JoinedPosts by snugglebunny
What are your favourite Christmas songs?
by LoveUniHateExams inhere's one of mine .... .
how about you?.
Any Good 1975 Stories?
by Think About It indespite denial by the wts of any 1975 armageddon predictions zealous jw's did believe it, openly talked about it, and some even sold houses & belongings in anticipation of it.
do you have or know of any good 1975 stories?.
here's mine.........i was a freshman in college and had quit attending the kh back in hs.
My Dad, talking to his fellow worker Paul. Paul asked him what he would do on New Years day, 1976, if armageddon had failed to arrive. My Dad stated: "Give us a year either way. If armageddon hasn't arrived by the end of 1976, I'll buy a pack of Woodbines and sit and smoke the lot with you".
My JW-Related Musical Experiences
by Roger Kirkpatrick inlooking back over my life, the only thing that i can say i truly enjoyed as a jw was meeting and becoming friends with a number of jws who were fine musicians and had experienced various measures of success in what used to be called the "music business.
tommy reynolds, from the vocal group hamilton, joe frank & reynolds ("don't pull your love out on me, baby" and "baby, baby, fallin' in love, i'm fallin' in love again") recruited me to play drums in his dallas circuit assembly orchestra in the 1970s.
in 1977, i became friends with legendary jazz composer/arranger/band leader benny golson, whose life story appeared in the oct. 8, 1980 awake, and who appeared opposite tom hanks in steven spielberg's "the terminal.
I seem to recall a 70's soccer referee by the name of Roger Kirkpatrick. He was a funny fella, once he was even awarded Man of the Match.
Chaos at Gatwick Airport
by The Fall Guy in
perhaps all major airports will eventually employ their own industrial sized drone, operated by a trained/authorised pilot who can track and pinpoint the nut-jobs who cause such disruption and possible catastrophe..
Been working on the possible logistics. Could be just 1 person. Unlikely though as there's been some night operations. I'm guessing there's a number of drones, all located in different places, all ready to fly, possibly hidden on the roofs of buildings close by. If they're blue-tooth operated they will have been previously paired with their own individual hand-held controllers to ensure they're not affected by interceptor techniques. One or more guys are watching the airfield from a vantage point, possibly inside the airport itself. The drones will have a maximum fly-time of about 30 minutes. Once each drone has been used, it will be sacrificed along with it's hand-held controller. Another will then be selected when airfield activity is seen to be resuming. The problems will continue until the culprit is discovered or he runs out of drones. Shooting down a drone won't help the problem.
"Each and everyone of us".
“Heavy petting” still makes me cringe
I'm all for it!
Do elders still ask inactive members to write a letter to disassociating yourself from the Congregation?
by RULES & REGULATIONS indo today's elders ever meet with inactive members and pressure them to write a letter disassociating themselves from the congregation stating that, ''you no longer wish to a jehovah witness"?.
i was baptized at the young age of 16. after turning 18, i stopped attending meetings, field service, and all jehovah's witness activities.
i wanted to be with my high school friends, go to rock concerts, have a girlfriend, and live like a normal teen.
Are folk who DA themselves to be shunned in the same manner as DF'd persons then?
Service experiences
by former2free ini know what you may be thinking by the title but bear with me.
have you ever reflected on past service experiences and think wow if only i had listened to a householder?
two things come to my mind of personal experience.
Just one. The householder said to me that I must really hate having to go from door to door and that a young man like me should be out enjoying himself at the weekend and not banging on doors holding a BIble.
Just a Rant .......
by LOLS inhi beautiful people ..... so today is my wedding anniversary ....... .
and first of all my dear husband forgot again .... which is normal according to my dear old dad "it's a man thing " .
but to add insult to injury , i must wait till friday to be taken out for dinner , because low & behold my jdub husband can't miss one bloody jw meeting !
I recall that the WT didn't give the OK for celebrating wedding anniversaries until the early 60's. Before then it was classed along with celebrating birthdays and Christmas. Anathema.
My own parents were delighted and made upbuilding comments such as "Isn't Jehovah kind to us" and "How thoughtful of the FDS to have looked into this".
Too Many Categories That Most People Fall Into ... L G B T Q C G D ... I Get Confused
by RubaDub init seems like we are all getting pigeon-holed into a category that may or may not be applicable to us.
personally, i am a "d" but i am sure there are a few (though statistically insignificant) who would otherwise fall into an "o" or other category.. it just seems like society needs to label us in the l g b t q c g d communities.. rub a dub.
"M" for majority is missing from the list.