Hi, Blues Brother .
JoinedPosts by FlyingHighNow
The Other Prince (Buster ) Has Passed Away
by BluesBrother inthe king of jamaican ska.. an icon of his time and a giant of his genre has left us , i believe i his late seventies.
there was a time when prince buster records would be played at any live gig , between sets .r.i p..
Do you have / admire Charisma?
by The Rebel in"charisma is a certain quality of an individual personality by virtue of which the person is set apart from ordinary people and treated as exceptional".
as a kid i was afraid of such charisma, as it was usually the quality i noticed elders, head masters, and parents had to exercise with unloving authority over me.. but now i think about it "charisma" doesn't need be only for people with authority.
" charisma" is something even we can have?
Yes, I have been told that I have charisma. I don't tend to see it until I see video of myself. It can be a two edged sword though. You can draw people and/or you can intimidate people when you have strong charisma. I think there is a passionate, electric and sometimes a vivacious quality that can cause magnetism and a more intense presence to an individual. There are different types of charisma, too, I have observed. One kind is sex appeal, or what my friend Andy calls a natural sex vibe. With others is is an intense passion for life. Some charismatic people have a natural sparkle or glow to them. Confidence can radiate a kind of charisma.
I find myself more drawn to the "passionate for everything" kind of charisma.
That avatar there to your left is me. When people figure out that it is me, they tell me they thought I chose some famous person's picture for the avatar. In reality its just a photograph my son took of me, that I put Billy Jack's hat on, that accidentally got cut in half when I tried to upload it to another site. I liked the cut in half look, so I kept it. I don't know what causes my charisma or if it is present all of the time, such as days when I feel tired or weary. It can work for me in sales, and with most people, but it can also work against me. I'm not saying that I am exceptional. It's pretty typical for the ENFP - Myer Briggs/Jung personality type to be a bit on the magnetic/charismatic side. A lot of ENFP's are famous actors or writers or involved in the entertainment field in some way. From Human Metrics:
Famous ENFP's -
Found Another Medieval Coin This Evening
by cofty ini got in an hour metal detecting this evening and found this almost immediately.. it is a silver penny of henry ii minted in london by "davi" between 1180 and 1189. this adds a king i didn't have in my collection.
i now have the series of henry ii - john - henry iii - edward i - edward ii - edward iii.. i now need richard the lionheart to fill in the gap.
he was the brother of john and reigned after the death of henry ii.
Fascinating hobby and find, Cofty. thank you for sharing with us.
When you find a coin which you can pin to a period in history, is there any way to determine when the coin was dropped there? Or other artifacts? I remember that at the Etowah Indian Mounds museum in Bartow County Georgia USA, there was a Spanish sword from some Spanish expedition, that had been found on a Floyd County property/farm. It is called De Soto's Sword. It is believed that the sword was dropped there during Hernando De Soto's 1540 expedition or a later Spanish expedition in 1560.
Here is a news paper article about the dispute over ownership. There was an official archaeological dig going on, but the finders were not part of the dig. De Soto's Sword Ownership -
Is the Jesus of religion conservative, and the Jesus of the New Testament liberal?
by Fernando inis the jesus of religion conservative, and the jesus of the new testament liberal?.
your thoughts?.
It's not so much about getting confidence in Jesus or in what is written about him. Here in America we have a party, the Grand Old Party of Republicans that has managed to convince some more simple thinking Christians that Jesus was a Republican , so they would vote GOP. Most of them, GOP leaders, don't give a flip about religion. They only pretend to be ultra Christians to get votes so they can push their agenda. And they pretend to care about the unborn and abortion. Religion, for them, is a tool to fool and get voters. To vote GOP is to please God. To vote Democrat is to vote for the Devil's party doncha know? Those baby killers. I'm not a Republican.
Is the Jesus of religion conservative, and the Jesus of the New Testament liberal?
by Fernando inis the jesus of religion conservative, and the jesus of the new testament liberal?.
your thoughts?.
Looking at the context of Matthew 6:48
The CEB translation gives an interesting alternative to the word perfect, which is used in many English translations/versions. I posted the context of Matthew 5:48 a couple of comments back.
CEB Therefore, just as your heavenly Father is complete in showing love to everyone, so also you must be complete.
Is the Jesus of religion conservative, and the Jesus of the New Testament liberal?
by Fernando inis the jesus of religion conservative, and the jesus of the new testament liberal?.
your thoughts?.
I'm not a Christian. I'm not a person who believes The Bible was written by God. I'll get that out of the way. But reading what the Bible does say about Jesus, it's clear he was not harsh over human failings,but was very firm with hypocritical religious leaders and oppressors.
This is from Matthew Chapter 9
The Calling of Matthew
9 As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.
10 While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. 11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?”
12 On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 13 But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’[a] For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”
Is the Jesus of religion conservative, and the Jesus of the New Testament liberal?
by Fernando inis the jesus of religion conservative, and the jesus of the new testament liberal?.
your thoughts?.
Here is the context for Matthew 5:48, for the record:
43“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbori and hate your enemy.’ 44But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Is the Jesus of religion conservative, and the Jesus of the New Testament liberal?
by Fernando inis the jesus of religion conservative, and the jesus of the new testament liberal?.
your thoughts?.
Jesus is the ultimate sock puppet.
....and a Capricorn. -
Is the Jesus of religion conservative, and the Jesus of the New Testament liberal?
by Fernando inis the jesus of religion conservative, and the jesus of the new testament liberal?.
your thoughts?.
Who said conservatism is defined by the GOP?
I said basically that anyone who dreams that Jesus would support the GOP is daft. I didn't break down what you can find in either party. Grand Old Party is what I said, not conservatism or liberalism. Please, read my comments again. The GOP only uses propaganda to try to get simpler thinking Christians that Jesus would be a republican. In reality, Jesus wouldn't be a member of either party. He would however support ideas and practices that the GOP is blatantly opposed to. -
Is the Jesus of religion conservative, and the Jesus of the New Testament liberal?
by Fernando inis the jesus of religion conservative, and the jesus of the new testament liberal?.
your thoughts?.
Seeing so many Pharisees among Jehovah's Witnesses is probably the biggest factor that helped me leave. I could see how the entire philosophy of the governing body encouraged such harsh, cold thinking in both the leadership and rank and file.
Jesus would compare more to the liberal side of things, in my estimation. He had a very generous, helpful attitude towards the poor and the unfortunate. He spoke of how things would be in an ideal world, but understood that earth was not an ideal world, so it was fruitless and cruel to impose harsh, black and white standards on very imperfect people. He never mentioned homosexuality. He made concessions for many things. He chose his battles and he stood up, when it was important, and made a huge stand. He fed the poor, healed the poor, ministered to the poor, never asking for money or insurance cards. He cleared the temple of greedy hypocrites who sought to make money off other people's limitations and hardships. He spoke out , exposing religious oppression.
I agree with Kris, if Jesus was to come down today, they'd nail him again. How anyone can read the Gospels and then dream he would support the GOP, escapes me.