WTWizard: Even Canada tried banning them.
Canada didn't just try. They did ban the JWs in WW2. And so did Australia.
something tells me that the russian j dub's are secretly rejoicing, having private study groups and convinced that armageddon is upon us.
they will be sadly disappointed.
WTWizard: Even Canada tried banning them.
Canada didn't just try. They did ban the JWs in WW2. And so did Australia.
i met with a jw today and they showed me a picture of the new style kh build.
the building was located in a ***strip mall**** in florida.
i'm always amazed (and disgusted) at the new and inventive ways they think of expanding their real estate holdings.. along that vein...i recently discovered this: .
WTWizard: Nice waste. How can any strip mall owner, who is trying to run a business, put up with a church of any type in the mall?
It has been happening in many places for several years. Strip mall churches are a thing
Are churches strip malls' salvation?
Coming to a Strip Mall Near You
Empty strip malls in Edmonton offer new homes for churches
For some, strip malls' salvation is found in churches
And for those who like social media, there is even a facebook page: Strip Mall Churches
who will get the property of jehovah's witnesses?.
the sect "jehovah's witnesses", recognized as an extremist organization and banned in russia, owned real estate worth 4 billion rubles.
dp: but what about the 106 people who have ALREADY signed this...
I dunno...what about them? They may get their cultural center. Who knows? It is just one property of many.
The property that is the most valuable is the Solnechnoye Administrative Center.
For 16 pages of photos:
Grab your souvenir photos now, they may not be up for much longer. Lots to chose from.
i met with a jw today and they showed me a picture of the new style kh build.
the building was located in a ***strip mall**** in florida.
i'm always amazed (and disgusted) at the new and inventive ways they think of expanding their real estate holdings.. along that vein...i recently discovered this: .
Heartsafire: Certainly, if rapid contraction continues, the commercial ones will be much easier to sell or lease.
Or to seize and convert to shopping centers:
"In St. Petersburg, the skin of a dead bear has already begun to be divided. Virtual. In business circles, the question of using the four most interesting from the business point of view is discussed - "Halls of kingdoms" on Luzhskaya street, 10, and Chernyakhovskogo street, 71, "Congress hall" on Kolomyazhsky avenue, 21, and "Management center" in Solnechny. In the first two cases, buildings can become small shopping centers without special restructuring."
who will get the property of jehovah's witnesses?.
the sect "jehovah's witnesses", recognized as an extremist organization and banned in russia, owned real estate worth 4 billion rubles.
Who will get the property of Jehovah's Witnesses?
The fact that the state has finally become preoccupied with the activities of the sect can only be welcomed. It's a pity that it happened so late: "Jehovah's Witnesses" managed to catch 175 thousand naive souls in their networks (this is the number of members of the Russian branch of the banned organization). Another thing is who and how to dispose of the property of Jehovah's Witnesses. It's huge. And there are just as huge opportunities for abuse in this matter.
"Jehovah's Witnesses" is a sect with American roots, calling itself Christian, but based on its own, distorted version of the Bible. In accordance with him, for example, Jesus was crucified not on the cross, but on a pole, and therefore crosses worn by Orthodox are unacceptable. It is also unacceptable to celebrate birthdays and any public holidays. The blood transfusion is inadmissible-in the Jehovah's "bible" there is a direct ban on this. As a result of the refusal of medical care, tens of thousands of adepts of the sect, including young children, perished all over the world.
In Russia, the heyday of Jehovah's Witnesses, like other totalitarian sects, took place under Boris Yeltsin. The activities of the sect, which had a pronounced anti-Orthodox character, were warmly welcomed by the supporters of religious liberalism - one of them was the current chairman of the Human Rights Council under the RF President Mikhail Fedotov. In Jehovah's Witnesses in the 90s, mostly young people - students, senior pupils - left. Parent committees, created throughout the country, who tried to get the children back from the sect, were obstructed by the authorities. The Trial Chamber for Information Disputes under the President of the Russian Federation persecuted journalists who subjected the Jehovah's Witnesses to criticism. You could not even call them a sect - for this the media were warned.
On the site of the former "Congress Hall" on Kolomyazhsky Prospekt may appear a new shopping center or an elite house
In 1992, he signed an order to allocate to the sectarians for a symbolic fee a huge plot of land (10 hectares) in Solnechny. There, on the site of the former pioneer camp, the "Jehovah's Witnesses Center for Russia and CIS countries" was created, a state-of-the-art printing plant was built - the largest in Europe, an office and hotel complex was set up for simultaneous residence and work of more than a thousand adherents, and the entire site was permeated with underground passages , Connecting buildings.
