I was an elder for a few years - long enough to get a glimpse of what a scam the WT Society runs and long enough to see zero evidence of a divine being, his plan, or anything remotely resembling love ,compassion or justice behind the curtain of secret information that separates the sheep from their shepherds.
I left cold turkey (never to return) and ' good standing.'. Nothing happened as I had done nothing wrong.
If I could do it all again (the exiting part) I would do so by a document like this:
On this day _______-____ 2021, I_____________ have exercised my legal right to Freedom of/from Religion as a basic Human Right guaranteed to all citizens by our countries' Constitution.
Henceforth, I repudiate all forms of "ecclesiastic authority" being administered to my now personal and private life.
Announcement of my name and religious status within congregations of which I am not a member, will result in litigation for Human Rights violation.
Witness______________ ______-___ 2021
As former elders (who realize the extent to which sentient individuals and entire families are damaged by this cults predation upon a mentally captive flock) - we should now champion the documented exercise of Human Rights as a legally defensible way to pre-empt further abuses of those who chose to leave.
It's simple, costs nothing and the effect (freedom) is immediate as at signing.
Interference with cherished Constitutional rights could lead local elders immediately liable to litigation, possibly to massive class actions if the interference is promoted by WT headquarters.
There a many more than just JWs who suffer as captives of ideology and don't understand that a solution exists
I'd appreciate your comments.