Here is another one, Just Shameful
JoinedPosts by mana11
December 15 2015 Watchtower - Blowing a Trumpet for RNWT
by The Searcher inself-praise is no praise, brooklyn!
however, having skimmed over this latest offering - which was neither researched nor written by the f.d.s., according to geoffrey jackson's sworn testimony in oz - here is my favourite statement: .
p. 26 par.
Another annointed disfelowshipped for showing love
by poopie inok this is story1.annointed bro moves into a house and rents room from a lady.
2.he is currently serving as elder.3.there happens to be a disfellowsipped brother also living in house.4.
the annointed elder decides to help him to return to jehovah.5 the other elders find out and decide to remove him as elder because he is living and helping a df person and the annointed bro cannot move out because he does not have enough money.
True brotherly love! -
Brother who works on JW Broadcasting gave a 20 minute talk, said something big is coming next month.
by wifibandit invia /r/exjw.
New Gold Watches for the GB -
best ex JW sites
by cobweb ini used to visit this site about ten years ago.
i haven't come her in a long time.
i have just recently started talking to a family member who is leaving the jws and i wanted to know what are the best sites available these days for finding out all the topics of information - failed prophecy, 1975, rutherford's drinking, russells tombstone - you know all of that kind of stuff.. back in the day there used to be a site run by a norwegian i think called kent.
jwfacts has to be no 1 such well written articules.
I also visit this to get recent information from media
$$ Get your ROKU on! $$
by pixel into all congregations in the united states branch territory.
re: discount on roku devices.
dear brothers:.
Does JW broadcasting have shares in RoKu -
How does the WTS view 'ancient humans' (i.e. fossils assigned to the genus Homo)?
by LoveUniHateExams inhaving read i love ttatt's thread about evidence for humans living more than 6,000 years ago, i responded by using neanderthals and homo ergaster as evidence.
this got me thinking about the wt's current view on 'cavemen' (), etc.. so, how does the wts view 'ancient humans'?
Growing up in the truth i had an interest in collecting fossils.
One day the PO came visiting our house for the evening, he noted my fossil collection and began asking very pointed questions.
He was such a moron with a nasty streak, He simply could not comprehend that these could not be a mere 6000 years old.
In the end he had a private talk with my parents, they then called me quietly and told me that i would have to agree with him that these were formed within a 6000 year period or we were going to have problems.
I went back out and later that evening he began the same conversation, I just simply became a yes, so correct, johova is amazing, answer to everything as, "i didnt want my family having problems". This was one occasion that woke me up to the scam the society forces on followers as to science, a lack of reality to facts, and a FORCED acceptance of what i didn't want to accept.
I saw this image on
This Makes me remember all those Elders whom gave me crap growing up in the truth.
Just look at the elders giving evidence at the Royal commission in Australia, Too "Dumb" to realize they are on TV making fools of themselves.
Watchtower sued for Racketeering in California
by under the radar ina little birdie informed me that a lawsuit against the watchtower bible & tract society, its legal department, and several individuals (perhaps lawyers in the legal department) has been filed in the superior court of the state of california, county of los angeles for, wait for it.... racketeering!.
that's right, folks, you heard it here first.
i have no other information, other than the case was stamped "aug 07 2015" and the docket number appears to be bc590675.
It would be nice if this one gains traction! -
Dissent on JW-Archive
by bemused inin the posts about the australian royal commission there have been several references to discussions on jw-archive.
i'd not heard of that site, so checked it out.
it seems to be used by many active jws - its tumblr style archive is full of pictures of jws doing their thing.
I joined,, made comments and have been banned already, all within 24hours only! -
How Far Apart Were Your Legs?
by Joe Grundy inseveral threads on here about the excellent bbc r4 programme this week ('the report') focussing on rape and abuse in barry, south wales, jws.
fat pervert mark sewell later got 14 years and i hope he is enjoying every minute of it.. the courageous ladies who spoke on the programme were articulate, reasonable and made a tremendous impression.. the quote in the thread title made an impression on me, and i hope, on all listeners.. forget religious, theological, 'biblical' issues and cut to the basics.
a rape victim was asked to demonstrate - to demonstrate, ffs - to three unqualified (middle-aged at least, presumably) men just how far her legs were apart when she was raped.. i have rarely heard anything so outrageous, and i used to investigate rape and abuse in my profession.
These arrogant elders need to be taken to task.....
Shame on them!
Baby Dies Ghana - bloodguilty?
by mana11 inmother refuses blood to her baby and then runs away with baby in ghana.. the pressure to conform to in ghana must be extreme!.
meanwhile, the tarkwa divisional crime officer, superintendent augustine anyarah told adom news the parents are currently on bail.
Mother refuses blood to her baby and then runs away with baby in Ghana.. The Pressure to conform to in Ghana must be extreme!
Meanwhile, the Tarkwa Divisional Crime Officer, Superintendent Augustine Anyarah told Adom News the parents are currently on bail. - See more at:, the Tarkwa Divisional Crime Officer, Superintendent Augustine Anyarah told Adom News the parents are currently on bail. - See more at: