John: I wanted to just get opinions.
i wanted to get people's opinion on something.
how do you feel when people use illegal means while performing their activism to shed light on the watchtower.
there have been people who have illegally recorded conversations with elders and with branch offices or at meetings.
John: I wanted to just get opinions.
i remember about 5 years ago reading on another site about subliminal images in wt literature.
i honestly thought it a load of bs until i checked out one glaringly obvious image of a creepy skull in clouds within the knowledge book.
i was shocked and even showed my wife at the time who thought it was creepy.. so my question is why?
Londo: Is it me or is that man's hand awfully close to that boy's...
I thought so too. Did you notice the shadowy letters above the boy's "enemy" nametag? They spell "sex" backwards.
*edit to add - "Orphan, beside the word enemy, I see a strange double face" that the "x"?
Who would be in charge of that? Would the Governing Body know? Do they give instructions that comes down to the art department? Are these instructions written? Why hasn't these instructions, verbal or written, leaked? Why hasn't anyone who carried out these instructions come forward?
I dunno...all good questions. When are the subliminals inserted (because they are there), by whom, and why?
i remember about 5 years ago reading on another site about subliminal images in wt literature.
i honestly thought it a load of bs until i checked out one glaringly obvious image of a creepy skull in clouds within the knowledge book.
i was shocked and even showed my wife at the time who thought it was creepy.. so my question is why?
fulano: Jesus Crow, never noticed that one, thanks
I don't often look at WT literature and only delve into select items when I am looking up something. In this case, I wanted to read about Wyndham Cook, the boy blood martyr featured in this Awake issue.
When I do look at WT material now, the glaring propaganda hits me in the face and every time I do crack open a magazine or brochure, I am invariably confronted with subliminal images. I don't have to even look very hard - the subliminals just jump right out sometimes. Can't help it...some of them are so damn obvious.
This issue - the August 22 1991 Awake! - is an astounding and incredible piece of constructed "f*** with your head" stuff, from front to back. I am still shaking my head and so glad that I decided years ago to avoid WT produced material as much as possible.
I read Wyndham's story first and then, curious as to what the rest of the magazine had for articles, wondering whatever kind of topics were picked to offset such a tragedy, I continued to look at the rest of the Awake!.
Wyndham's story (which ended with a tiny footnote saying he had died) was preceded by three articles, and a cover, directed at sports. Basically, competitive sports was a big no no. Even watching sports could be really bad (hence, the image of the child "enemy"). Only good "sports" was non-competitive exercise. Walking, biking, a little jumping up and down once in a while, but nothing to interfere with "Jehovah's Work".
Bottom line - sports is bad.
Then came Wyndham's story. (o.m.g.)
And then a piece directed at teens to not smoke.
And then 9 pages about all the wonderful construction work for Jehovah's Kingdom. How to give free labor to god.
World events and letters to editor...blah, blah.
And then. At the very end, the last page - a one page article on "Never Give Up". Who do they use as examples on not giving up? Complete with supporting bible verses? Two people who overcame difficulties, they never gave competitive sports. An Olympic athlete and another runner. Competitive athletes.
First message of magazine - don't engage in competitive sports. Serve Jehovah. Do his work.
2nd message - even children can stay loyal - loyal to death
3rd message - don't smoke - smoking will kill you (never mind that refusing blood just killed Wyndham)
4th message - construction work is really, really, really important to Jehovah
5th message - never give up - look at competitive athletes! What a fine example they are! They never give up!!! (and neither did Wyndham...oops...except he did. He gave up on life in exchange for a promise of paradise)
WT literature is pure madness. Subliminals in the images are not surprising in the midst of that insanity
i was wondering if someone could help me with a question.. i am a rookie exjw, i only left the organization 4 months ago and everything i've discovered (un/arc/malawi/mexico etc) i've only discovered in the last few months so you can image it's been a huge shock to me especially after after 50 yrs!.
every time i think i've heard everything, something else pops up.. now i've come across a youtube video that mention tv evangelizer jimmy swaggart and the watchtower.
i remember jimmy swaggart from the time i lived in the u.s.a and i remember the scandals with him and prostitutes etc.
Listener: It would be interesting to see that report
The Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court Legal Brief) filed by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) in June 1989 re: a Supreme Court case between Jimmy Swaggart Ministries and the State of California:
i remember about 5 years ago reading on another site about subliminal images in wt literature.
i honestly thought it a load of bs until i checked out one glaringly obvious image of a creepy skull in clouds within the knowledge book.
i was shocked and even showed my wife at the time who thought it was creepy.. so my question is why?
