Find a writing group or reading group and ask her if she'd like to joint it together, as friends. See what her reaction is.
JoinedPosts by FlyingHighNow
Why is it so hard to deconvert the JDubs?
by alonein321 ini was watching this q & a by peter boghossian (autor of the book a manual for creating atheists) on youtube:. .
around 17:15 min, he explains that there are difficulty levels when it comes to religions in aplying these techniques.
It's a big jump from trying to help people out of cults, to deprogram them, to trying to create atheists. Super irony.
Why is it so hard to deconvert the JDubs?
by alonein321 ini was watching this q & a by peter boghossian (autor of the book a manual for creating atheists) on youtube:. .
around 17:15 min, he explains that there are difficulty levels when it comes to religions in aplying these techniques.
A manual for creating atheists. Brain washing wearing a different skin.
D, make friends with the lady. Sincerely find out about her.
It is true that confidence has an affect on people. Women like confident men. Men like confident women. People like confident people.
What do you do in your life that you are proud of? Where do your interests and talents lie? I knew a guy who wooed a woman he met in a camera/photography club. He was asking everyone if they knew where he could buy film for a certain odd camera. He was an American in England. She was British. She told him she knew where he could find the film. He used this as a stepping off point to get to know her better, doing something they both found interesting: photography. As they worked together on the club assignments, he got to know her better and a romance bloomed. They dated, fell in love and stayed married until his death a few years back. He was over ten years older than her.
The best relationships I have had stemmed from becoming friends with guys I met while pursuing a common interest. With both, there was obvious mutual chemistry from the first meeting. We genuinely liked each other. But with both we were friends for a while before any romance started. It was so much fun getting to know them and watching the relationships unfold.
I bet if you meet someone who shares an interest that you do, you will feel more confident.
Some important things to keep in mind. Good grooming and hygiene, not forgetting your finger and toenails and teeth is paramount. Having clothing that is in good shape that fits you well is also important. When you care about yourself, it will help you have more confidence and it will show. Do you like wearing things like hats, jewelry, cool belts and shoes or boots? Do you have a handle on your own style personality?
Do you do things like make your own bbq sauce or play an instrument? Are you good at something like bowling or pool? Sculpture? Cooking? Be an interesting person. Like Napoleon Dynamite says, chicks like guys with skills.
Has anyone ever used a NONO??
by DATA-DOG injust curious.
i hate shaving, ect.
ummm..errr...i mean "my friend" was asking about this device.
The review I posted: the reviewer didn't use the cremes or the buffer pads and her hair came in finer. There are other reviews on Amazon. Some like No No and some don't. I like her review because she gives results along the way and shows where she had to return it twice, but the last model she received worked better. I cannot figure out why the No No is so expensive. If it was $75, I might try it.
Head covering for women--how did you feel about this? Men? Women?
by humbled inthinking about how this felt awkward to some of us women when a bible student noticed something was "up" if a baptised brother sat in on a study.
had to reference 1 cor.
11:1-16.. i wonder if this irked any while you were still in?.
Nothing like having to cover your head with a book because a 9 year old baptized brother is present and you are the one who is praying.
Has anyone ever used a NONO??
by DATA-DOG injust curious.
i hate shaving, ect.
ummm..errr...i mean "my friend" was asking about this device.
Customer Review amazon. You can find more reviews. This one is a week by week one for a wife and her husband.
1,433 of 1,461 people found the following review helpfulduration of use, progress review, November 2, 2011 By Melin This review is from: no!no! 8800 Series Deluxe Hair Removal Kit (Misc.) When I was looking into buying the nono I searched out reviews, hoping to find a review to tell me how the nono worked as the weeks progressed. I didn't find any, so I bought the nono and decided to do a week by week review for others looking into purchasing this device. There is a 60 day money back "guarantee", so here is my first week...
I am using this on my husband too. He is a body builder and wants a smooth chest. He has not had a full week yet, I will update when he does. Update below...
I am NOT using the lotion/buffers that come with the nono. My reasons are:
1. The lotion has parabens in it.
2. It is a hair growth inhibitor and I want to know I am getting the results from the nono device not the lotion.
3. I have sensitive skin and have tried hair buffers with no success.
I am using the nono daily, alternating body parts to every other day. The nono recommends using the nono 3-4 times a week so I am following the directions.
