Mother refuses blood to her baby and then runs away with baby in Ghana.. The Pressure to conform to in Ghana must be extreme!
mother refuses blood to her baby and then runs away with baby in ghana.. the pressure to conform to in ghana must be extreme!.
meanwhile, the tarkwa divisional crime officer, superintendent augustine anyarah told adom news the parents are currently on bail.
Mother refuses blood to her baby and then runs away with baby in Ghana.. The Pressure to conform to in Ghana must be extreme!
i saw this on a public user group for jw's .
the librarian [email protected].
the caption reads:.
I saw this on a public user group for jw's
the caption reads:
@beloving74 shares with us: “My daughter and I in service with the invitation work. Both of us suffer from anxiety disorder but all things are possible with Jehovah and we were even able to start pioneering for the first time. Almost been a year and going to pioneer school together in September. Jehovah can truly give you the power beyond normal if you truly believe and have faith he has your back and holy spirit will help you.”
Sad that both of these lovely looking people suffer from anxiety disorder!.
From Wikipedia;
Anxiety disorders are a category of mental disorders characterized by feelings of anxiety and fear,[2] where anxiety is a worry about future events and fear is a reaction to current events.[2] These feelings may cause physical symptoms, such as a racing heart and shakiness.
Why do so many Witnesses suffer from this problem?. Surely the Happy GOD would be giving peace of mind and contentment with the knowledge that you will be surviving in a paradise.
And yet thousands of witnesses are on anti depressants. In my old Congregation i can count 12 out of 100 publishers, now apply that worldwide.
I am sure if the above 2 folk were to free themselves of this religion they may no longer suffer such problems.
i just couldn't help myself... i had to join these images....
I just couldn't help myself... i had to join these images...
well there are lots of reason for sure, denial, delusion, wishful thinking, ego maniac, infantile understanding of ancient writings, satanophobia, xenophobia, out of touch with reality, limited choices scrapping the bottom of the barrel,and many more.. listen to this ted talk and see if you can pick out something that helps explain why these guys are such ass holes:.
organizations are often run according to the superchicken model, where the value is placed on star employees who outperform others.
and yet, this isnt what drives the most high-achieving teams.
One thing they are Stupid about is the INTERNET.
They have the ability to buy up all relevant domains and seal out all domain names close to or names such as or similar to this site for example.
Eliminating all similar names to their portfolio removes threats to being several steps away from their organizations domain realm.
They can spend millions on a TV studio and yet not seal their worlds presence on the net.
we have read with interest the above front-page headline and its articlewhich was published on page 3 of your newspaper the chronicle of june 22, 2015. in the article, the writer, alfred adams of takoradi, reported that rebecca dankwa and her mother, believed to be worshipping at the jehovahs witnesses church, refused to accept blood transfusion on the grounds that their religion forbids blood transfusions, and she died as a result.. as representatives of jehovahs witnesses in ghana, we write to point out the misinformation contained in that report.
our investigation into the matter has clearly established that the said rebecca dankwa was not one of jehovahs witnesses.
since this person mentioned in the report was not one of jehovahs witnesses, we are at a loss as to why the name of jehovahs witnesses should be linked to the story.
Original news info i got here;
we have read with interest the above front-page headline and its articlewhich was published on page 3 of your newspaper the chronicle of june 22, 2015. in the article, the writer, alfred adams of takoradi, reported that rebecca dankwa and her mother, believed to be worshipping at the jehovahs witnesses church, refused to accept blood transfusion on the grounds that their religion forbids blood transfusions, and she died as a result.. as representatives of jehovahs witnesses in ghana, we write to point out the misinformation contained in that report.
our investigation into the matter has clearly established that the said rebecca dankwa was not one of jehovahs witnesses.
since this person mentioned in the report was not one of jehovahs witnesses, we are at a loss as to why the name of jehovahs witnesses should be linked to the story.
We have read with interest the above front-page headline and its articlewhich was published on page 3 of your newspaper The Chronicle of June 22, 2015. In the article, the writer, Alfred Adams of Takoradi, reported that “Rebecca Dankwa and her mother, believed to be worshipping at the Jehovah’s Witnesses Church,” refused to accept blood transfusion “on the grounds that their religion forbids blood transfusions,” and she died as a result.
As representatives of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ghana, we write to point out the misinformation contained in that report. Our investigation into the matter has clearly established that the said Rebecca Dankwa was not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Since this person mentioned in the report was not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, we are at a loss as to why the name of Jehovah’s Witnesses should be linked to the story. We, therefore, request that you publish a retraction of the part of the story that mentioned Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Also, of interest is your editorial on that report which was entitled -“A-G must intervene in Jehovah’s Witnesses bunkum.” We request that you publish our comments on this.