UTC: Sorry. But can't quite read what it says on boys shirt. Enlighten me?
jehovah's witnesses have had to revise their chronology and various doctrinal interpretations due to events and scholarly corrections.
but the one teaching where they have been consistently ahead of the curve is the importance of jehovah's name.. .
i'm going to run through a (necessarily selective) timeline of jw events and scholarly publications that demonstrate the phenomenal success of this teaching in the last days.
Ruby456: edit: and seriously how many women hold their own here on JWN nowadays? besides blondie none!!!! mind you I haven't seen her around lately. I guess those that do hold their own move on thanking the guys for giving them the opportunity or something like that? i'd really like to know
*sorry...I know this is off topic, but I can't help myself...I have to reply to this
Ruby, I think I do just fine here. I think I can hold my own. Seriously.
i wanted to get people's opinion on something.
how do you feel when people use illegal means while performing their activism to shed light on the watchtower.
there have been people who have illegally recorded conversations with elders and with branch offices or at meetings.
John Davis: you think it is right to willfully break the law to get this accomplished?
The way to fight an organization that has no respect for the law itself, is to fight with the same tools.
The org has an established history of challenging the law and breaking the law at every opportunity that it can when it suits their purposes.
Think of the children that have been kidnapped from hospitals to avoid a legal, court ordered blood transfusion. Think of the children who were instructed to defy the law back in the 40s...just so Rutherford could challenge US law (and don't forget the one boy who was castrated for his loyal efforts to break the law).
Think of all those Gilead special pioneers (or are they "need-greaters"? I dunno...whatever...specially trained ones) trained to break the law in countries where the WTS has been banned or restricted. Think of all the clandestine smuggling they engage in that the org brags about - the smuggling of money and literature.
The org is a legalistic organization that breaks the law, challenges the law, and hides behind the law.
If the org followed the law and respected the law...then it would be reasonable to expect the activists to do the same.
i remember about 5 years ago reading on another site about subliminal images in wt literature.
i honestly thought it a load of bs until i checked out one glaringly obvious image of a creepy skull in clouds within the knowledge book.
i was shocked and even showed my wife at the time who thought it was creepy.. so my question is why?
August 22, 1991 Awake! magazine.
Page 8:
detail of boy's t-shirt:
i was thinking back to when the book babylon the great has fallen gods kingdom rules.was published many years ago when it was believed religion was declining in the world.. the book took exception to the as the worst of christendom substituting themselves for the kingdom of god on earth , the counterfeit kingdom i think they called them.vicar of christ on earth.. and while its true to some degree in western lands today that religion is declining as regards christendom it is not happening in non christian religions around the world.. which brings me to the unprcedented rise and spread of islam in the world today .. with the war in iraq ,syria ,etc,and the people fleeing these war torn countries to europe and elsewhere around the globe with refugees and asylum seekers the spread of islam in the short space of time now beats any missionary projects conducted by christendom.. judaism ,christendom and islam all have their roots in the bible.the jews first then christians then muslims.. the bible only relates to the first two jews and christians and is completely silent about muslims.even in prophecy.. the book mentioned earlier btggkr nowhere mentions islam or if they didnt even exist ,yet today they equal in numbers to all of christendoms religions.. islam today is by far a greater threat to christianity and especially to jehovahs witnesses than anything the roman catholic church ever posed before.. obviously the holy bible and the holy spirit or jehovahs chosen people the jehovahs witnesses never did forsee the rise and influence of the religion of islam in todays world.. the bible is completely silent about islam or the rise of muslims on the world stage.. could it be that they could no more predict the future than i could ?.
the wtb&ts the publishing house of jehovahs witnesses have for the past 100 years have continually attacked the roman catholic religion and portrayed them in an unfavourable light.time after time in mags and books,.
how many times have the wtb&ts attacked and challenged the religion of islam and muslims and condemned them as a principle member of babylon the great the empire of false religion.. to this day jehovahs witnesses cannot freely go door to door preaching their message in muslim dominated countries where proselytism is forbidden.
Smiddy: The book mentioned earlier BTGGKR nowhere mentions Islam or if they didnt even exist ,yet today they equal in numbers to all of christendoms religions.
Smiddy, try doing a search in that book for "Mohameddans". (and "Moslems")
You will find those terms used in the Babylon book. And never as part of "Babylon the Great". That role was solely for "Christendom".
sorry if this has been posted, havnt had much time to look..
It may have been temporarily unavailable, but the Facebook page is still accessible: