I had a great relationship with my father and mother growing up inside the truth.
When i got married, elders tried to subdue my strenght in the truth, i started to question events, and started to recall the greedy gossiping lairs and power hungry people that always tried to bring my family down.
It always bothered me why people in an organisation of love were jealous of my family and its spiritual strength.
I got a fantastic job that took me around the world to very remote places, and my wife became distant with long time spans between visits. We divorced....
After 40 years i have only this year told my parents the truth about the truth. It was a relief to me as it was bothering me greatly . . . But we are now no longer talking.
So I am SAD, I am feeling Lonely, my family which i talked to is now gone!. I have been told that if my parents die i should ot think of attendig the funeral.
Now i am not sure what to do, focus is on helping others to keep my mind from depression while i find another way to make some money. Maybe i should try to find a companion.
Currently LOSS is all i feel.... Loss of people that i Love
I feel NO regret for knowing the TATT, it has set me Free, but at a price.
SAD :(