Deaconblues1914 spluttered:
An x-elder. Disillusioned because you were probably booted off the body for being an opinionated bully who couldn't have his way. Or were you really demoted? Or disfellowshipped doubtfull? Or is it just the end hasn't come soon enough for you? Or are you looking for perfection among men where it doesn't exist. So now you give up and quit. Huh?
Over the years - and I've seen a few! - I've come across any number of Deaconblues. He /she is one of the militant variety of JW who really gets off on provocation. Not just provocation of ex-JW's, but provocation for its own sake.
The trouble for him / her is that there is no outlet for the inner hostility that runs rampant through his / her emotions. He / she can't have a crack at existing JW's because he / she would be out on his ear via a JC very quickly indeed.
He / she can't have a crack at non- JW's because that would "bring reproach" on Jehovah's name.
So what happens? Deaconblues has figured that it's OK to have a crack at ex's. Ex's won't be stumbled, ex's won't report him / her to a JC. He / she figures that ex's are fair game, cannon fodder for his / her insults and provocation. Easy prey for his / her self-righteous posturing.
Basically Deaconblues is just a coward. A coward who gets off on his / her own verbosity.