Thanks a lot guys for your answers and specially for your support, comprehension and good advices…
In fact, I’ve been awakening for almost a year. I started by reading COC and Gentile Times Reconsidered. Then I began searching the web and reading “apostate” stuff… I was really disturbed by what I discovered… So that one day I talked openly to my wife about my recent researches. She react quite good, like a good JW-and-loving wife, saying everybody can have doubts and encouraging me to talk to my dad who’s actually the coordinator of a congregation next to ours. That’s what I did the next day. I opened myself to my father and we had a hour-long conversation talking but not on specific points…
The end of the unofficial meeting was : It’s ok to have doubts, even doubts about base teachings (1914, the authority of the FDS-GB,…) , as long I don’t speak about it and as long as it don’t disturb me so deep that I begin to lose my faith in Jehovah (‘s organization I would add). I said thank you for your comprehension and your good advices blablabla… And that was it… for them…
It was 6 monts ago. And I didn’t speak openly to my wife since then. I prefer to draw her attention on “small” things but that can lead to a deeper reflexion…
But it begin to be hard for me to play the game at the KH and with JW friends. I mean I really love my JW friends for what they are, and we have really close friends with whom we spend a lot of time. But when we go to the meeting and listen to all that mascarde or when we talk about rules such as disfellowshipping it’s hard not to say what I really feel about all that…
Don’t speak about door-to-door service : I go out 1 or 2 hours a month and I couldn’t do more. But my wife never was very zealous to go preaching so that’s ok with her… And as long as we have 2 young kids they are our good excuse and it’s quite ok with others…
But really thank you for your advices : I wanted to talk this we to my father and it’s not a good idea. Not at all!! But I needed to “vent my feelings”, like you said ABiblleStudent! ;-)
Translating jwfacts articles in french : what a good idea !! It’s been my new Insight the Scriptures!! :-D I’ll try to contact him…
Thanks a lot again and don’t worry if I don’t speak till Monday : it’s gonna be a JW-family we! ;-)
Write to you soon!