I just finished my first week of the nono. Not much to tell yet, except I smell burning hair in my sleep now. LOL
I don't like the smaller thermacon attachment it feels like it gets closer to the skin and I burned my upper lip. This did not happen with the larger one. So I only use the larger one now.
I found I have to go slow and pass over the same spot 2-3 times for the hair to burn off. It is NOT smooth after using the nono, but I wasn't expecting it to be, at least not yet.
I'll change my rating as necessary and will update after I finish my second week.
Today is actually my third week. I did start to notice a slight thinning of the hair after 2 weeks but wasn't sure if it was my imagination or not. Now at 3 weeks I am getting a little excited about my results.
The hair is definately thinner, not as course, and lighter. The hair on my legs (in addition to lighter and thinner) seems to be beginning to become a bit more sporadic. I noticed more of a difference in the hair on my arms than legs so far. The hair on my arms are so thin and light (extremely vellus) I can barely see them. (I am assuming this is maybe due to the hair already being less course in this area.) The hair growth has slowed down too. I am now alternating body parts to every 2 days. I also noticed I have little patches here and there that have nothing, mainly in the underarm area.
I use a loofah while showering to exfoliate the burned hair and then apply a natural moisturizer. The thermicon attachments seem to last also. I have used the same large thermicon since the beginning and the indicator shows it to still have 3 bars (measuring 3-0).
My husband has been using the NONO for his chest for 2 weeks now. He does not have a very hairy chest to begin with but has noticed a slower growth and a thinning in the hair.
I will update when he has more results. Also feel free to ask questions if I have not covered something you would like to know:)
I just finished my 4th week and the hair seems to be getting very fine and soft. I imagine it is a much slower process due to me not using the growth inhibiting lotion.
My husband is not using it on a regular basis, so I apoligize for not being able to give more information on his use of the nono.
Middle of 5th week...OK so my NONO is not working correctly. I called customer service and they are sending me a new one and starting my 60 days over again. I suppose I can't complain about that assuming this was a malfuction in the device I recieved and not that the device itself is crap. This kind of screws up my 6 week review for you so I will continue to review after I recieve my new nono. It will be interesting to see if the time lapse will effect the hair growth. I will keep you posted.
Ok I just received my new NONO 12-3. I am a few days behind schedule, I have 3 days to finish my 5th week and will update on the 7th. I was without my NONO for 5 days and did not notice new hair growth or anything to make me think I was set back.
I just finished my 5th week with the NONO and I have to say that I am happy with my results. I even changed my rating!
The hair on my arms is almost gone. If I look closely I can see baby fine hairs. I would definitely have to say the process has been slower with my legs than other areas, but the results are coming along. The hair on my legs is very light and soft, I feel more skin than hair if I run my hand against the growth. Any vellus hair I had is gone and the hair that was course is becoming vellus. I have larger patches that have nothing. The growth is now extremely slow. I hardly had any new growth during my 5 day hiatus.
The thermicon I was using ran out, so I would say they last about a month.
I think it will take more than 6 weeks to get the desired results I am looking for. But I think it will be worth it. I am happy to answer any questions. I hope my review helps. :)
I will update again on the 14th.
The NONO is on it's last chance with me. I had to send back my 2nd NONO due it not even turning on after charging, it also blew the wire on both of my thermicon attachments. Customer service sent me a new NONO and new attachments and started my 60 day trial over. AGAIN. I asked for the Black nono this time after the representive made me aware that it is the latest to be released and they have not had the black nonos returned. So far so good but I have only had this one now for a day. I would have given up and gotten my money back if it were not for the fact that I have noticed such a difference in my hair growth. I really hope this one is not defective. My last two were pink whether this is relevent or not I can't say but I would want to know if I was reading this review.
AND of course due to another set back in time I am not prepared for my 6 week review. I realize my two returns may have made the decision for some but I will still post my 6th week to complete my review.
I am happy to report that my new nono has been working great. Actually better than I imagined. I ordered the Black NONO on my second return and I feel it is more powerful. I can't say if it is due to finally having one that works or because it is marketed toward the male consumer. With the black nono 1 pass and the hair burns off.
