lol...sorry about that Shera...
well, it dont hurt for a little bit of attention anyways, eh???
I honestly thought it said it was your b-day today under your info though...ooooppps...
Well, happy belated birthday
lol...sorry about that Shera...
well, it dont hurt for a little bit of attention anyways, eh???
I honestly thought it said it was your b-day today under your info though...ooooppps...
Well, happy belated birthday
Not sure if someone else posted it or not, but
i was in downtown annapolis today and went into a british/irish store that sells goods imported from the uk.
i saw a bottle of marmite and decided to try it.
i bought the bottle, and when i got home i tried it.
OMG.....I love it!!!!
I think the key is to apply it thinly though on the much, is over loading and is waay to salty..
It is great in a gravy base as well....
I guess you have to have brit in your blood line to approve of
just stopping in to say hello....i see there is alot of new ones to the board and it did go on without me life has been very challenging for me as of lately but i am slowly getting it back together..... thank you all for your support, e-mails, letters, calls and words of encouragement ...... (((hugs)))).
Gawwwwwd......I am so bad with replying to my threads...
I did not relize there was more that posted on this...
(((((Sassy, Valis, Big Tex))))))))....
I cannot believe how much the board as moved and grown...
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to many new newbies...
it's incredibly nightlike outside and it's raging.
very scary!.
I am glad to hear that you survived yesterdays storm...what a scary feeling...We thought for sure we were going to have something hit here yesterday as well...The warnings were everywhere..Woodstock got it bad as well...( I am not far from there at all)
I also remember the tornados that hit in 86 (87?) in Grandvally Ont, just North of Orangeville Ont. Our town was wiped out and every since, when there is a storm, I am the most paranoid person there is to be had...I am the first one watching the weather channel like a hawk and rounding up the kids to find out where they are and have them alert of the weather situation....They all do know the routine now...when the weather is bad, they come home and check on mama cause she is Big fraidy ...
I totally get the green sky thing as well....
just stopping in to say hello....i see there is alot of new ones to the board and it did go on without me life has been very challenging for me as of lately but i am slowly getting it back together..... thank you all for your support, e-mails, letters, calls and words of encouragement ...... (((hugs)))).
awwwwww thanks Sassy......
My bags are packed.......I would love to come....
i was chatting with morty, aka michele and she told me the reason we haven't seen her in jwd is because the sweet girl fell down the stairs and broke her wrist and sustained brusises and cuts to her body.
so she has ask me, orangefatcat to let everyone know that she is recuperating and hopes to join the ranks here soon.
and also it is morty's birthday on the 21st of august.
i was chatting with morty, aka michele and she told me the reason we haven't seen her in jwd is because the sweet girl fell down the stairs and broke her wrist and sustained brusises and cuts to her body.
so she has ask me, orangefatcat to let everyone know that she is recuperating and hopes to join the ranks here soon.
and also it is morty's birthday on the 21st of august.
I am so sorry that I did not respond to this thread...I had no idea it had been posted...
Thanks OFC for getting the word out and being so concerned....You have a heart of gold
And to the rest of you that have e-mailed me and called, I appreciate all your thoughful words...
I will get around to replying to my e-mails shortly, I promise...
Life has definitely been challenging for me lately, but I know I will get through it...I know that there are others worse off then me and I should really just count my blessings and be more grateful for what I do have rather then moaning about what I dont have...
I have not been around for a while but I want you all to know that I really do miss keeping up with the board...Once this wrist is a little bit more better and I dont have to "hen peck" as much, I will be back to my old self and not shut
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart....It means a great deal to me...
Love Morty
just stopping in to say hello....i see there is alot of new ones to the board and it did go on without me life has been very challenging for me as of lately but i am slowly getting it back together..... thank you all for your support, e-mails, letters, calls and words of encouragement ...... (((hugs)))).
just checking in folks,........nice to hear that I was missed...
will check in again soon...
Ray, W, Heather, Shera.....What a nice surprise to see you all posting again...
just stopping in to say hello....i see there is alot of new ones to the board and it did go on without me life has been very challenging for me as of lately but i am slowly getting it back together..... thank you all for your support, e-mails, letters, calls and words of encouragement ...... (((hugs)))).
why Morty , what ever would give you that idea
Ummm, the scratch and sniff monitor I have, gave it away.....
I will try to drop by a little more.....