Hi darkspliver.
Seriously? You really think that is a fair comparison? Aren't you swatting at a mosquito when Phoebe is talking about the shark tank??
john cedars latest youtube video refers to last weekend's wt study article which some have referred to on another thread but i am truly outraged at the continuing misogynist attitude toward women.
not only did that study article say if women have a family to care for it will stop them gossiping or meddling into other people's affairs, lloyd shares on his video a talk by sam herd from when he was a c.o in 1971.
(i hope he has since changed his opinion!
Hi darkspliver.
Seriously? You really think that is a fair comparison? Aren't you swatting at a mosquito when Phoebe is talking about the shark tank??
wbbr-am: a “pioneering” radio experiment by the watch tower .
introduction to main article.
Anderson: Thanks Orphan Crow for your post regarding some of IBSA's history in British Columbia which I'll add to the original article that appears on Watchtower Documents.
That was Hoser who did that! I just added the link.
I actually didn't know anything about the ISBA's radio history in Canada and I was fascinated with the connection to the Klu Klux Klan in Saskatchewan. For those who don't know, the Klan's history runs deep in this province and the ISBA and the Klan shared anti-Catholic sentiments.That radio broadcasting would have been happening when my grandparents in Saskatchewan converted to the Russellites.
As well, it is interesting that it was the ISBA's inflammatory attacks on other religions and government that led to a Canadian Royal Commission, and from there, the establishment of our CBC, which exists to this day.
jehovah's witnesses have had to revise their chronology and various doctrinal interpretations due to events and scholarly corrections.
but the one teaching where they have been consistently ahead of the curve is the importance of jehovah's name.. .
i'm going to run through a (necessarily selective) timeline of jw events and scholarly publications that demonstrate the phenomenal success of this teaching in the last days.
sbf: Before 2001 I hardly heard abuse even mentioned as a reason for leaving JWs. Yet now, justifiably, it's a major, if not the major thing former JWs are corcerned about.
Just because you didn't hear about it, doesn't mean that it wasn't a large issue in many who left before you "hardly heard" about it.
The way you have worded your position, assumes that your position is correct. It isn't. It is only your view and it is lacking in perspective. Your statement leads the reader to think that abuse was rarely, if ever, the reason for leaving. That is not a valid conclusion. It is misleading.
we often have debates on this site about what was written in the bible and why.
there are also debates about which bible is better .
then there's the debate about if the quran is really the better book or more accurate.
CrazyGuy: In the first century when Jesus was supposedly alive less then 1% of the population could read. So with that being said why would a god put his ideas and his expectations in a book?
I think the answer to your question lies inside the question itself:
"...less than 1% of the population"
That 'less than 1%' is the elite ruling class. They control the word, the voice and the rules that the voice declares. The written word survives beyond each generation and as such, contains the power of time.
There is a reason that John 1:1 says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
The Word, the written down rules of the powerful elite class, was given divine power over the masses - that multitude of people who could not read.
The Word became God. The Word was the power of the elite.
wbbr-am: a “pioneering” radio experiment by the watch tower .
introduction to main article.
hoser: Link doesn't work so you have to google
I found this:
In 1925 or 1926, CFYC entered the final phase of its life under the International Bible Students Association, which later became the Jehovah's Witnesses. As a boy, John Avison played the piano for Bible Students' programs at a studio on Hastings Street. JOHN AvtsoN: I used to be amused by the fact that the manager of the station was a man with, I think, not a suitable name for a radio station manager: his name was W. J. Tinney. They had a group called "The Choir of a Million Voices." Of course, they couldn't accommodate a million voices, but this was premised on the fact that they sold the hymn books. They assumed that everybody who bought a hymn book, all across the country, would be joining in. I played the piano for the choir and played solos. The religious part, outside of playing for the choir, was not part of my knowledge of the station at all. CFYC moved out of the building on Hastings Street to a very large house on Kingsway near Central Park [in Burnaby]. I think that was just about the end of the operation of the station. In addition to CFYC, the International Bible Students Association was also operating radio stations in Edmonton and Saskatoon and two stations in Toronto. These stations were the focus of a dispute that had a profound effect on the future of Canadian broadcasting. In 1928, the Department of Marine and Fisheries refused to renew the licences of the IBSA stations on the grounds that the Bible Students were using the airwaves to attack other religious groups. Although the government was acting in response to complaints from the public, the number and credibility of the complaints received were questionable. The only significant case of defamatory broadcasting involved two anti -Catholic lectures by a Ku Klux Klan spokesman who had purchased time on the Saskatoon IBSA station. Nevertheless, the licences were not renewed. CFYC Vancouver and its sister stations went off the air in March 1928. The whole issue was vigorously debated in Parliament and in the press. The government was accused of religious discrimination in the matter, and received a tide of letters and petitions in support of the Bible Students. The controversy led, in the same year, to the creation of a royal commission on Canadian broadcasting led by Sir John Aird. The Aird Commission's recommendations pointed the way to the establishment of the CBC some years later.
for months i have been telling my friends - very devout jws - about the problem of child abuse in the organization but it wasn't until they saw the bbc report that they finally believed it.