I am very pleased with my results after 6 weeks. Any hair that was on my upper lip is gone. My chin (my problem area) has a few sporatic hairs that are not noticable. My arms are hairless, underarms have a few that I need to use the nono a couple times a week. My legs, (which have seemed to take the longest to see results) are showing progressively less regrowth.
I wanted to share a few tips for the upper lip I have learned through my use of the NONO device. (it took me awhile to get this one)
For upper lip: Again the larger thermicon the smaller one burns me. You can move the nono in toward the nose or outward toward the jawline (as the directions tell you to). But lets be honest that is not how the hair grows. I pull my lips in (as if evening out lipstick) and I stick my toung under my upper lip (depending on the area I am trying to reach) to make a smooth even surface for gliding the nono and not to get burned. And move in an upward motion. Start off on the lowest setting work from there to see what works for you. Do not tip the nono forward, more than a 90 degree angle, this always burned me in the beginning. It is ok to tip it back toward the roller a little. The NONO works best on short stubble. I made the mistake of letting my hair grow out before getting the NONO (used to having to do so for waxing) and it took me longer to use it and more passes to burn the hair.
I guess that is all for my review. I appreicate all your responses and I will be following any comments for questions. I hope my review helped in your decision to buy this device:)
Well today my new NONO (the black one) stopped working, it sounds like the motor on it is going. It seems like these things are designed to work for 30-50 days and break in some way. So I have a choice to make... get a new nono every 50 days or so (as they keep starting over my 60 days) or just get my money back and search out the next best way for hair removal. I'm very disappointed!
I wanted to give a little update... I did receive another replacement nono. This one has been working fine with no problems. I am still using my nono and remain happy with my results. It is not a device that will make you "completely hairless" in my opinion, but the difference is enough for me to find it worth it.
I would also like to clear up some confusion, I have been questioned about my four star rating then me saying that I am disappointed... I was disappointed about the devices malfunctioning on me, but not the results I got using the nono. My rating it based on my results as I can not honestly say that my experience in receiving malfunctioning devices is typical or not. However, it is only fair to let any other consumer make the choice to purchase one for themselves by me simply sharing my experience. -
Has anyone ever used a NONO??
by DATA-DOG injust curious.
i hate shaving, ect.
ummm..errr...i mean "my friend" was asking about this device.
No no is expensive. Way expensive. There are lots of on line customer reviews. I gathered that you have to use them for a time period before the hair stops coming back. If people give up too soon, they don't work for the permanent part of it. I don't think this is an epilator device, so it shouldn't be pulling people's hair out.
Since the Governing Body can make up anything and people will believe it...
by kurtbethel in...why don't they make up a rule like this intrepid pastor did?.
kenyan pastor makes women take off panties & bras during churchposted by: olumide on march 4, 2014. .
a pastor from a church in dandora phase 2, an eastern suburb nairobi, the kenyan capital, has ordered all female members to go to the church free that is without bras and panties for christ to enter their lives.. reverend njohi of the lords propeller redemption church has advised female worshippers against wearing any undergarments to the church, calling them ungodly.. in a meeting chaired by him, a law was passed banning the wearing of inner wears.
People wear underwear in Kenya? That's news to me. (Kidding of course.)
Atheists Are More Advantaged Than The Religious Teachers!
by exWTslave in1) if an atheist becomes selfish, others have no reason to be discouraged.
but see what happens if a religious leader becomes selfish, many may copy his behavior.
[many people know how lavishly rutherford lived even during great depression].
Science makes god redundant. It destroys the need for a creator.- cofty
You say creator. You don't believe God is a creator. Your statement is a matter of opinion, something personal.
Is there a need for God though? This gives me an idea for a future thread topic.
I will get back to you on the vagueness of God. I started writing a reply, but I've got phone calls to make and bills to pay.
I understand where you are coming from, better, after reading about your experiences with church after you left the JWs. I'm not sure how similar Baptist churches are in England, to ones here in the states. I know that I have had problems with the Baptist very harsh concept of God, now and really ever since I was a child. Next to Jehovah, the Baptist God is not much different except that he micromanages the lives of human beings a bit less and promises eternal torment.