We have been in a battle over health care for so long here in the US regarding public, private, gov't subsidized, Obama Care, Medicare for all, and just about every permutation of the above.
We hear the horror stories here that people wait 20 years for a check-up (ok, bit of an exaggeration), but you get the point. One side tells us that Canadians flock across the border when they are sick and need to see a doctor. The other side says that is simply not the case.
So tell us, if you live under one of the government systems would you replace it? Would you be willing to go the private route and pay for it yourself ($500, 1000, 1500 / month)? Obviously if you have a company health plan at your job, you are indirectly paying for it anyway since it is money that you otherwise would be taking home.
Or is the assumed safety net of government-sponsored health insurance a more palatable choice?
I really am not trying to inject politics into this (but I smell it coming) but just looking for actual, real-life comments, thoughts and experiences.
As always,
Rub a Dub