Lmao@Candidly*nuts*....that was tooo funny.....
Posts by morty
whats the worst mistake you ever made>>U WONT beat this>>>>
by Brummie inhttp://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=583&e=1&u=/nm/20041004/od_nm/penis_dc.
bucharest (reuters) - a elderly romanian man mistook his penis for a chicken's neck, cut it off and his dog rushed up and ate it, the state rompres news agency said monday.
it said 67 year-old constantin mocanu, from a village near the southeastern town of galati, rushed out into his yard in his underwear to kill a noisy chicken keeping him awake at night.
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving Weekend eh?
by Happy Guy :) into those travelling: may you have a safe journey .
to those drinking: please do not drink and drive .
to all: may your trukey be juicy, your stuffing be not too greasy, your mashed potatoes fluffy, your gravy not lumpy, your corn bread sweeeet, your cranberry sauce tangy, and your veges fresh and tasty .
Happy Gobble Gobble to you as well Happy Guy.....
Hopefully there will be left over for the hot turkey sandwiches.
And just for your info, I donated my fresh turkey to a less forunate family.
Love Morty
Prince's new video-Babylon's destruction?
by wordlywife inif you are interested, you can watch it from a link off msn's entertainment sction for free.
very "end of this world" type of stuff, look like an old armegeddon publication.
i'm disappointed in the purple one.
I'm with you on this one SP..I thought it was pretty good....
Parents, you think your kid has too many video games?
by drwtsn32 incheck out this ebay auction that has 1355 video games and accessories for sale.. .
Is that a Super Sega Genises?? thats my guess anyways...
Did that ebayer sell that all those games yet? What did he get for it?
Extra Special effort for Dansk
by LittleToe inas most are probably aware, on a tuesday evening there has been a regular attempt to send ian (dansk) energy, positive vibes, healing light, and prayers.
i have to say that i've been astounded at the response (in a positive way!)..
ian reports that it's helping .
5 mins to go here in London Ontario.....
We are with you Ian......
Desperate Housewives
by Nancy Drake inanyone see desperate housewives?
i dvr'ed it and just now had a chance to watch it.
it was different than i thought it would be, much funnier!
never had a chance to watch it yet Nancy but, heard it was really really funny.....I will check out the next episode .....the previews looked great....
Ladies only!!
by Scully ingot this story from a friend....last night, my friends and i went to a ladies night club.
one of the girls wanted to impress the rest of us, so she pulled out a $10 bill.
when the male dancer came over to us, my friend licked the $10 bill and stuck it to his butt cheek!
Omg Scully....I started to pee my pants when I read this.....
I just needed to talk to some friends......
by tyydyy ini know i haven't posted here in a while but maybe some of you will remember me.
i've been having a sad night and i needed to tell someone that i thought would care.
it's too late to talk to anyone on the phone so i thought i would talk to you guys.
Any of your true friends would except your phone call at any time of the night...I am very sorry to hear about your mom....Be strong my friend...Your in my thoughts...
I need loving hearts to send help to another EX-JW
by mouthy ini am asking any who could take the time-to send encouragement to an ex jw-she was raised as one- her mother died for refusing blood...she married out of the org- & was dfellowshipped.
the fellow she married was an alcholic---didnt understand her feelings about being ousted!!!!
!a couple of months ago she tried to kill herself.why????
If you think your friend would like some company when she gets to London Ont,I am here to visit her.Just send me a pm.
Glad to see you got rid of your spyware.
omg....that is what I take for my back pain along with my other pills...
I have not read the whole articule but, is it being taken off the shelf in Canada as well??
I feel a stroke comin on...