That is soooo funny Mulan......At least he did not ask for anyone like Elvis Presily
I also learned my lesson with children not having there "believes or non believes" in place yet.
For my neice's first birthday I rented costumes of Bob and Larry from Veggie Tales. I was sooo excited to see her face when they (I talked my teeneagers into wearing the tights and bodysuits with masks...It cost me a hole day of skiing plus the price of the rentals..)walked into the room.I was also dissappointed to see her start screaming her head off trying to escape the room full of a very large tomatoe and cucumber....anyways lesson learned and now that she is two, I have full ententions of trying it again only this time it may be for her 18 birthday and a male dancer comes skipping in.....I am sure she will not scream over that one...ur, ummhh, maybe she will....