JW's lack of popularity is totally self-inflicted. You gonna let people die through lack of blood, not assist abused children, split up families with shunning, you are not going to be flavour of the month!
Simples....(sorry meerkat)
please show them this.... easter 2017, christians ‘most persecuted group in the world’.
during the last calendar year, some 90,000 christians were killed for their faith across the globe, making christians by far the most persecuted group in the world, according to a study from the turin-based center for studies on new religions (cesnur).. while tens of thousands of christians are killed for their faith, introvigne said, they are just the tip of the iceberg and much persecution takes place on a daily basis that never makes news.. http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2017/04/16/easter-2017-christians-most-persecuted-group-in-the-world/.
dear jw's, it's all about being a christian that is important, not being a jw!!.
JW's lack of popularity is totally self-inflicted. You gonna let people die through lack of blood, not assist abused children, split up families with shunning, you are not going to be flavour of the month!
Simples....(sorry meerkat)
theresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
From an emotional point of view I would love to see an Independent Scotland, it would go some way to redressing the evil perpetrated in the past by the English upon the Scots, but from a pragmatic point of view I do not see how this can be achieved.
I think we've managed to perpetrate evil around most of the globe over the centuries, so Scotland aren't alone.
BTW, we've never declared war on Portugal.
theresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
If the majority of Scots vote to remain within the UK again, will the SNP get the hint and drop this issue?
No. Independence is all that drives Nicola Sturgeon, some say at the expense of other important issues.
theresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
I think the UK is lucky to have her - she seems pretty awesome right now, definitely Thatcheresque.
She ain't Mother Theresa, that's fer sure.
theresa may the british p.m. has called for an election.. the house of commons has to vote tomorrow and have a two-thirds majority to agree and the main opposition parties want it to happen too so it looks pretty certain to go ahead..
Sadly there is no alternative to anyone but the Tories - led by Theresa May - to take us out of the EU in style. All the other parties want a wishy-washy exit or none at all. Now Theresa May is being castigated for changing her mind about holding a snap election. Others say that she's being adaptable to a changing situation.
what's a polite way to ask a man to keep his hands to himself while conversing in a group with you?.
this neighbor of mine and i were sitting in chairs on the deck with other people.. he always touched me whenever he said anything to me or i said anything to him.. it was as if he was using touch like an antenna to send and receive signals.. i didn't know what to do, so instead of risking embarrassment for us both, i did nothing but stand up and step away.. i stepped away after he attempted to caress my hamstrings on one leg.. *shudder*.
wonder why 60+ year old men think that a woman being nice to him means she's hot for him.. also wonders why it's only the smoking, beer guzzling, scrawny, bony, and smelly old men who do that.. .
I'm in my 70's and women are always hugging and kissing me. Some have said I have the softest most kissable lips they've ever encountered.
This usually happens on a Saturday evening in my local pub around midnight.
dear all,.
i have been a member here for some years although mostly in the background.
many of you have bravely shared your own experiences and i am very grateful for that but i have never been open about my own experience.. nevertheless, i would be very grateful to those of you who would now take the time to read about my own personal journey from the jw religion and the circumstances that caused me to abandon that way of life and how i landed up where i am.
I'm afraid that many couples who leave the JW's will indulge in "flings". One or both parties may be tempted. My ex and I both indulged ourselves disgracefully when we left. The problem is the old forbidden fruit maxim, plus one's reason for not having an affair while a JW is the fear of disfellowshipping.
Once you're out it takes time for one's own real sense of morality to take the place of the WT brainwashing that we mistook for right behaviour. Some couples do survive and stay married, but I get the impression that the majority will split up. It's only when you're out that you start to mature and grow emotionally. I went through my adolescence in my late 20's!
skimming though my iphone earlier today i came across a fb post - which i now can't find!.
basically it was a claim that a gb member had stated that associating with a disfellowshipped person was akin to sleeping next to a corpse.. so obviously i'm curious as to whether anyone else has come across this..
I know that a disfellowshipped person who is attending meetings is bypassed when the memorial emblems are handed around. I guess that's pretty indicative of JW's esprit de CORPSE....
skimming though my iphone earlier today i came across a fb post - which i now can't find!.
basically it was a claim that a gb member had stated that associating with a disfellowshipped person was akin to sleeping next to a corpse.. so obviously i'm curious as to whether anyone else has come across this..
Skimming though my iphone earlier today I came across a FB post - which I now can't find!
Basically it was a claim that a GB member had stated that associating with a disfellowshipped person was akin to sleeping next to a corpse.
So obviously I'm curious as to whether anyone else has come across this.
they're known as marmite cars in the uk.
you either love them or hate them.
i love mine.. what do you think?.