steve2: I can't quite fathom out the purpose of the replayed scenes in the video of men vandalising the interior of a Kingdom Hall in the dead of night - and staring at the CCTV. They do not look at all like police, but more like common thugs. The video shows these scenes st least 4 different times creating impression thus vandalism of Halls is common. And the video of a large man slithering out of a window - who videod it? It looks staged.
It disturbs me to see violent actions that result in damage - It's a relief that this violent act only resulted in loss of property and didn't hurt anybody.
It's interesting that all this footage has been released. A few photos of the damage were posted online right after it happened but there was nothing said about actual footage being captured or that they had clear images of the vandals' faces. And now this is released.
What I have been thinking about is how this event has occurred after the Kingdom Halls were scheduled for seizure by the state following the Supreme Court ruling. The property that was damaged and treated so badly was property that was going to be lost by the JWs. It wasn't even really theirs anymore. So, the question that keeps popping into my mind is this: who was pissed about the Supreme Court ruling? who trashed the building and stuff that the government had just made possible to be seized?
*Yup...the more I think about it, Steve, I am with you on this one. Except, not staged. It was just footage that was taken during a couple guys retaliation for having their precious building seized. I had an ex-husband like that - if he had a car or something that he was supposed to give back, he would take a sledge hammer to it first. "Here - take the damned car". Bailiffs encounter that all the time - destroyed property that was supposed to be seized.
I think it was a couple JW guys who did it and decided to finally grab the camera, not really concerned about it at first. And then, the footage was used to make it seem like a persecution event