if you are sure there is no god, do you then believe that we,our minds, are the highest intelligence? not just of the universe, but the cosmos?
Question to atheists: if there is no creator/god---
by prologos 92 Replies latest jw friends
Well, talking for myself, I would say my belief is proportional to the amount of evidence provided. The existence of a higher inteligence than ours requires a huge amount of evidence that this inteligence has a causal effect on the phenomena we see in the universe. Until now, I've not been presented to such evidence, so I must answer that I do not belive in the existence of such higher inteligence. But I'll be happy to change my mind at any time if enough evidence is provided.
Just so we are clear on terms, I am clear that there is no God as humans have believed- our gods having been created by men.
I am sure that insisting that a god created it all only adds a layer of complexity to the big questions- WHAT created God?
I do not insist that there is not a higher intelligence out there, or that there are not several other beings more advanced than man. Just watch Star Trek, it could be similar or at least there might be a handful of others out there. But as mentioned, we need evidence. Unless they come to us, I doubt it will happen soon. As far as a "guiding" intelligence over humanity, there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO evidence.
Dolphins are far more intelligent than humans according to Douglas Adams. LOL.
Just dealing with the "Universe" we know, with the multitude of "Goldilocks" Planets out there, it is highly unlikely that we are the only form of carbon based life.
Just how "intelligent" that life may be, we cannot say until we are able to study it. It also depends what you mean by "Intelligence".
Mankind has evolved considerable cognitive ability, and has found many ways to use knowledge and skills. It is my contention that the mind has yet to evolve further to be really considered "High" on any scale of intelligence you like to invent, at present we have too many shortcomings.
It is possible that there are Multi-verses, not just the Uni we know and love, Stephen Hawking proposes as many as 10..... with half amillion noughts behind it ! Why not ?
Life, of whatever sort it may be, in any one of those, may be far ahead of us in all fields.
Of course, if other Universes do not yet exist, it will not be long before man has the ability to produce some more himslf, Play God indeed.
interesting ,Phizzy, that you equate intelligence with life. life being closely related to the use of energy, reproduction.
still, it would put us into a very 'exalted' position, to be the highest intelligence ever, or at least the last 13 = billion years, within our horizon, ken.
It would put us in an exalted position were it true, I doubt it is. I think greater Minds exist than ours.
I have absolutely no proof for that, the only thing I know for sure is, there are a lot of minds greater than mine !
interesting ,Phizzy, that you equate intelligence with life. life being closely related to the use of energy, reproduction.
So where are you trying to take this thread? Can you name any non-life that is considered intelligent? Back to Star Trek, we have artificial intelligence but it comes from artificial life. In order to stop being artificial, it has to take on "life."
As awesome as the solar system, the galaxies, and the universe are, the stars and the things that orbit them are not intelligent. Energy may be necessary for life, but energy itself is not intelligent. (Unless you know of a "lifeform" that is pure energy and can offer some proof. That's how people start believing in God.)
I think Energy is God, which is why Energy Companies charge so much for the bloody stuff !
if you are sure there is no god, do you then believe that we,our minds, are the highest intelligence? not just of the universe, but the cosmos?
I don't really 'believe' anything that has to do with other creatures et al.
To be honest, I don't think it's worth bothering about. Without evidence we can speculate all we like and still come back to where we began...nowhere.
I'm just getting on with life.
From a personal experience shared by family and neighbors I am positive there are aliens visiting the Earth.
I realize by saying that I jeopardize any claim to rationality in the eyes of skeptics. So what. I didn't ask for my experience but I am content with my judgement and the perspective that experience has given me.
I don't believe there are more intelligent beings than humans. That is not a statement that should be labeled as arrogance. Species succeed when they have enough generalized abilities to adapt to a wide range of environments.
Too much individual intelligence becomes non-adaptive. At a certain point extremely high IQ's handicap a person especially in the area of sociability which impedes cooperation.
Most likely advanced civilizations have arrived at that state through cooperative techniques that evolved through trial and error.
If humans could learn to cooperate and get past the fighting betweens males for access to females they could be capable of amazing things. Even god-like things. Through cooperation humans can match the achievements of any other evolved species that may exist.
After all, look at the cooperation that goes on between the specialization of cells in our own bodies. Think about the amazing symbiosis between the bacterial invader we affectionately call "mitochondria"as if they were just another part of our cells. Humans still haven't learned how to fully exploit human resources. If we can learn to cooperate the door will be open to understanding the genetic aspect of individual talents. There will be no need for crude psychological testing to understand a person's ability. There will be no wasting of human talent and potential with the hit or miss random distribution of people to various occupations. Think of the "genius" of all sorts that go to waste in the billions of people that are working at jobs inappropriate to their unique talents. Imagine a society where everyone has a job that fits their capacity.
Unfortunately, this has been given the name of socialism and is scorned by the libertarian freedom fanatics. Libertarians are usually highly intelligent and they need to recognize that they stand to benefit greatly from a society that is focused on discovering and utilizing peoples assets.
Instead earthlings will continue to use the artifact of struggle for reproductive access (war and strife at all levels) until they destroy themselves or are rescued by intervention from our advanced brothers from other planets or multiverses.
Not in our lifetime! So you just have to make do.