Thinking of you and I hope you feel better really soon.....
You have alot of people that care about you here....
Love Morty
thank goodness.. for the last couple of days one toe has felt so bruised i could barely touch it.
the today the other foot swelled up and i can barely touch any of that.
i don't need this.. back in may a doctor put me on an anti-inflammatory drug.
Thinking of you and I hope you feel better really soon.....
You have alot of people that care about you here....
Love Morty
today, i am taking the girls to meet with the court appointed attorney.
he will interview the girls and me together, then he will interview sara and the girls together.
it is his recommendation to the judge that will decide the outcome of this custody battle.
I wish you all the best today and I hope justice prevails for you...((((((((Corvin)))))))
a new song for all those ladies who have been misled in the past......sung to the tune of " i will survive".
at first i was afraid, i was petrified,.
when you said you had 10 inches lord i almost died,.
lmao@ Else......
that song is also way toooooo funny...
I am just clearing up my coffee of the pc now...
hehehe the mistress of quotes - our very own blondie .
they called last night when they arrived in town (nos wish you had been there) and we arranged to meet this morning and then decide what to do.. so i have been with the two of them all day and it has been great.
like meeting someone i've known for a long long time.
So glad to hear that you guys connected....
It is really cool when that all comes together eh?
Irreverent....Just use the word "eh" at the end of all your sentences and you will fit in like a cold Molson Canadian in your hand....
just trying to fish out if there are any boxing fans here.
i think, every month this year i've plucked down the $55 for pay per view including last night for de la hoya.
well, I am not a fan but, I know that I will have a bill to pay this month for that damn fight.........
De La Hoya had his 5 dollar a$$ spanked and the boys here were not tooo happy at all...I really thought he was doing well in the first 3 rounds, then the 4 wheels feel off...
He was paid 10 million for that fight and was the under dog....
Morty of the kicking stones class
good bye to you all.
i really have enjoyed your love & good thoughts & kind words.. i find i am really to busy now with all the new ones leaving to carry on looking up this link.
i want to thank angie-simon,gadget- valis -dansk-randy- & all of you very,very much....i have come to really care & worry about you all.
.............I do miss Granny.
did anyone catch the jw shout out on the daily show yesterday with steven colbert?
Dam....missed out again.....how was it?
only about 12 weeks till xmas, are we having a christmas card exchange?.
i couldn't take part last year but i can this year.. thanks,,,,orbi
I am in, like flint in a bellybutton.......Last years were a blast.....
Pm me your addy and I will follow you with mine as well.....
P.s just relized Christmas is only a couple months away
a couple goes on vacation to a fishing resort in northern minnesota.
husband likes to fish at the crack of dawn.. .
the wife likes to read.. .
Lmao @ Kate.....
sooooooo true......
i just wanted to "announce it to.... everyone".
10 years ago today greg married me and my two boys.
it is still hard to believe that someone loves me for me.
I am sooo happy for you and your boys.....What a great feeling eh?
I can relate as well...I have 2 boys that have been blessed as well by an outsider...My husband treats them better then he would have treated his own I think...
There are good men out there, and I believe sometimes men get a bad rap for all the evil ones.....
Yell it off the roof top girlie
You have everything to be happy about....
Morty of the bawling my eyes out class....