(i made mention of their reaction in an earlier post.).
today they have emailed me to say the bbc report has hit them really hard.
"...they no longer want to go in the ministry because of it..."
I strongly suspect we're gonna be seeing that more and more in the very near future.
Ooooohhhh...another prophecy being fulfilled. The end must be near!
The preaching will stop and the message will be one of judgement!!! The end is so close!
i wanted to get people's opinion on something.
how do you feel when people use illegal means while performing their activism to shed light on the watchtower.
there have been people who have illegally recorded conversations with elders and with branch offices or at meetings.
John: I wanted to just get opinions.
i remember about 5 years ago reading on another site about subliminal images in wt literature.
i honestly thought it a load of bs until i checked out one glaringly obvious image of a creepy skull in clouds within the knowledge book.
i was shocked and even showed my wife at the time who thought it was creepy.. so my question is why?
Londo: Is it me or is that man's hand awfully close to that boy's...
I thought so too. Did you notice the shadowy letters above the boy's "enemy" nametag? They spell "sex" backwards.
*edit to add - "Orphan, beside the word enemy, I see a strange double face"...is that the "x"?
Who would be in charge of that? Would the Governing Body know? Do they give instructions that comes down to the art department? Are these instructions written? Why hasn't these instructions, verbal or written, leaked? Why hasn't anyone who carried out these instructions come forward?
I dunno...all good questions. When are the subliminals inserted (because they are there), by whom, and why?
i remember about 5 years ago reading on another site about subliminal images in wt literature.
i honestly thought it a load of bs until i checked out one glaringly obvious image of a creepy skull in clouds within the knowledge book.
i was shocked and even showed my wife at the time who thought it was creepy.. so my question is why?
fulano: Jesus Crow, never noticed that one, thanks
I don't often look at WT literature and only delve into select items when I am looking up something. In this case, I wanted to read about Wyndham Cook, the boy blood martyr featured in this Awake issue.
When I do look at WT material now, the glaring propaganda hits me in the face and every time I do crack open a magazine or brochure, I am invariably confronted with subliminal images. I don't have to even look very hard - the subliminals just jump right out sometimes. Can't help it...some of them are so damn obvious.
This issue - the August 22 1991 Awake! - is an astounding and incredible piece of constructed "f*** with your head" stuff, from front to back. I am still shaking my head and so glad that I decided years ago to avoid WT produced material as much as possible.
I read Wyndham's story first and then, curious as to what the rest of the magazine had for articles, wondering whatever kind of topics were picked to offset such a tragedy, I continued to look at the rest of the Awake!.
Wyndham's story (which ended with a tiny footnote saying he had died) was preceded by three articles, and a cover, directed at sports. Basically, competitive sports was a big no no. Even watching sports could be really bad (hence, the image of the child "enemy"). Only good "sports" was non-competitive exercise. Walking, biking, a little jumping up and down once in a while, but nothing to interfere with "Jehovah's Work".
Bottom line - sports is bad.
Then came Wyndham's story. (o.m.g.)
And then a piece directed at teens to not smoke.
And then 9 pages about all the wonderful construction work for Jehovah's Kingdom. How to give free labor to god.
World events and letters to editor...blah, blah.
And then. At the very end, the last page - a one page article on "Never Give Up". Who do they use as examples on not giving up? Complete with supporting bible verses? Two people who overcame difficulties, they never gave up...in competitive sports. An Olympic athlete and another runner. Competitive athletes.
First message of magazine - don't engage in competitive sports. Serve Jehovah. Do his work.
2nd message - even children can stay loyal - loyal to death
3rd message - don't smoke - smoking will kill you (never mind that refusing blood just killed Wyndham)
4th message - construction work is really, really, really important to Jehovah
5th message - never give up - look at competitive athletes! What a fine example they are! They never give up!!! (and neither did Wyndham...oops...except he did. He gave up on life in exchange for a promise of paradise)
WT literature is pure madness. Subliminals in the images are not surprising in the midst of that insanity
i was wondering if someone could help me with a question.. i am a rookie exjw, i only left the organization 4 months ago and everything i've discovered (un/arc/malawi/mexico etc) i've only discovered in the last few months so you can image it's been a huge shock to me especially after after 50 yrs!.
every time i think i've heard everything, something else pops up.. now i've come across a youtube video that mention tv evangelizer jimmy swaggart and the watchtower.
i remember jimmy swaggart from the time i lived in the u.s.a and i remember the scandals with him and prostitutes etc.
Listener: It would be interesting to see that report
The Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court Legal Brief) filed by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) in June 1989 re: a Supreme Court case between Jimmy Swaggart Ministries and the State of California: