Galaxie, are you an atheist? I haven't read enough of your posts to know. The following comments are assuming you are. If you're not, then my apologies.
I don't look at God through the eyes of an ex jw or disgrunteled former Christian. I look at God through the same eyes I had as a-fortunate- not-to-be-raised-as-a-JW child. Since we do not have all the answers, neither you nor I, I don't hold God accountable for the things that go wrong here on the earth. I don't have all of the answers and it would be presumptuous to blame him. Now, if you are going to blame God for not intervening on the things you think he should, then it isn't fair for you not to hold him accountable for the good things here. Understand? I'm not a Chrisitan and I don't look at the earth, our universe, God, gods, goddesses through those eyes. If you're an atheist, then when you look at tragedies, you can't blame God for not intervening because quite simply, you don't believe in God.
Do I wonder why God doesn't prevent every bad or sad thing? Sometimes I wonder about certain events. It doesn't make God not exist and it doesn't make him an @$$hole either. It means there are things going on that NONE of us understand. And that's okay. You draw your conclusions about the existence of God. I draw mine. Both sets of conclusions are very difficult to prove to each other, if not impossible. That said. I am very pleased that our former poster has drawn his own conclusions and that they have led him back to God. He's happy about it. I am happy for him. On the other hand, if your conclusions make you happy, then I'm happy for you.