I thought there for a minute, Garth Brooks was a Jw now, and going out on service...
Posts by morty
Do GB really go out in service????
by marie67 inthis may have been posted before but i have always wondered if the gb go out in service like everyone else does.
do some former bethelites have any insight on this?
or anyone else know?
by prophecor ini've always enjoyed the subtle, soothing sound of the wind chime, being in the organization however requires one to forsake such items because of their origin.
it has been linked to the ancients as a means of keeping away evil spirits.. upon leaving the organization, one of the first things i picked up upon was a wind chime.
i enjoy listening to its melodious tune when the wind blows in our back yard.
Having sex......... how I want, when I want, and with who I want....
edited to say....I love my husband.....
A Hug from a stranger...
by Sentinel inyesterday was an odd day for me.
i have been having an ongoing attack of my fibromyalgia, supplemented by ibs.
i was home from work and trying to just hang out and relax, when i decided it would be a good thing to go to the local "hair cuttery" and get a wash and trim.
So sorry to hear you are feeling down....The only experence I ever had was when, my papa was slowly passing in the hospital....I flew to the hospital that he was in, and stayed by his side till he passed..He himself was an elder for many years, and when people came to see him in the hospital, I was ignored by them. They were brothers and sisters of his borg.When he finally passed, no one really held me, and told me how sorry they were but, there was a nurse that took notice to what was going on, and hugged me and told me that it was ok.. I bawled like a baby in her arms, and to this day, when I think of pop's, I always think of that wonderful nurse...Such a small gesture goes a long way
I do hope that you are feeling better soon, and that everything goes well for your husbands surgery.
Love Morty
New BOE Letter Arrives
by Farkel inthis is a typed copy of a new boe letter i recently received from one of my sources: .
dear brothers, .
you will soon make several changes to our current literature arrangement.
And my a** is sucking tulips in the winter....
edited to say * we need more $$$$$*
by morty inso do any of you have it or any info on it????.
just to add to my regular cronic back pain that i live with, i now have been diagnosed with full blown fibromyalgia.
i am looking for all the info i can get, as the doctors answers are more pills....i am sick to death with pills now!!!!!!!!!!!
((((((((hugs to you all))))))))
bikerchic...You are right about finding our "own" path to this desease..what works for some, could not work for others, and visa versa....thanks for your advice...
Petty...your info has been useful... Infact, my children are both ADD and ADHD, and I am having them tested for the yeast as well....We will see what the outcome is in the end....thanks girlfriend
Wednesday...Thanks for the list and links...I'm on it right away...
Nan...I am starting really to believe that diet is the answer to alot of things these days...I have totally cut out my wheat/surgar/yeast out of my diet....I have had headaches for the last 3 days but, I think it is withdraw from the these things...thank-you
Mole...I am in Canada, but I may take you up on that personal phone contact....I do hope your wife is pain free one day....Thanks for the links
Billygoat....I think the hardest thing the last couple of days have been giving up my sweets....I love surgar but, if it means feeling better then what I have been feeling, I will give it up....Thanks for your help....
KKLUV155....thanks for the links...
Sassy...would love to hear what worked for your mom....thank-you as well
Sentinel....I have to say, I was overwelhmed by your feelings and your educated information you had for me....The one thing that really stood out for me was,how people that do not understand this, take this disease a "lazyness"so to speak...yes, that does also play on the selfesteam of one....There have been days, that I could not even bother to get out of bed....I also think alot of it was "not knowing" what was wrong with me....I had thought the worse sometimes...I feel that what I know now, I will get through this....thanks for your concern, and asset you are to this board...You have been inspiring for me....I hope that you, yourself, will be pain free one day....
Thank's to all
by morty inso do any of you have it or any info on it????.
just to add to my regular cronic back pain that i live with, i now have been diagnosed with full blown fibromyalgia.
i am looking for all the info i can get, as the doctors answers are more pills....i am sick to death with pills now!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, for some reason when I go to post something, my fonts, size, or paragraphs will not let me change them...That must be the spy ware that I cannot change on my computer..I have gotten rid of the hotbar tool that the kids downloaded, rebooted but still cannot get rid of this damn thing....I need suggestions on how to get rid of this.... Now, as far as asking for info on Fibro, thank-you all for this...It seems to me that diet is a big answer....That is what I am to starting today....wheat and sugar seem too be a big culpert of this disease.I am slowly moving down the list of each suggestion of each poster.... I will get to all of them....again, thank you all soo much..
Gumby...I will pimp you out, as long as I get 70% of the profit....lol..I need a cut to ya know...lol....besides, I will have a hell of a hard time trying to rent out one used bastard!!!!!
by morty inso do any of you have it or any info on it????.
just to add to my regular cronic back pain that i live with, i now have been diagnosed with full blown fibromyalgia.
i am looking for all the info i can get, as the doctors answers are more pills....i am sick to death with pills now!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah, I know about the damn spy ware as well......I have been trying to get rid of downloaded tool bars all day.....the thing will not leave my computer..urrrrgggggg And no, I am not spying on anyone.....
by morty inso do any of you have it or any info on it????.
just to add to my regular cronic back pain that i live with, i now have been diagnosed with full blown fibromyalgia.
i am looking for all the info i can get, as the doctors answers are more pills....i am sick to death with pills now!!!!!!!!!!!
So do any of you have it or any info on it???? Just to add to my regular cronic back pain that I live with, I now have been diagnosed with full blown fibromyalgia. I am looking for all the info I can get, as the doctors answers are more pills....I am sick to death with pills now!!!!!!!!!!!!.....If you have web links of any kind, with good information on this, could you please pm me.....thanks for listening to me vent a bit, its been a piss poor couple of days
Warning all Canadians............
by Gadget in.......gadgets coming to canada!.
i've been looking round for a holiday for this summer, and found for virtually the same price i could fly to canada and go backpacking.
i know i want to go down to niagara falls, but i'm still looking at all the guides to see which other places i want to go to, and working out if i'm best off hiring a car or using the bus/train to get around.
thanks Sally,
I relise this now. The kids downloaded some hotbar or something. urrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggg.
I am trying to get rid of it now......
p.s.sorry gadget.....
Warning all Canadians............
by Gadget in.......gadgets coming to canada!.
i've been looking round for a holiday for this summer, and found for virtually the same price i could fly to canada and go backpacking.
i know i want to go down to niagara falls, but i'm still looking at all the guides to see which other places i want to go to, and working out if i'm best off hiring a car or using the bus/train to get around.
I dont know what has happened to my post, but honestly, I'm not spying on anyone....why does it look like that? It has never done that in the past, and like most of you know, I am new to the computer..... sorry it is off subject Gadget...just a little confused about the way my post looks