Thanks Wendy........I was hoping that the one that started the thread would tell me who it was because it was driving me nutts...
Could you please send me your addy again???
i know someone else started a thread about exchanging x-mas cards but i could not find it and here is my problem....... it got started some time ago ( the thread) and when i recieved mailing addresses from pms i did not get a chance to write all the addys down right away.
today, i went and bought my xmas-cards and thought i would start them and i now relise that alot of my pms have been erased from my inbox.if you sent me your address for a card could you please resend it to me.
or if you have not sent me your mailing address but would like to recieve one from me please do so as well.....anyone else that would like to follow on to the list as well, please go ahead..... morty of the christmas is only 8 weeks away class
Thanks Wendy........I was hoping that the one that started the thread would tell me who it was because it was driving me nutts...
Could you please send me your addy again???
dad blames church for death of teenjehovah's witneses try to have lawsuit thrown outdaryl slade, calgary herald.
a half-dozen protesters picketed in front of court of queen's bench on tuesday to support a calgary man who has sued the watch tower bible and tract society of canada and others for being responsible for his daughter's death.
inside the court, a hearing by the society, edmonton's cross cancer institute, two doctors and several jehovah's witnesses to have lawrence hughes' $1-million statement of claim quashed was eventually adjourned.
Hey Beans,
Did you guys drink all kinds of "moo Juice" as well???
You have to admit, Frank put on a hell of a barn dance eh??? I just wonder now, what the bro's at head quaters thought of those parties.....and I do recall as well swinging from tires onto bales of hay and also sneeking everyones booze....actually come to think about it, I never really had to sneek it, it was always handed right to me from brother such and such .....
It use to take us days to get ready for that barn dance.....I lived on a Mottreal farm as my dad worked for Frank for many years....The dance was one thing that I looked forward to every year....
i know someone else started a thread about exchanging x-mas cards but i could not find it and here is my problem....... it got started some time ago ( the thread) and when i recieved mailing addresses from pms i did not get a chance to write all the addys down right away.
today, i went and bought my xmas-cards and thought i would start them and i now relise that alot of my pms have been erased from my inbox.if you sent me your address for a card could you please resend it to me.
or if you have not sent me your mailing address but would like to recieve one from me please do so as well.....anyone else that would like to follow on to the list as well, please go ahead..... morty of the christmas is only 8 weeks away class
I know someone else started a thread about exchanging x-mas cards but I could not find it and here is my problem......
It got started some time ago ( the thread) and when I recieved mailing addresses from pms I did not get a chance to write all the addys down right away.
Today, I went and bought my xmas-cards and thought I would start them and I now relise that alot of my pms have been erased from my inbox.If you sent me your address for a card could you please resend it to me. Or if you have not sent me your mailing address but would like to recieve one from me please do so as well.....Anyone else that would like to follow on to the list as well, please go ahead....
Morty of the Christmas is only 8 weeks away class
you are able to sue the witnesses themselves if you have a no trespassing sign posted.
the watchtower bible & tract society of pennsylvania nor the watchtower bible & tract society of new york, inc. will not protect nor represent them, if you take them to court.
make sure that you notify the courts of the sign being posted.
wow...this is interesting....never knew this.....
Is this is the USA only???
that's what my wife thinks anyway.
all i had to do was get that foot in the door.
once it was in it all just rushed through.
A BIG warm welcome to you Mrs Kwintestal.......
Here, you will find the real truth and nothing but the truth.....
Your lucky to have such a supportive husband as you will need him while you go through all your rollar coster emotions....
welcome and some (((hugs))) for you....
dad blames church for death of teenjehovah's witneses try to have lawsuit thrown outdaryl slade, calgary herald.
a half-dozen protesters picketed in front of court of queen's bench on tuesday to support a calgary man who has sued the watch tower bible and tract society of canada and others for being responsible for his daughter's death.
inside the court, a hearing by the society, edmonton's cross cancer institute, two doctors and several jehovah's witnesses to have lawrence hughes' $1-million statement of claim quashed was eventually adjourned.
fjtooth....yes, it is grandchildren.....The kids are all pretty firm about not letting him see the grandkids unless he is back in the so called's a real shame actually....believe it or not, that family all use to be very tight....
sorry to get off topic....
dad blames church for death of teenjehovah's witneses try to have lawsuit thrown outdaryl slade, calgary herald.
a half-dozen protesters picketed in front of court of queen's bench on tuesday to support a calgary man who has sued the watch tower bible and tract society of canada and others for being responsible for his daughter's death.
inside the court, a hearing by the society, edmonton's cross cancer institute, two doctors and several jehovah's witnesses to have lawrence hughes' $1-million statement of claim quashed was eventually adjourned.
I do believe Frank is still trying to get back in. And yes, Rachel ( his other daugther) is out west. Mom say's she does have baby(ies).
Anyone know if Franks son ( Johnathon) got married this weekend? Heard he did and Frank, Debra, and the rest of the family declined to go?
Quotes...did you go to the Mottreals barn dances?? I went to many of those parties...
hey guys, .
anyone here a gamer???
world of warcraft is coming out soon.
I just asked him.....It is Counter Strike that he plays....Heard of that one??
hey guys, .
anyone here a gamer???
world of warcraft is coming out soon.
My son belongs to a clan on a game from x-box. I will have to ask him whick game he plays....Actually there is about 15 of them that play.....
hi any techies!
is it possible to use my digital camara as a webcam?