AAWA activists burst into a Kingdom Hall in Kent!
by raymond frantz 93 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No Apologies
Very juvenile. Way to feed their persecution complex.
No Apologies
raymond frantz
I heard this argument before ,that one way or the other you feed their complex ,but somehow you have to protest .I don't think protesting can be done in a way that satisfies all the ones involved ,it can get ugly.
disposable hero of hypocrisy
Cedars speaks about this in the new podcast. He has a very good handle on it..
This simply causes people to circle the wagons. It does not help.
That was cool, but I don't think this would accomplish very much perhaps if they did 10 or more kingdom Halls and in the same general location and with in a few weeks, it might cause a stir, but just one KH seems very pointless as far as out come.
It might work some good if it gets people to know about all the child molestation cases that the GB have on their plate and you stay away from biblical doctrine. The message has to be very short and sweet about all the lawsuits and easily verifiable.
I think they'd do better to just put "JWs Support Child Molesters" bumper stickers on all the cars in the lot.
Sigh.... Idiots. And the end.. "Bit quick with your hands? Trying to be quick with your hands on me?" Clown. Anyone could see the only agressors were those two buffons. That wasnt protesting and nobody, not one single person, benefited from that or ever will. That was strickly to feed the egos of the two trespassers. Hope they had fun.
I'm of the opinion that if you are going to stir up a hornets' nest, you have to expect you'll get stung.
These tactics almost always fail with JWs because they feed the persecution complex that JWs have had trained into them, and it ends up reinforcing their delusion that they have The Truthâ„¢.
I see it as playing into the worst fears and expectations a JW has about apostates.
It has the feeling of a 'home invasion.'
The emotional tone is not friendly and welcoming.
My own opinion is that an activist would most likely model the role of a doctor on a battlefield trying to mend the wounds
of those hurt and frightened.
You need to be someone other people feel safe confiding in.
The bully boy intrusions smacks of showing off rather than performing a service for others.
I could be wrong. Your mileage may vary. But, this video strikes me as exhibitionistic.