(((((((((((((((((( Simon, Anghard & family))))))))))))))))))))
My Sympathy to you all
the last grandparent i had died this morning.. .
he was such a great guy.
was in the raf in wwii and went to iraq and other places but didn't really talk much about the war.
(((((((((((((((((( Simon, Anghard & family))))))))))))))))))))
My Sympathy to you all
i want to start a discussion about pit bull dogs.
i live next door to a new neighbor who owns an american pit bull dog (also a female of the same breed that's just given birth to three pups).
when i'm in the owner's presence the dog allows me to pet him, but when the owner isn't present the dog acts extremely fierce to the point that i'm scared of him.
I am sorry to hear that your dog is being prisoned in your own home.It should not be like that. Maybe you could express your feelings to the neighbour and ask them how their dog would react to the fact that your dog would like to be out front on the prouch as well without the fear of your pooch being lunch.Your dog deserves just as much freedom has that dog.Like I had said before, it is all about the way dogs are trained.Keep your lines of communication opened with your neighbours and good luck to resolving your issue.
BTW, I have 2 cats in our home with our dog and they get along just fine.....
today is my birthday; i am 48 years old..... i am old enough to realize that patience really is a virtue.... and i am still young enough to apprieciate and enjoy the attributes of youth ( that i took so much for granted when i was a youth).
i have now been a non jw for longer than i was a jw; i have no regrets.. frank
You have always been a kind person to others here
Have a good one!!!!!!
i want to start a discussion about pit bull dogs.
i live next door to a new neighbor who owns an american pit bull dog (also a female of the same breed that's just given birth to three pups).
when i'm in the owner's presence the dog allows me to pet him, but when the owner isn't present the dog acts extremely fierce to the point that i'm scared of him.
They are both males...Both raised together,diffrent homes, but together all the time.....Also, one is fixed and one is not.....
i want to start a discussion about pit bull dogs.
i live next door to a new neighbor who owns an american pit bull dog (also a female of the same breed that's just given birth to three pups).
when i'm in the owner's presence the dog allows me to pet him, but when the owner isn't present the dog acts extremely fierce to the point that i'm scared of him.
well Dantheman,
I guess I am not going to convince you that they can be good dogs, if given the right kind of guidence , love,and obedience ( like any kind of dog)..... I am certainly not going to be convinced that they are "thug dogs" either.So I guess you will classify me in the "sychotic apologists" group. You know something else, Chevy ( my parents pit bull) has gone to many shows in the past, in the presences of many other dogs, children and adults, and has never even batted a eye lash at anyone...He also walks in a park where there is no leashs needed , without attacking someone walking their poodle and 3 children under the age of 8....btw, no, I don't use our dog for a search and rescue, we have him to be loved and be respected in our family.
Also these pit bulls that have maimed children to death, what about the nice sweet Dalmation?? ( the one that ripped my sons ear almost right off his head?)
~Morty, of the never debates class~
has anyone noticed other than me that this tv show is getting repititive and boring.
its the same crap every week.
little mikey works slow and then assemblies the bike in 1/2 an hour to make the deadline.
has anyone noticed other than me that this tv show is getting repititive and boring.
its the same crap every week.
little mikey works slow and then assemblies the bike in 1/2 an hour to make the deadline.
I just love the show...I am a fan of the show and have never been sick of it.....reruns and all....
Paulie jr is my hero.....
Growedup...can you hook me up with some backstage passes or a bike show???
Morty of the Orange County Choppers fan club...
i want to start a discussion about pit bull dogs.
i live next door to a new neighbor who owns an american pit bull dog (also a female of the same breed that's just given birth to three pups).
when i'm in the owner's presence the dog allows me to pet him, but when the owner isn't present the dog acts extremely fierce to the point that i'm scared of him.
Hey DanTheman,
Sorry about being so silly on such a sensitve subject, I will be more careful next time when giving my own opinon.....
To answer your question though, Have I reserched about home owners insurance and Pit Bulls? Yes, I have....With owners of Rotties and Pitbulls....as far as reserching it on line or something to that effect, no I have not....Have never needed to, never ran into any problems inreguards to this issue with our dogs because they are loved by us and they return this compassion back to us with no questions or barks asked...
Again, IMO I believe it is the way the dogs are loved, raised and trained....
i want to start a discussion about pit bull dogs.
i live next door to a new neighbor who owns an american pit bull dog (also a female of the same breed that's just given birth to three pups).
when i'm in the owner's presence the dog allows me to pet him, but when the owner isn't present the dog acts extremely fierce to the point that i'm scared of him.
Never heard of a Canadian Insurance company refusing home owners insurance because they own a Pit Bull.....
My parents have insurance and have never been questioned about the dog they own?? Also we have home owners insurance and we have never been questioned to what breed of dog we own....
IMO, I feel that the dog reflects who the owners are and Chevy ( my parents pit bull ) and Grizzley ( our Rottie) are the most timmid dogs you will ever meet...
FYI, our son was attacked badly by a Dalmation dog 4 years and almost had his ear ripped off.He had 18 stiches to put his ear back on.... He was doing nothing but walking by the house. He was chased and that dog tackeled him to the ground and went nuts on him.Needless to say, that dog was put down, and we found out that it was the dogs 3rd attack.We don't hear about how nasty Dalmations can be, right?Those people that had that dog, still have home owners insurance and their dog did attack someone. No matter what the dogs breed is, if it is not told right from wrong ( like a child is taught) it may end up with a bad rap!
again, it is all about the owner and the way they raise their dog to have manners ...
celebrating my first father's day and guess what!
and i'm not making this up.. my wife just handed me .
removable duck tape (yes duck not duct).
flouresant or fuscia???