I am! Great to see such an eager young team. Harry Kane is incredible. Oops..you'll have to click on the play on youtube link below. Bloody BBC..
JoinedPosts by snugglebunny
Are you Enjoying the World Cup?
by snugglebunny ingreat to see such an eager young team.
harry kane is incredible.
oops..you'll have to click on the play on youtube link below.
Musical Chairs in Bristol England = £1 million sterling!
by The Fall Guy inthe congregation shuffle rolls on in bristol england, and a cool £1million is to be made for watchtower britain.. bristol - hengrove has been disbanded as of may 2018 and is now merged into one of the prime real estate parts of the city in an area called clifton, with bristol-redland congregation of jw's.
the hall is an old victorian building, bought and paid for by redland since the late 1940's, although since then, bristol has seen expansion up until the 1990's to about 12 plus congregations in about 7 kingdom halls, and then reduced to 5 kingdom halls and 10 congregations.
redland has always stood alone with one congregation in it's hall.
Must be a listed building, surely?
They Think it's All Over
by snugglebunny inprobably the best 45 seconds of 1966 for me.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wylvagyapy&feature=share wouldn't it be nice though?.
Probably the best 45 seconds of 1966 for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wyLvagyApY&feature=share Wouldn't it be nice though?
Zeal vs Fanaticism. What is the difference?
by stuckinarut2 ina good friend of ours and i were chatting the other day about the difference between a zealous person and fanatical person.. what is the difference?.
why is someone praised for being "zealous" , but another person is mocked or condemned for being a "fanatical" person?.
how would jws be classed?.
Death to fanatics!
What Music have you Been Listening to this Last Year ? Post You tubes if you Like !
by flipper inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wktxjuyiat4.
Miss America and Misguided Views on Sexuality
by Simon inso miss america pageant is going to remove the swimsuit and evening gown parts of their pageant because they have decided it's demeaning to women.
i guess it will just be women in overcoats telling us they want world peace .... bravo, we all applaud, right?
maybe we shouldn't be so quick to do so .... what is it really saying?
We men like to look at a pretty woman. It's built into our psyche. And stays with us until old age. Isn't it great!
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Baker Who Refused to Bake Cake for Gay Couple
by Simon inseems like such an obviously correct decision to overturn the previous overreach - it should never have been necessary to go to the supreme court but happened because the rights of the religious were being ignored.. as the fundamental level, no one should be able to compel you to work for them or to provide services that go against your beliefs, and certainly not have the government be able to force you to comply.. if this was allowed there would be so many unreconcilable situations that would clog up courts over nonsense.. i also have little patience for these activists that intentionally look to be offended.
it really doesn't do their cause any good to go round looking to make trouble for people.
it's also misguided because it ends up strengthening religious rights over effectively stupid issues.. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/04/us/politics/supreme-court-sides-with-baker-who-turned-away-gay-couple.html.
The religious aspect is irrelevant. Someone - for whatever reason - doesn't want to bake a celebration cake because he/she disagrees with the subject of the celebration. No big deal.
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Baker Who Refused to Bake Cake for Gay Couple
by Simon inseems like such an obviously correct decision to overturn the previous overreach - it should never have been necessary to go to the supreme court but happened because the rights of the religious were being ignored.. as the fundamental level, no one should be able to compel you to work for them or to provide services that go against your beliefs, and certainly not have the government be able to force you to comply.. if this was allowed there would be so many unreconcilable situations that would clog up courts over nonsense.. i also have little patience for these activists that intentionally look to be offended.
it really doesn't do their cause any good to go round looking to make trouble for people.
it's also misguided because it ends up strengthening religious rights over effectively stupid issues.. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/04/us/politics/supreme-court-sides-with-baker-who-turned-away-gay-couple.html.
This thread is descending into whataboutery. You can prove almost anything with whataboutery! What's clear is that not supporting same-sex marriage does not make you a homophobe, although the word has now become so over-used it's virtually meaningless. It just means that you're a traditionalist when it comes to marriage and that doing anything that indicates a person's tacit approval of same-sex marriage is not for you. So you're going to give it a miss.
WT Finger Pointing
by Vanderhoven7 indo you have examples of wt style finger pointing (with 3 pointing right back).
"satans organization claims to be gods organization, and persecutes those who are actually members of gods organization.
satans organization sails under the high-sounding name of "christendom".
"Satans organization claims to be Gods organization, and persecutes those who are actually members of Gods organization. Satans organization sails under the high-sounding name of "Christendom".
Step 1. Open Bible.
Step 2. Search for the word "organization". Your search will be in vain.
Step 3. Conclude any references to God's organization and Satan's organization is made up and has no basis in Scripture.