Do you dream your child?s dream???
I just wanted to share how happy I am that my son just recently made the semi pro soccer team and how humble he was when he was told "you made the team "......
Two months of hard practices and three weeks of try outs, he made the cut.... Out of 74 kids, the team picks got tighter and tigher...It was nerve wracking at times for the kids...I really did feel bad for my son when his buddies did not make the cuts and he did....He is not a "toot my own horn" type of kid..In fact, when he found out that his buddies did not make the team, he went right over to the coach and asked why they did not make the team and if it was possible if the team could take on extra guys.....I was moved by these actions of a sixteen year old young man and he was my son....
He is pumped now that those scouts are now out and about to watch for the next generation of a "Pro Player" ...His ultimate dream ( and mine..) is to play soccer ( football ) in England or Europe for a professional team ....
I have made it very clear that the odds of being a millionaire playing your favorite game are slim to none...I am lucky enough he knows that he needs an education as a back up plan...He has full intentions of going to collage and is really looking forward to going but he still has a dream of making it BIG one day.....
How would you support your child?s dream and get him to maintain his education as well??
Do you as a parent, get tied or wrapped up in your children?s dreams???