religion nurtures the more basic reaction and not the civilized one.
Posts by Adam
by Xena inyou know most of us spend a large part of our lives in a religion that allowed for no independant thinking.
we were taught and taught others that ours was the only way and anyone who thought differently was going to be judged unworthy and die.
anyone who presumed to think outside the box was branded "apostate" or not good association.
Tell about the good JWs
by Skeptic inmost of the jws i met were sincere people.
not perfect, i have my horror stories too, but most were decent people.
i am not discounting the horrible things i hear on this forum.
I remember this hot little mexican chick names Natasha. She was a year and a half younger than me and developed early. She wsn't one of those stick figures either, she had curves man. And her walk? Ugh. I tell ya, she was responsible several times for my breaking of the JW rule of not touching yourself. The rest of 'em? Screw 'em.
Do you really need liquor at a wedding reception?
by ronin1 inthis is in response to the post on december 10, : "a wedding gone bad"-.
the question: do you really need liquor at a wedding reception?.
here is my story:.
...And the husband every day after.
Jews VS Mormons
by Adam inthis week on the radio, i heard that the jewish higherarchy is all full of piss and vinigar because the mormons apparently aren't holding up their end of a bargan reached several years ago.
seems that mormons believe that posthumus baptizing (i think it's just a verbal thing, i doubt they pour water over corpses) allows the individual the choice of chosing the right faith (theirs of course) after mortal death.
because of this belief, they were posthumusly baptizing jews who died in the holocost.
Just a note: My closing comments were completely fecetious. I think that this is a glaring example of just how rediculous people will act because of religion. Baptizing dead people from another religion, geez, religion's great, aint it?
Edited by - Adam on 12 December 2002 19:43:52
Jews VS Mormons
by Adam inthis week on the radio, i heard that the jewish higherarchy is all full of piss and vinigar because the mormons apparently aren't holding up their end of a bargan reached several years ago.
seems that mormons believe that posthumus baptizing (i think it's just a verbal thing, i doubt they pour water over corpses) allows the individual the choice of chosing the right faith (theirs of course) after mortal death.
because of this belief, they were posthumusly baptizing jews who died in the holocost.
This week on the radio, I heard that the Jewish higherarchy is all full of piss and vinigar because the Mormons apparently aren't holding up their end of a bargan reached several years ago. Seems that mormons believe that posthumus baptizing (I think it's just a verbal thing, I doubt they pour water over corpses) allows the individual the choice of chosing the right faith (theirs of course) after mortal death. Because of this belief, they were posthumusly baptizing Jews who died in the Holocost. This pissed the Jews off something feirce. They hammered out a deal and the Mormons said they'd stop saving the souls of the dead Jews. Well I guess someone recently caught an over-zealous Mormon reading holocost victems' names at the baptizmal roll call (or whatever they call it) and the Jews are pissed again.
The mormons were simply trying to be nice. According to them, if you're never baptized as a mormon you don't have the option of choosing the only religion of the one true god. They were simply allowing these poor misguided jews the posthumus opportunity to pick the right religion instead of the wrong one that they were in when they died. Quite curtious of them if you ask me. Oh, and god bless.
God Bless!
by Adam ini work at a job where my primary mode of comunication is the telephone.
all day i'm receving messages, leaving messages, or speaking to people on the phone.
i've probably heard messages for about 70 answering machines in the almost three months i've been here.
Perhaps I'm just more sensitive to it because both my boss and one of my coworkers are Gay men. Most people who believe in the bible believe that part where god says that homosexuality is wrong, so how do you think they feel when they here "god bless" on the answering machine? If I had to call one of them after hours regarding something at the office and got their answering machine and at the end it said "and have some great gay sex tonight" I would feel anoyed and wish they could just keep it to themselves. Same thing with the religious statements.
God Bless!
by Adam ini work at a job where my primary mode of comunication is the telephone.
all day i'm receving messages, leaving messages, or speaking to people on the phone.
i've probably heard messages for about 70 answering machines in the almost three months i've been here.
I work at a job where my primary mode of comunication is the telephone. All day I'm receving messages, leaving messages, or speaking to people on the phone. I've probably heard messages for about 70 answering machines in the almost three months I've been here. And the ones that annoy me are the ones that end with things like the subject of this thread.
"We're not here right now so leave a message and god bless!"
"I'm unable to come to the phone right now so leave me a message and I'll get back to you. Thanks for calling and have a blessed day!"
Hell, I heard today from one of my co-workers that someone on their contact list quotes a scripture at the end of their message and changes it every week. You remember in the breakfast club when the thug dude does that little mimick of the nerd's family and ends it with a headlock and a punch? That picture comes into my mind every time I hear that god junk on an answering machine. I feel the same way about those people as I do about gays: Keep it to yourself man! Whatever floats your boat is fine and dandy as long as you don't flaunt it in front of me. I understand that many times those messages are recorded with good intentions but look at it this way: I wouldn't want to hear about a gay dude's weekend fling and I don't want to hear someone else proclaiming their faith in some diety or other. I don't believe in your silly little god so don't assume I do and don't go wishing me a blessed day, thank you very much. We're all stocked up on crazy here, go sell it somewhere else. -
A message from the UK re: 9/11
by Adam inhttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/allnews/page.cfm?objectid=12188969&method=full&siteid=50143
this is precicely how i feel and i would only add a smattering of curse words to the text.
but then again, it was written by one of our bretheren across the pond and they're a little more understated than us yanks.
Outoftheorg, obviously you don't understand how the world works. You are NOT supposed to focus any attention on the opressive governments or human rights violations of other countries. No, you are supposed to focus all of your attention on America, pick it apart, examine it with a microscope, and then blow any imperfections you can find way the hell out of proportion. Mentioning the gross flaws of other countries is strictly prohibited. Didn't you get the memo?
A message from the UK re: 9/11
by Adam inhttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/allnews/page.cfm?objectid=12188969&method=full&siteid=50143
this is precicely how i feel and i would only add a smattering of curse words to the text.
but then again, it was written by one of our bretheren across the pond and they're a little more understated than us yanks.
Path, that crucial ballance has been an issue for every country throughout history that has
ever been able to exert power beyond it's own borders. Your country coped with it and
continues to do so, it's not just a current American issue. There are many ways to learn how to
better achieve that ballance, but psycopathic, extremist, murderers are not people to
learn lessons from. The only lesson to be learned from 9/11 is that if you ignore a
problem like terrorism it will come back to bite you in the ass. Hopefully we will learn
that lesson.
Just realized, I know pleasuredome is from across the pond, but I don't know where you're from.
If you're American, ignore the "your country" comment and insert "Great Britan.
Edited by - adam on 4 December 2002 17:21:11
Edited by - Adam on 4 December 2002 17:27:15
A message from the UK re: 9/11
by Adam inhttp://www.mirror.co.uk/news/allnews/page.cfm?objectid=12188969&method=full&siteid=50143
this is precicely how i feel and i would only add a smattering of curse words to the text.
but then again, it was written by one of our bretheren across the pond and they're a little more understated than us yanks.
Pathofthorns: Any outlet you get your news thru will show that America has gone thru the proper UN channels and is abiding by the decisions made by the UN. Sure we are pushing for our agenda but so is every other country. You can't point the finger at us there. I don't believe I've read on this thread where anyone has said that the US deserves 9/11 and I have not accused anyone of that. A few comments seem to say that 9/11 is our fault, which I think is horseshit and pisses me off. That's like if I killed one of your parents and then people said it was not my fault but YOUR fault for disagreeing with me and doing it publicly on this board. My "class and concern" comment was made in comparing the US to the perpetrators of 9/11. My point was that if we had the same level of class and concern as those people, the whole Middle East would be a nuclear wasteland right now, your definitions of the terms do not come into it. You say that America is better off for our restraint, and I agree with you. As frustrating as it may be to check our anger, I think that going thru the time-consuming process of UN discussion and compliance lends credibility to the authority of the UN, and I believe that is a good thing. It also keeps us from acting in the heat of the moment, which is never wise. I can not now recal all the information that has come up regarding the ties between the current government of Iraq and Al Queda, but from what I've read and heard the ties are there. Pardon my lack of research for particular quotes.
Seawolf, do you think that an American policy of isolationism would have benifitted the world during WWI and WWII? I agree that there have been times when America should just have let things be in other countries and that we often get our hands dirty where they have no business being in the first place. There needs to be found a happy medium between isolationism and meddling. That debate has been going on for over a hundred years in many countries besides America. If you have the answer, please let the rest of the world know.
Another point, Bin Laden is pissed that we have troops in Saudi Arabia, the Saudi's are our allies and asked us to keep troops there after the Gulf War. Should Bin Laden have the authority to alter US foreign policy to one of abandoning our allies?