We want to make it very clear that the editorial got the stand of Jehovah’s Witnesses on this issue completely wrong. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not refuse all medical treatment for themselves and their children.
That is not the case at all. It is only a form of medical treatment—blood transfusion—that we object to, and rather ask for known alternative treatment.
If a person declines blood transfusion and also turns down any alternatives available, then the conclusion may well be reached that he is denying himself medical treatment. But this is not the case with Jehovah’s Witnesses. Ours is a choice of medical treatment and not a refusal of medical treatment. Does a patient not have the right to choose the form of treatment administered to him?
Jehovah’s Witnesses do not accept blood transfusion for themselves and their children primarily for religious reasons. The Bible at Acts 15:28, 29 states: “The holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you except these necessary things: to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”
The Bible’s clear command is “to keep abstaining… from blood.” We understand this to include not accepting blood transfusions. If a doctor tells a patient to abstain from penicillin, would it mean that introducing penicillin into his system orally is disallowed but that introducing it into his system intravenously is allowed? For this reason, we ask to be given non-blood alternative treatments, which are available in this country, are safer, and are cheaper in the long run.
Mr. Editor, please note that our stand is not “religious bigotry… being unfurled on innocent people,” as your editorial put it. When we and our children fall sick, we seek the best treatment available.
In this vein, please note what Dr. Charles Huggins, director of transfusion service at the large Massachusetts General Hospital, U.S.A., said as reported in The Boston Globe Magazine of February 4, 1990: “Blood has never been safer. But it must be considered unavoidably non-safe. It is the most dangerous substance we use in medicine.”
A front-page article in the May 24, 1997 issue of the Weekly Spectator entitled – “Blood Bank Faces Shortage,” confirms this. In that article an official of the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital Blood Bank pointed out the risk of acquiring the HIV virus from donated blood.
Would it, therefore, be wrong for a parent, Jehovah’s Witness or not, who is seeking the best treatment for himself or his child, to refuse blood transfusion and ask for alternative treatment?
Section 79 (b) of the Criminal Code 1960 (Act 29) says: “A parent is under a duty to give access to the necessaries of health and life to his child actually under his control not being of such age and capacity as to be able to obtain these necessaries.”
Therefore, Witness parents who opt for safer alternative treatment for their children and are not willing to endanger the children’s health and life by accepting blood transfusion for them are actually doing what the law requires of them.
In this country evidence is piling up that it is possible to treat seriously ill patients, both adults and children, without blood. Most doctors and hospital administrators are aware that Jehovah’s Witnesses have an excellent network that easily and quickly provides doctors with medical information they need in the handling of such very difficult cases. We provide free information from experts around the globe on bloodless treatment.
In conclusion, we must say that the reference the editorial made to the proviso in Article 28 of the 1992 Constitution that a child shall not be denied medical care on religious grounds is noteworthy.
However, this does not apply to Jehovah’s Witnesses but to some medical personnel who unfortunately refuse to give alternative treatment and only leave Witness patients to die because they exercise their right to choose the type of medical treatment they want.
Some patients have even been prevented from being transferred to other medical facilities where the personnel are ready to provide the alternative treatment. Sadly, some of such instances have resulted in the death of the patient and the cause of death has invariably been attributed to his refusal to accept a blood transfusion rather than to the real cause, his being denied the necessary alternative medical care.
Asking for alternative treatment is not the same as asking to be allowed to die without treatment. So we agree with you in “calling on the Attorney General and Minister of Justice and the Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection to sit up and apply the laws of the land” to those who leave patients to die simply because they exercise their right to choose one form of treatment over another.
Thank you for correcting the wrong impression created.
Yours sincerely,
Nathaniel Gbedemah
Media Contact for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Ghana
a friend linked this on his facebook page, sharing: quote that stood out for me:"granted, sometimes even decent people do get sucked into a sort of text worship that i call bibliolatry, and bible worship can make a persons moral priorities as archaic and cruel as those of the iron age tribesmen who wrote the texts.
(i once listened, horrified, while a sweet, elderly pair of jehovahs witnesses rationalized the old testament slaughter of children with the same words nazis used to justify the slaughter of jewish babies.
hot topic on topix seems to be candace conti settlement.
but it's all quiet here.
are you guys aware that your hero, who was not in it for the money but to change policies, settled without changing anything?
so, the latest "kids" kingdom melody video is out.. here are some screenshots:.
yep, that's right, they showed a kid with a teddy bear getting baptized.. here's the video in full for documentation, if you can stomach it..