We had one of those turn up too. All the warning signs were there. Back in the day, us pios would make a living selling from door to door a gadget called an Allgrip. It was a muli-purpose handle into which could be inserted a paint brush or duster or sponge,,you get the picture. A bro in Southampton turned them out and charged us 10 shillings - 50 pence - each for them. We would sell them for a pound, doubling our money. This new guy however, on his first outing with us as we sold from door to door, reckoned we were making too much money and so sold his Allgrips for 15 shillings - 75 pence - each, thereby making half the profit that we did and lectured us on our money grabbing habits, although as I recall was unwilling to pay his share of our petrol expenses. So we dumped him after 1 week.
You've guessed it - within a year he had decided he was of the annointed. I always knew he was a pratt.