We used to sing about "The greater Jephthah" in one of the old Kingdom songs, but I never figured out who he was.
Here's the song:
really watchtower?
jephthah's daughter as an example of what a girl wants to be when she grows up??.
a burnt offering?!!.
We used to sing about "The greater Jephthah" in one of the old Kingdom songs, but I never figured out who he was.
Here's the song:
evening again.... i know this is my second part today but i've just been thinking.... possibly a stupid question, so don't laugh haha!.
can someone explain the difference between disassociation and disfellowshipping?.
never really heard of disassociation before if i'm totally honest!.
Just to throw a spanner in the works. Years ago, a JW married couple in our old congo got together for swapses with an unbaptised couple who were regularly attending meetings. The married couple were disfellowshipped; the unbaptised couple were disassociated.
then new and improved purple song books that came out in 1966. then there was the brown song book and a even newer one in 2006. .
thousands of hours wasted singing those stupid songs and their stupid lyrics.. song 106 "watch how we walk and watch we talk.
i remember inserting different works in the lyrics to relive the boredom.
Fear not those who kill the body, but cannot destroy the soul..
Third verse, line 3:
"congregation picnic"2.
"congregation gathering"3.
"spontaneous gathering of jws”.
The Leigh Park congregation v Havant congregation annual football match died a death. Leigh Park had the Sunday afternoon meeings; Havant the evening meeting. The Leigh Parkers always intended to go on to the Havant meeting instead and so free up the Sunday afternoon, but never actually got there.
for ex jws, pimos, pomos, faders, born again christians, agnostics, atheists, etc.
what is your opinion regarding sex before marriage, has your view been influenced since you left?
in western society, you’ll probably find yourself ridiculed to be an 18 year old virgin so i am curious to hear opinions from here.
If you're not attached, keep a pack of condoms in your pocket and have a shag whenever you, the shagger, fancy it and the shaggee is up for it too.
If you are in a relationship, don't do it with anyone else. Because if you do, your partner will know. Worse still, you'll know that she knows. Even worse, she will know that you know that she knows.
to those who were disfellowshipped/disassociated – how did your still-in parents handle it?.
i don’t want to fade, so i am thinking about disassociating soon – i don’t care if i’m playing by the org’s rules, i just want out.. however, i am concerned about how my parents will react.
i don’t want them to become super depressed or whatever due to me leaving the org.. i don’t want them to be hurt by my decision to leave the org, but i feel like there is no way of avoiding this..
My parents became convinced that I left because of the ban on oral and anal sex. I wasn't even aware of the ban, having left some time before that particular edict. However, years later when the ban was lifted, my momma eagerly took me to one side to explain that "if a man wanted to treat his wife like a homosexual" then it was now OK. At this point I had no intention of discussing my private life with anyone, let alone my mother, and she then became deeply offended that I was deeply offended.
Nuts, just nuts..
Boris Johnson.
this is worth reading.
basically it seems to be referring to the "mean girl" syndrome where girls who were once part of an in-crowd are suddenly ostracised by their peers, the feelings of despair that overwhelm them.
however, social aggressors usually finish up with deep seated problems of their own.
After my DF'ing I decided no-one was going to put me down just because I no longer held the same religious convictions as others did. When my parents remarked how difficult the situation was, I told them that it was their rules that were causing a problem, not mine.
Eventually I did get some small degree of satisfaction when one witness told me that I needed reminding that it was they who were shunning me, not me shunning them. I just walked away, feeling much stronger.
this is worth reading.
basically it seems to be referring to the "mean girl" syndrome where girls who were once part of an in-crowd are suddenly ostracised by their peers, the feelings of despair that overwhelm them.
however, social aggressors usually finish up with deep seated problems of their own.
This is worth reading. Basically it seems to be referring to the "Mean Girl" syndrome where girls who were once part of an in-crowd are suddenly ostracised by their peers, the feelings of despair that overwhelm them. However, social aggressors usually finish up with deep seated problems of their own. Similar studies have shown that ostracised persons can actually rise emotionally above those who once shunned them.
so much is said regarding men , in a negative way.
shaving commercials are now lecturing us as to how bad we really are.
men should be less masculine.
1.7% According to the Williams Institute with a similar number identifying as bisexual
They sure get a lot of media attention for such a tiny proportion of the population doncha think?