Most CO's today get there through politics and a promise to "lay down the law," and have little inclination to shepherd. If there were more Br. Snows in the Org at all levels, I'll bet a lot of posters here would be/still be in.
Posts by Badger
by Amazing inover the years, circuit servants and then circuit overseers came and went.
i can only recall a handfull because the rest were unimpressive or i was not real active during the visit of some.
most cos that i recall were humdrum with perhaps some single interesting feature or personality quirk.
Who really belives that there is a Satan
by Singing Man inis there any real evidence that there is a satan and a bunch of nasty demons?
it seems to be implanted on into our hard drives of our minds through the bible and religions litature.. it seems to me if the bible told us the moon was made of swiss cheese and religious litature said pigs could fly most humans would agree at once.
one mans opinion.
Well, someone's out to get me.
"I Guess We Won"t See It In This System Of Things..."
by minimus inthat is a common jw statement.... what could they be referring to??
I think it may refer to something that needs so much time, effort and luck, that it would take which time, the end will have come.
Some things we won't see ITSOT (according to some conversations with brothers and sisters):
- Cali falling into the ocean
- A Woman President
- A Black President
- Another Hailey's Comet
- Badger finding love again
- America embracing soccer
- Another President of the GB (said in 1988...oops)
- The Soviet Union Falling (oops)
- Badger graduating High School or College (2x oops)
- Those last five pounds coming off
- Another great restaurant coming into this town
- The Chiefs winning another Super Bowl (No!)
Are You Married to / Partnered with / Related to a Fellow Poster Here ??
by xjw_b12 ini came across a post here a day or two ago where the poster mentioned they were the spouse of so and so.
so in the interest of board harmonics, (really i'm just a curious / nosy sob) ...... 1. who here is married / partnered with / related to other posters here ?
and what are your usernames / aliases?.
No, but I wouldn't mind...
Can we forgive our parents??????????
by LyinEyes inguess this kind of goes with the other thread i started about looking at the inner child that is still hurtingk by posting a pic of us when we where kids.. i found this pic of my parents, my mom was just 15,,,,,my dad barely 18, shortly after , they married soon and i was born when my my was just 16. .
just looking at their faces in this moment in time, in this picture, i can see , that they were just kids too, that they were not ready to face the hardships of starting a family so soon.
i am not making excuses for the things they both did,,,,,,,,,,, they both did many things to hurt me.
The only way we can truly be in a posiiton to forgive our parents is to not repeat their mistakes with our own children
Bill Clinton
Richard Nixon
(Because, no matter who I tell this to, liberal or conservative, I'll always start a fight)
Stories of Bethel breaking down brothers into lumps of lifeless mush?
by Winston Smith :>D inwhen i was around the age that many a good young men travel to the earthly hq of jehover, ive had more than a handful of friends/acquaintances that went to bethel as normal and came back like they were put through the ministry of love [aka, torture in 1984]
one guy was reg pio, all the good stuff, went to bethel and was kicked out after less than a year.
came back to the congregation an alcoholic, started missing meetings, and then stopped going altogether.
I temped for a month after RP'ing for a year. Turns out, the SO from back home (Who, along with dad, had talked me out of a 4-year free ride in college to go in the first place) had a spy who was watching me and making sure that I would "fit in/not fit in."
Among the offenses: Wearing a hat indoors, Reading a secular book during free time, taking the last two hours of work off after getting an 11-stich gash in between my fingers (if I were litigious, I'd've called Jim Adler), and hugging a sister touring Bethel (at her insistence).
Ah, the screw job of Cong. Politics. Plus, my two pioneer partners routinely pulled stuff wilder than that and got called up for permanent. I'm still in, and not sure what's coming next for me (as I've posted elsewhere), but I'm done reaching out for anything beyond mic duty.
A question of culture
by Adam inlast year my girl's daughter was in 3rd grade.
we lived in cupertino, ca.
this area has a lot of newly immigrated families from (mainly) the middle east, asia, and mexico.
Since I teach at a school that is 90% Hispanic, I get an up front feel for the culture as they seldom show other groups.
Truth is? It reminds me of the Irish in the mid 1800's. Wierd Catholic faith. Large, close families. Broken English, Hot temper, taking "our jobs" (that, funny, no one else wants to do). These are the mindsets and preconceptions that they run in to.
I think it'll end the same way for them, too. They'll be almost completely absorbed into the American culture that has already borrowed heavily from the Germans, Anglo, Italian, African and Jewish populations that came here.
As for the Cultural Food Day? Take a Philly Cheese Steak. Uniquely Yankee, and everyone loves 'em.
Marital seperation -- the Society's guidelines
by logansrun ini'm curious..... the society's policies on the issue of a person seperating from his or her mate is the following (so far as i know):.
the mate may "scripturally" seperate on the grounds of:.
1) extreme abuse.
The biggest bug from this? I'm in a congregation now that (looks like it) accepts me. My meeting attendance and service isn't close to stellar, but I'm always invited to do things in and out of the hall, I'm being introduced to a veritable rainbow of sisters. However, I haven't exactly laid down some of my doubts (As I had during the separation crisis, when only one very conservative ex-elder gave me the lone supportive ear), so I'm not sure what will happen when that particular stool hits the fan. I once offered to the ex-father-in-law that the number 40 is often symbolic in events (such as the flood), and he didn't talk to me for two weeks.
The separation was a huge tax on my faith in my fellow man. As I told a sister (That I once dated) during the whole separation mess, "I love Jehovah; I just don't have any more use for his people." She didn't really care for that...
Marital seperation -- the Society's guidelines
by logansrun ini'm curious..... the society's policies on the issue of a person seperating from his or her mate is the following (so far as i know):.
the mate may "scripturally" seperate on the grounds of:.
1) extreme abuse.
My Story... and also paritally why I'm here making my first post.
I married a sister and started a secular job when we were 21, leaving pioneering after two years. Even after this, my soon-to-be-father in law said that he wasn't sure that I was spiritual enough for his daughter...a sentiment he repeated frequently.
This, coupled with reaching out in the congregation with no appreciable results (I was kicked off stage mic dute for forgetting my songbook...even though I knew the words), pretty much sent the messages I had feared all along:
1. No matter haw hard you apply yourself or how sincere you are, It won't be good enough if you run afoul of politics.
2. It's pretty plain that the congregation doesn't need need the congregation.
After that, I went into a flat spin in the congregation. irregular, sporadic at meetings, until I finally shook it off and decided to go to college.
My parents questioned me good and hard, and my wife defended my decision (gotta give her props for that). That is, until I had to work full time AND carry a 20-hr. semester load (A term that few in the org understood) and miss meetings. Then, she left after my junior year and moved in with my parents (you heard me), saying I "wasn't spiritual enough"
At my worst point, I was completely abandoned by EVERYONE. The elders refused to lift a finger and refused even to keep up or attempt to consel us. I kept trying to make it work (It was my duty as a spouse, after all) until she confessed to sleeping around.
To wrap up, I'm still in, and not sure what's next for me(DON'T try to convince me to leave...It'll only hurt the case). I'm single and free now, and get either apologies or sunning from my former friends.