Apparently the driver selected by Ford was actually a Brummie!
JoinedPosts by snugglebunny
Ford versus Ferrari
by jhine inso after the unqualified success of my last review ( green book ) l thought that l would try again .
l went to see ford versus ferrari / le mans 66 according to where you live .
now l am no petrol head and talk of motor racing usually makes my eyes glaze over but this film is about much more than laps on a circuit .
The Apology Tour
by minimus ineveryone seems to be hitting the apology circuit.
if you ever said anything inappropriate or what might be considered offensive, then you must apologize.
if you possibly could have hurt someone’s feelings, you need to say sorry.
It's crap. Anyone can use the judgement of today to find fault with the acceptable activities of yesterday and then demand an apology. It's a never-ending spiral.
Prince Andrew & Jeffrey Epstein, WTF
by Simon inin fact, several "wtf"s, not least - why were you visiting a convicted pedophile after his release from prison, never-mind having any contact with him in the first place when his preoclivities seemed to be an open secret.. and the best he can some up with is "i don't remember"?
you don't remember?
there's a fucking photo of you with one of the victims and accessories to the crimes you dumb fuck!.
I believe that a monarchy is good for Britain overall. However the problems that arise seem always to involve those of the minor royals - the so called members of the Royal Family. The whole shebang needs streamlining.
Why is Life Expectancy in the USA So Low Compared to Other Countries?
by RubaDub ini was looking at the world health org.
report and it shows the us ranks 37th in the world (tied with albania) for combined male/female life expectancy.
the top 5 were japan, switzerland, singapore, israel and spain, all around 83 years.
@s ugglebunny....2500 carbs a day? Are you kidding?
Or do you mean calories?Oops. Yes, calories, not carbs. Of course. Thanks.
Why is Life Expectancy in the USA So Low Compared to Other Countries?
by RubaDub ini was looking at the world health org.
report and it shows the us ranks 37th in the world (tied with albania) for combined male/female life expectancy.
the top 5 were japan, switzerland, singapore, israel and spain, all around 83 years.
Basically you've just gotta watch your carb intake to improve your health. For fellas generally, going much over 2500 carbs a day will see a weight increase unless you're very active. I love my tucker and can easily pile on weight, so I found that cutting potatoes and processed food out of my diet completely and replacing it with green vegetables has been sufficient for me to lose 9 pounds over a six month period. Plus potatoes are quite soporific, so my energy levels are now much higher.
Generally Speaking Do You Support The Police?
by minimus ini know bad cops exist in many cities.
i know some cops who aren’t “bad” but do have an attitude.
however, i prefer to have law and order as opposed to chaos.
A li'l bit o' nostalgia...
Ewart Chitty
by NoAbuse inewart chitty was appointed as secretary-treasurer , which position he held until his appointment to the governing body in november 1974.. when in brooklyn, chitty seems to have preferred younger men as roommates.
the actual charge brought to the gb against chitty was made by a former roommate and involved some sort of inappropriate conduct.
the gb concluded that chitty had homosexual tendencies, and asked him to resign.. a rare photo of chitty in happier days.
Was Paul A false Prophet?
by saorean ini ask the question on the title because there a quite a number of statements the apostle paul made about the coming of jesus and resurrection of the holy ones that never fulfilled.
1 corinthians 15: 51, 52 (nwt) : .
i tell you a sacred secret: we will not all fall asleep in death, but we will all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye, during the last trumpet.
The 1988 novel "the Mission", author Patrick Tilley, had a plot based on the idea that Paul was actually Satan come to Earth to undo the the work of Jesus. It's set in the modern day and starts off with the discovery of a body in New York City. Only the body has a wound in it's side and also to the hands and feet plus the blood tests can't be explained...
Canadians and Europeans, what do you think of your national health care ?
by RubaDub inwe have been in a battle over health care for so long here in the us regarding public, private, gov't subsidized, obama care, medicare for all, and just about every permutation of the above.. we hear the horror stories here that people wait 20 years for a check-up (ok, bit of an exaggeration), but you get the point.
one side tells us that canadians flock across the border when they are sick and need to see a doctor.
the other side says that is simply not the case.. so tell us, if you live under one of the government systems would you replace it?
Point of interest: My 3 sons all seem to have had romantic liasons with American gals at some time in their lives. Whenever those ladies required the services of a medic or doctor, they all turned up at a NHS hospital and received treatment without question, again no charge was made.
Canadians and Europeans, what do you think of your national health care ?
by RubaDub inwe have been in a battle over health care for so long here in the us regarding public, private, gov't subsidized, obama care, medicare for all, and just about every permutation of the above.. we hear the horror stories here that people wait 20 years for a check-up (ok, bit of an exaggeration), but you get the point.
one side tells us that canadians flock across the border when they are sick and need to see a doctor.
the other side says that is simply not the case.. so tell us, if you live under one of the government systems would you replace it?
UK Health care is pretty good IMHO. I need 4 different daily medications. 2 for blood pressure, 1 for cholesterol and one so I don't need to pee all the time. Being over 60 years old I don't pay a penny for my meds. Part of getting older is that joints can wear out, I have a fallen arch and need an orthotic, that too didn't cost me anything although I had a 12 week wait to see the guy at the muscoskelatal clinic.