In 1996, shortly before the election defeat, Sobchak signed another order, according to which the sect (also for pennies) received a land plot (6 hectares) on Kolomyazhsky Avenue, where he organized the "Congress Hall". It was the first building that appeared on the territory of the Specific Park (shopping centers, office and residential real estate were built here much later), which caused protests not only of anti-sectarian, but also environmental organizations. However, Sobchak's decision was not canceled even after his resignation. The fact is that lobbying the interests of the organization, which is now recognized as extremist and banned in Russia, was engaged, according to media reports, Two high-ranking officials of the then St. Petersburg administration - head of the department for interaction with religious associations Elga Poreckin and vice-governor of culture Vladimir Yakovlev (namesake of the future governor). They kept their posts until 2000, and therefore the Jehovah's Witnesses in Petersburg felt at ease.
In the 90s the sect received land in other regions of the country. True, there the scale of state assistance to the Jehovah's Witnesses was incommensurably smaller. Nevertheless, by the time of the liquidation, "Jehovah's Witnesses" owned 211 properties in 57 regions of Russia with a total area of 292 thousand square meters. The cadastral value of sectarian real estate is 1.9 billion rubles. Market - about 4 billion.
In this case, the most expensive facilities are concentrated in St. Petersburg. Their total area is 124 thousand square meters. The cadastral value is 780 million rubles. Market - about 1.5 billion.
Real estate in Moscow is estimated more modestly - in 297 million cadastral or 600 million market rubles. The most expensive object is a house with an area of 3195 "squares" of the territory of the "Mikhalkovo" estate near Golovinsky ponds.
Anticipating the decisions of the Supreme Court, the Jehovah's Witnesses tried to save their property, but they did this condo. From January to April this year, they transferred 74 objects to foreign communities. The owners of prestigious real estate on the territory of Russia were the Swedish, Austrian, Spanish, Danish branches of Jehovah's Witnesses. The management center in Solnechny was rewritten even earlier - to the main office of the "Watchtower Society" in Brooklyn.
It is clear that the state will still take away from the sectarians buildings and land plots, recognizing the agreements on their concession or donation in favor of foreign organizations illegal. Such processes in the regions have already started. But it is not difficult to predict that this will be accompanied by diplomatic scandals. For example, in order to return Mikhalkovo, it will be necessary to enter into a conflict with Austria, and in order to return Sunny, it will be necessary to conflict with the United States.
The West will undoubtedly use the situation with a ban on "Jehovah's Witnesses" to inflame anti-Russian hysteria. The first signals are already there: the European Union condemned the decision of the Supreme Court and urged Russia to abolish it. The British Foreign Office made an even more harsh statement. The first deputy minister of this country named Tariq Mahmoud Ahmad expressed outrage at the ban on Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia and pointed out that "the peaceful worship of 175,000 Russian citizens can not be declared illegal and contradicts the right to freedom of religion prescribed in the Russian Constitution."
In general, the expropriation of sectarian real estate will be difficult. But the main question is not even this. And in who will eventually receive this property.
In St. Petersburg, the skin of a dead bear has already begun to be divided. Virtual. In business circles, the question of using the four most interesting from the business point of view is discussed - "Halls of kingdoms" on Luzhskaya street, 10, and Chernyakhovskogo street, 71, "Congress hall" on Kolomyazhsky avenue, 21, and "Management center" in Solnechny. In the first two cases, buildings can become small shopping centers without special restructuring. In the case of Kolomyazhsky, the story is more complicated - in the twenty years since the signing of the Sobchakovsky order, this area has become very prestigious and expensive. For a plot of land will certainly unfold a serious struggle. The three-story "Kingdom Hall" will be demolished unequivocally, but what will appear in its place is a large shopping and entertainment center that would compete with the "Capitol" in the neighborhood,
And yet the most tasty is the site in Solnechny. It is in a luxurious place - between the railway and the shore of the Gulf of Finland, for developers it's just a gift of fate. According to some reports, individual construction magnates have already made visits to Smolny, indicating their interest in this place. But I think that the fate of Solnechny will not be solved in Smolny, but somewhere higher. And for this patch of land, a great battle will unfold.
Internet magazine "Interesting"
the family of a jehovah's witness who died after repeatedly refusing blood transfusions can't sue the hospital where doctors begged for a chance to save her life, a state appeals court ruled.. the case, outlined in an opinion by superior court judge jacqueline o. shogan, involves a convergence of religion, medicine and the law.. its focus is on what happened before terri seels-davila, a jehovah's witness missionary, died after giving birth at hahnemann university hospital in philadelphia in november 2010.. seels-davila, who had been serving on mission with her husband in nicaragua, chose hahnemann because of its "bloodless medicine" program for patients who won't agree to having blood transfusions, including jehovah's witnesses, shogan noted.
the treatment plan for seels-davila called for recycling her own blood back into her system.. yet that proved to be inadequate when complications of her delivery required seels-davila to deliver by cesarean section.
steve2: What on earth were the exact grounds of the lawsuit?
