well,well well, Gadget.....You will love it in The Falls.....You will have so much to do there. I am only a 2 hours from there...There are a few as well that post here that live closer then me. You will have to bring extra $$$ though for that new Casino they have there. It is awsome though. They have all sorts for you to do there. They also have the wax musiums. Just walking along the falls or up and down the main street will keep you intertained for days.( Like I said though, you will need quite a bit of $$$$$ to stay in the Niagra area, as it is the tourist part of Ontario)Now has far as crossing the boarder (the Buffalo boarder)...You will need your visa, ID, and or pass port to cross the border. If your in a rental car, they more then likely WILL give you a hard time. When my cousins were here from England, they rented a car and we went over to the States, and it was NOT a very nice experience for them, not saying that yours will be. If your nose is clean, and you have a good criminal record, you should get over with a little bit of patients, as you will be pulled over and checked for every nook and cranny...You will have 2 things to tend to. One being your from another country other then Canada and crossing into another country, and number 2 being your going in a rental car. Make sure you have the name of the hotel that you are at, your plane ticket dates,Insurance slips for the rental car, where you rented the car from and be honest with them if you have a criminal record. If your honest and up front with them, you will have know problems. They can and will try to be intimitating.With the dates you have spoken of, it is also close to May2/4 weekend here. That is our first long weekend here of the year, and people kinda of get a little excitied about it...In other words, there is a whole lot of partying. If your here for that weekend, and your interested in doing some camping, I can help ya out on that part. I have alot of camping supplies that you could use, including a tent or small trailer if your interested in doing some Canadian camping!!.( just take note though, I dont know if I could get the supplies to Niagra if thats were your interested in camping..If you dont care where you camp, them pm me, I will have no problems, accomadating you.) If there is anything else that you need to know, just pm me.
Posts by morty
Warning all Canadians............
by Gadget in.......gadgets coming to canada!.
i've been looking round for a holiday for this summer, and found for virtually the same price i could fly to canada and go backpacking.
i know i want to go down to niagara falls, but i'm still looking at all the guides to see which other places i want to go to, and working out if i'm best off hiring a car or using the bus/train to get around.
What happened to the Vicki Boer case?
by Sumflower ini ran across it here: http://www.recorder.ca/cp/national/030929/n0929181a.html and i read an older thread in this forum about it.
i'm moved by the story, and i was just curious where it is at now?.
hello Flower....
she is still paying her legal costs....I believe her father has been officially charged now...
I do believe as well, that the Jws dropped the money that they appparently "won".... IMO, they felt to quilty about taking money from her....The sh*t would have hit the fan, if they persisted on wanting it....
Prayer Request - Court Today
by outnfree inhello, dear people!
my cousin from texas, she of the abusive husband, cancer, and impending loss of home due to foreclosure, whom many of you helped greatly with gifts, good wishes, and personal attention (.
she requests prayer in agreement beginning at 10 am cst, that not only will she get the spousal support she is seeking but also that her divorce become finalized today, that god looks over the judge's shoulder and makes sure he is aware of all the suffering, abuse and malicious treatment she has endured for the past two years, as well as the financial facts of the case.
I'm hoping that court was delayed because I just saw this.....
Prayed for you and your cousin Brenda..... (in my own little way )
((((((Brenda & Family))))))))
Love Morty
Suga Free,
Welcome to the board.....
But if your serious about being a Jw, they will not approve of you being here...
You really need to investigate what you really want in life, as they will take everything from you...including your friends, money, self worth,and your inner strength....They will try to control everything about your life....Really think about being a Jw....read alot here, you will read about alot of not so good experences....hope to see you stick around here for a while...
Plastic Surgery
by simplesally in.
i think that is such a hot topic i had to post about it.
my boobs are absolutely perfect but hanging a little low due to nursing and being 40 and i think that around the eyes, i could go with a little lift............ so what's ok with you?
if I also had the $$$$$$$$$$$$, I would have a little nip and tuck done......
Wish I could make it to "Extreme Makeover""...
