I take everything written in the Bible with a grain of salt.
JoinedPosts by FlyingHighNow
Jesus was a False Prophet - But was he deluded or deceitful?
by cofty inany objective reading of the gospels makes it plain that jesus believed his parousia would happen within the lifetime of his generation.. his followers believed in his imminent return until the day of their deaths.. his false prophecy damaged the lives of his disciples in a similar way to that done by the lies of modern cults like the watchtower.
peter and others walked out on their wives, children and businesses to follow him around palestine.
jesus taught them to put their families and other normal concerns in second place to their task of spreading his message - which turned out to be false.. the question is what he was up to?.
Very cool.
worldly women don't all ask you to see her aquarium
by suavojr inlast night i was watching the secret elder's video about the jw who sleeps with a worldly women and i could not stop laughing.. when i was 17 i thought that all worldly women would sleep with anyone, i remember a beautiful neighbor who i tried to kiss and she just flat out said no.
i tried twice to make out with this girl and i just could not understand why she would not say yes .
she did not have an aquarium.... .
worldly women don't all ask you to see her aquarium
by suavojr inlast night i was watching the secret elder's video about the jw who sleeps with a worldly women and i could not stop laughing.. when i was 17 i thought that all worldly women would sleep with anyone, i remember a beautiful neighbor who i tried to kiss and she just flat out said no.
i tried twice to make out with this girl and i just could not understand why she would not say yes .
she did not have an aquarium.... .
Isn't it hilarious. Too many men suffer from what I call it the "Magic Mirror Syndrome" (more-so than women, I think). They are not in reality about themselves or what they look like and imagine they deserve a beauty. They can even be overheard trashing some female's looks or figure!
Meanwhile, perfectly good looking women are worried about cellulite or a little wrinkle.
It is soooo sadly funny. There are a few women like that, too. They usually have tubby bodies with no waist, and homely faces. They aren't very attractive, but think every man wants them. They remind me of the Tasmanian She-devil that Bugs Bunny mail ordered, to distract the Tasmanian Devil. I call them Tasmanian Devils. They spin into a room full of men, eyes bulging in their heads, tapping some girl and telling her that this man or that man wants them. Comical, really. And then like you said, very pretty girls that are just sure no man is going to ever want them. Nothing wrong with being plain or homely or tubby, I could be all three. Thinking every man wants you though, no matter what you look like, it's kind of delusional.
Suavo jr. I understand what you said about the misconception about women that was drilled into your brain. I'm just amazed at how clueless a lot of men, in general, are about women. Women don't want every guy they find attractive, in a sexual way. It's rare that we see a guy and think, "My god, that man is delicious, I could have that man for dessert every night (Dessert here, does not refer to oral sex. It means the man is delicious looking, has major, delicious charisma and it would so fun to have him around every night. For whatever.)
Thanks WTBS for changing the Kingdom Songs, you freed me!
by StephaneLaliberte inyesterday, i saw a picture of a family signing kingdom melodies together.
it made me realize a fact that i am somewhat ashamed to admit:.
for over a decade, i have been aware of the false prophecies, the deceptive statements, the lack of scriptural support for many core practices and other issues with the witnesses.
For sentimental folks, they need oldies night at the kingdom hall. Retro day at the convention.
The flip side of that is then she'll want to spend more of the family's hard earned dough replacing them.
Worth every penny, when you consider the rides with no kingdom songs that you'll get while you await the next KH shipment.
Do you frown upon tattoos?
by confusedandalone ini am very interested in hearing from people who really think that people with tattoos are somehow weird or cagey individuals.
i would just like to get your outlook on this matter.
today i was in a grocery store and i sawe this guy with his two kids and his wife shopping.
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The best tattoo I have seen was on a hispanic man who had a tiny crescent moon and about three smaller stars, tattooed between his ear and hairline.
My friend has the word Love tattooed in pretty script, in black, on her inner wrist.
Tattoos? Not for me. Yes, I see more tacky, less than attractive tattoos than I see impressive ones. I just keep remembering that they bring some happiness to the owners, usually. I try to concentrate on that.
I love the nostril and Marilyn piercings, but I recognize that would not work on my face. My face is already too out there. I don't need anything other than some light cosmetics, otherwise it is over the top. I have pierced ears. Got those when I was 14. My sister talked me into it. Not sorry I got them pierced. My mother thought they looked like a tribal custom thing.
worldly women don't all ask you to see her aquarium
by suavojr inlast night i was watching the secret elder's video about the jw who sleeps with a worldly women and i could not stop laughing.. when i was 17 i thought that all worldly women would sleep with anyone, i remember a beautiful neighbor who i tried to kiss and she just flat out said no.
i tried twice to make out with this girl and i just could not understand why she would not say yes .
she did not have an aquarium.... .
"Worldly men" are surprised when they figure out that the women who smile at them, do not "want them bad".
Sounds like a JW in the Dallas area. Chased anything without a penis. Could never get it through the idiots head that just because a woman smiled it didn't automatically mean they wanted to do the mattress mambo. It was downright disgusting to listen to this "exemplary" brother graphically describing what every woman who had ever smiled wanted to do to him. Pot gut, bald head, false teeth and he figured that just like the WT claimed, all woman were after a good stuffing with anyone, anytime.
Men are like that, well some of them. The not very bright ones anyway. Even on the chance a woman thinks a man is attractive, and she smiles at him, it just means she thinks he is attractive. For women, we don't automatically think from face to bed. No, really, we don't. We just think, "He's nice looking." And even then, it doesn't mean we like the man or ever want to see him again. Most of the time though, if a woman smiles at you, she is just extending human friendliness. We smile at women, children and dogs, too.
Scenario: Group of men standing beneath a clock at the subway station. Semi attractive woman looks up at clock over group of men. Doesn't even see group of men. "Ah, 2:30. Train should be along any moment." One idiot in the group of men, "See that hot chick over there? She's looking at me. She wants me bad."
Thanks WTBS for changing the Kingdom Songs, you freed me!
by StephaneLaliberte inyesterday, i saw a picture of a family signing kingdom melodies together.
it made me realize a fact that i am somewhat ashamed to admit:.
for over a decade, i have been aware of the false prophecies, the deceptive statements, the lack of scriptural support for many core practices and other issues with the witnesses.
Oh heck, throw it out and tell her you left the car unlocked and someone stole it.
Its a very sick puppy that woule want to steal that crap.
This reminds me...... I have to throw out those crap magazines my wife left in the back of my car.
But the wife will think that something very valuable was stolen and that maybe the person will end up finding Jehovah because of it. Meanwhile, a break from suck @$$ kingdom songs.
Thanks WTBS for changing the Kingdom Songs, you freed me!
by StephaneLaliberte inyesterday, i saw a picture of a family signing kingdom melodies together.
it made me realize a fact that i am somewhat ashamed to admit:.
for over a decade, i have been aware of the false prophecies, the deceptive statements, the lack of scriptural support for many core practices and other issues with the witnesses.
The Newer songs really do Suck, my wife has a cd of them in her car. When i get in to drive i have to stop myself from throwing that cd out the window.
Oh heck, throw it out and tell her you left the car unlocked and someone stole it.
Great to see you all!
by KW13 init's heartwarming to see so many new faces (and some older ones) playing their part in this thriving community.
so many more free minds!
Hey, K, haven't forgotten you yet.