Did they have another book that said the "The end of the preaching work would happen before the 20th Century ended!" they also revised too? Was it the old blue book or another book on top of the Magazines?
"Shortly, within our
twentieth century, the "battle in the day of Jehovah" will begin
against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom." (Know Jehovah, 1971, p.
"But then it also speaks of a group of people preaching about the righteous kingdom of God, a war of God against all wickedness, followed by a paradise earth without death - all to be realized in the twentieth century." (Awake! February 22, 1961, p. 5, article The 20th Century In Bible Prophecy);
"That now-operating kingdom in heaven will, within the twentieth century, cleanse the entire earth of wickedness." (Awake! February 22, 1961, p. 7);
"What day was Jesus speaking of? The beginning of World War III? No, Zephaniah 2:3 identifies it as "the day of Jehovah's anger." Revelation 16:16 calls it the "war of the great day of God the Almighty," Armageddon. This war will come in the twentieth century. It will come right on schedule, as have the wars, food shortages, earthquakes and other events' fore told. This generation will see its fulfillment." (Awake! February 22, 1961, p. 8);
"Shortly, within our twentieth century, the “battle in the day of Jehovah” will begin against the modern antitype of Jerusalem, Christendom. (...) Jehovah‟s “sword” of warfare will cut off from this position that Christendom‟s clergy claim for her all religionists who depend upon her having an acceptable standing with God. However, Jehovah‟s “sword” will not be applied merely to those adhering to Christendom. It will also be brandished against “all flesh from south [Christendom] to north.” Religionists belonging to all the rest of the world empire of false religion will feel the cutting edge of Jehovah‟s “sword.” Their being non-Christians will not cause them to be spared." (“The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah‖ - How? 1971, pp. 216-217).