Malpractice. Based on an evaluation (that was rejected) of the hospital's "bloodless" program. The appellant was trying to say that the bloodless program didn't meet the standard of care.
pale.emperor: It's not clear to me if it's the JW family that are trying to sue or is there a non JW side thats trying to sue?
The person who brought this case was Terri's father - Raymond Seel. His claim was that he was "a retired licensed nurse and also a devout Jehovah’s Witness "
chook: You never hear what Jesus's opinion on blood is .
Well, all the WT will say about Jesus is that he said to keep the blood law. But then, Jesus gave his blood so that the entire world could live. He shed blood for everybody. Jesus - the first blood donor.
I think this is why the WT will only point to Jesus's shed blood as being an exchange for Adam's sin instead of his shed blood saving everybody.
jw family loses a civil case against a pa hospital where the mother died after bleeding following child birth.
problemaddict: they were denied using a particular expert witness because essentially they said he had no real expertise in "bloodless medicine" and didn't even "have a basic grasp of what it entails". Dr Ronald Paynter. I can't help but wonder if he is a JW.
No, I don't think Dr. Ronald Paynter is a JW. If he is, I haven't found the connection yet (and it may be a Long Island connection). But, regardless, Dr. Paynter is a busy person. He does a lot of work as an expert witness.
I found several court cases (and there are likely lots more) where Dr. Paynter was the expert witness - medical malpractice, insurance and criminal cases. In a few, his testimony was either challenged or was not allowed. In some, his testimony won the case for whatever side hired him:
Dr. Paynter is on the Board of Directors for Island Peer Review Organization, Inc. and maybe that would was why he was chosen as an "expert" by Raymond Seels. Dr. Paynter's supposed expertise would have been in evaluating the hospitals "bloodless program" (the comments about that testimony are really interesting) and the bottom line was that the court in this case did not accept his testimony or his expertise in that area. It will take a while to put together some notes on that part of the court document... *I am working on it but I got caught up in getting some of the characters straight first.
The person who took this to court was Terri's father - Raymond Seels. He identifies himself as "a retired licensed nurse and also a devout Jehovah’s Witness". Well, I have no problem believing he is a JW because I also have a hard time believing he is a "retired licensed nurse". All I could find for his education level was high school (of which his is very proud) and a community college certificate in Medical Administration. Now, I could be wrong, but so far, it isn't looking like JW daddy is very good at truth telling. His online profiles and bios don't support his claim to his being a licensed nurse.
And it is noted that Mr. Seel represented himself. No bigwig Watchtower lawyer for this court case. No lawyer at all. Just a JW with the money to pay for a medical expert to submit a useless report. A medical expert who didn't know what he was talking about.
so i found another piece in the no 4.
2017 awake attacking evolution.
wow two attacks in the same article!anyway richardson is a physician the jws are cherry picking to support the idea even intelligent people can think evolution is nonsense.
For more uplifting, inspiring stories about educated and brilliant scientists/doctors, etc who rejected evolution once they accepted the WT's inspired and wise words:
it's interesting that the person of the president of wtbts has figured lesser and lesser since f. franz era.
i was born in the religion in the 90's and i got to know about russel, rutherford, knorr and franz; but i never knew until a couple of years ago that m. henschel was the president in that time.
the same happens with don adams now, the first wt president from the 'other sheep'.
Phoebe: Why do they have a President?
Because the Watch Tower Society has always been a corporation.
Corporate laws require a corporate structure from registered corporate entities.
the supreme court of russia has rejected the jehovah's witnesses' appeal.. https://jw-russia.org/news/17071719-195.html.
july 17, 2017 the supreme court of russia has missed the last chance to restore law and justice for the 175,000 russian citizens professing the religion of jehovah's witnesses.
it took less than an hour of the meeting a panel of three supreme court judges, to leave unchanged the decision taken earlier by the judge yuri ivanenko, the liquidation and ban any and all registered organizations of the religion.since there is no more effective domestic remedies, the believers will appeal to the european court of human rights and other international organizations.. *note: as reported by the jworg source, jw-russia.org.
"Studies have established: Jehovah's Witnesses are telling the truth, which is quite natural for them"
problemaddict: I wonder where I can find these studies.It's quite the statement, isn't it? And it follows this..." Physiological studies have been conducted in relation to Jehovah's Witnesses"
Hmmm. What kind of study has developed a measurement for "truth-telling" and how does a person determine the "naturalness of truth telling"?
Such an idiotic statement.