I donnot need boobs though..well, maybe a little lift...A brow lift, a chin implant,a little lipo (sp) done, (ok alot of lipo done)my teeth whitened and a little work....If its free, I would go for the gustoooo
I would not have my eyes repaired, as I enjoy wearing my funky trendy glasses once in a while that we paid a arm and a leg for....( hubby would not be happy, if I had perfect eye vision after I had to have these glasses..lol).....speaking of eyes though......
Have any of you seen them new eye contact lences?? They come in leapard skin,ice blue, and zebra color prints....I'm not to sure what I think of them yet.....
by Aikon inhi dansk.
i have read your commet on the subject "shame on you".. what you have seem to forgot is your family????
yes if you was not like a "bull in a china shop" you would have stopped and looked at the situation to ensure your daughter were not left behind in the w/t.. but what did you do?
Aikon....It must be nice that you have enough power over your family that they ALL listen to what YOU tell them what/when/how to do it.....Some of us donot have that power.....Can I ask, why you have not gotten them all out all ready? What is the hold up???
Some of us wish they could get All of their family out of this terriable cult.....I, for one, wish I had your power
I remember when.....
by morty in.
......my oldest son was born...... now he is 15.....where has the time gone???.
just wanted to share his birthday with you all...... ( hope my picture uploaded ).
......my oldest son was born.....
Now he is 15.....where has the time gone???
Just wanted to share his birthday with you all.....
( hope my picture uploaded )
How much sleep do you need?
by Maverick inif y-all check the time stamp on a lot of my posts you will see i post very early and rather late in the day.
i only need four to five hours of sleep unless i'm not feeling well or i really busted my butt working on a remodel.
even when i am on holiday i like to get up early and do something!
I need about 7...at least to fuction as a human......sleep for me is always broken...due to pain...I do make up for lost sleep on the weekends though...I often take little cat-naps in the middle of the day ( usally on the floor)
Spoke my mind ...
by Vivamus inwell now, the lesson i learn today is that it feels *good* to speak your mind.
i entered in a battle of will and principles with a person who has none of those, and i came out feeling victorious.
no matter the consequences, no matter the financial loss, self-respect and the moral high ground have been saved for me.
First of all......Grown1, are you viv's donor???????....like another poster said, I hope there is never a time that you need support here because I am afraid that you will not get much ( not from me anyways)...People here,IMO, tend to remember such ways we SUPPORT each other.....
You are a strong young girl, and I wish you much happiness & comfort in your life...
You spoke your mind in a polite way....( you must get this from your wonderful mom)
BTW, how is your mom doing?? Have not seen her around on the board lately.Just miss her
Now it's my DOG too!
by cruzanheart inalright, this is getting downright farcical, in a very tragic sort of way.
i started a thread the other day about my mother, who is in the last stages of alzheimer's and just started hospice care.
today i found out that our dear old dexter, a basset of almost 13 years, our first child, has a cancerous tumor.
(((((((((Nina & Family))))))))) ((((((((((((((((((Dextor))))))))))))))))))
What a heart wrenching thread....It is just as painful to loose our pets, as our loved ones...They touch us all in some way, shape or form and become our loved ones as well...We lost our shepherd 4 years ago, and I still think about him all the time..(I think what bothered us the most was, he never died peacefully..at least you will have that special time to spend with him)....with time, everything sees to get easyer at some point...Not many words are going to make this better for you or your family Nina, but rest assure, we are all thinking about you at this time.....May peace be with you and give you strength to carry on.......
Can I share with you a little something that you may like to think about...
You may very shortly would like to take your Dextors paw print and make an impression of them in his favorite spot outside....Do it outside in some common mixen cement where his favorite spot is outside in the laneway.....When your doggie crosses that "Rainbow Bridge", you will always have your dogs paw prints in the laneway.....I found this worked so well for children grieving....WHen the kids felt like they missed our dog at any time, they went outside to his favorite spot in the laneway, and sat their with his paw prints..( they use to get a few markers out as well, and Brutus had coloured paws every spring)..a little memorable for the children and yourself for that matter....I was glad that we had done it cause like I said, we lost our Brutus very suddenly and we had his paw prints to fall back on....Take care Nina..