JoinedPosts by OrphanCrow
How can a dead chicken atone for your sins?
by Fisherman inthe article says that the dead chickens are given to the poor but i was told that the chickens are thrown into the garbage.
(who could possibly eat a chicken full of sin?).
Jehovah uses the government to discipline his people
by StephaneLaliberte ini had a conversation with my dad concerning the legal cases the jws are loosing and how their policies are still lacking.
he answered that he has confidence that jehovah will give his people the wisdom and discernment necessary to make the changes.
i then explained that most of the improvements were made as a result of various court cases, including the australian commission.. my dad: well, than, jehovah uses the governments to discipline his people just like he did with the jews.
My Dad: Well, than, Jehovah uses the governments to discipline his people just like he did with the Jews.Your father made an unbelievably ugly statement. Ugly. Anti-Semitic at its core.
This viewpoint is rooted in Rutherford's "replacement theology" that he made into a core Jw doctrine back in the 20s during his org makeover (when he was patterning/piloting the WT re-structuring over in Germany, trying out ways to organize "Joe's Army").
This replacement theology was in direct opposition to Russell's "dual covenant" theology and was the defining difference between the "old" WT theology and the "New World" theology where the JWs took the place of the Jews, relegating the Jews to the dustbins of the OT.
This division made itself evident during the 30s and 40s, playing itself out against the backdrop of WW2 and the antisemitism of the German Reich.
Rudolf Hess, commandant of Auschwitz, in his book of memoirs 'The Commandant of Auschwitz Testifies' describes the faith and behavior of several female members of 'Jehovah’s Witnesses', who worked as faithful servants of SS officers in Auschwitz:
“The strange thing was that all of them were convinced that causing suffering to the Jews and killing them was justified, because their ancestors betrayed God.”Charles Russell was a Zionist but Rutherford embraced a replacement theology with the JWs becoming Jehovah's "chosen people" and thus, his witnesses.
Replacement theology is anti-Semitic.
Naked Jehovah's Witnesses (bizarre story)
by wannaexit inthis is the most weird story.
if you read half way down you will see the protagonists are jdubs.
Weather for Edmonton on Monday November 6:
High of -6C (21.2F)
Low of -14C (6.8F)
*your fridge temp is plus 4C and your freezer temp is about -18C, for those of you who know nothing about living in sub-freezing temperatures
A little bit nippy for shucking off your clothes and going for a naked joyride. I am still trying to figure out the drug induced logic behind that move. By all of them.
Lol! Talk about a group of people who are highly susceptible to suggestion. Oh my lord
Is All The Bad Publicity About The Watchtower Pedophile Lawsuits Causing Contributions To Nose Dive Worldwide?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think with all the child molestation lawsuits the watchtower corporation is and has been hit with is the main reason for all the prime property sell off recently.
the silent lambs protest back in 2001, and the dateline prime time expose probably was the death knell for the watchtower's hey day in brooklyn.. their membership is drying up, young people are leaving in droves, the situation is no doubt far worse than the annually published yearbook figures show and so they ceased it's publication permanently.
and those left remaining are experiencing a huge grab of money from their congregations accounts and now are required to make pledges about how much they can contribute which i think is a last ditch effort by the governing body to squeeze more money out of the rank and file watchtower indoctrinated drones.. i think all this is happening because even those still loyally attending are hearing reports of these tremendous pay out that the watchtower is making to the victims of their self serving policies that put young ones at great risks so that even the rank and file don't want to contribute to pay court costs and so are withholding giving contributions to a very great extent.
Nose dive in donations?
The Canadian Branch has consistently reported an increase in donations up to and including last year:
JWs drank suspicious tea and got naked and kidnapped people
by yalbmert99 inwell, this is awkward !
these are jehovah's witnesses...lol.
Update from CBC:
Alberta family taken in naked kidnapping case were frightened, want answers
An Alberta family allegedly kidnapped by a group of naked neighbours, who may have unknowingly drunk some hallucinogenic tea, say it was a frightening experience.
And the family members say until they learn more facts about what happened, they don't know how to feel about the ordeal.
"We just don't have enough information," said one family member, who asked not to be named. "We have no answers as to whether anything was purposely taken or not purposely taken."
The family members were reluctant to share their experience because of the ongoing court case, but they told The Canadian Press they know the accused as neighbours. They are all members of the same Jehovah's Witnesses church.Read more at link
2 witness rule
by punkofnice ini'm gobsmacked.. the 7 rock star popes in warwick know darned well that the 2 witness rule allows child rapists to get away with their crime.. geoff (whacko jacko) jackson was at the australian royal commission and should have seen first hand what a vile man made law the 2 witness rule is.. my question is, why do they still insist on this pervert protecting rule?.
i know it's a highly controlling cult but still...........................stuff my old boots, mate!.
the above is more a rhetorical question.
Oh Fisherman. You and your loaded Watchtoweresque language contortions.
I was not "trying to pass off" anything. I said nothing about blanket international requirements. You did.
I am not confused.
You are.
2 witness rule
by punkofnice ini'm gobsmacked.. the 7 rock star popes in warwick know darned well that the 2 witness rule allows child rapists to get away with their crime.. geoff (whacko jacko) jackson was at the australian royal commission and should have seen first hand what a vile man made law the 2 witness rule is.. my question is, why do they still insist on this pervert protecting rule?.
i know it's a highly controlling cult but still...........................stuff my old boots, mate!.
the above is more a rhetorical question.
Steph: So the problem really is the fact that the JW do not encourage the victims to seek out help from the police in order to get the second witness
A child who says "I have been abused/raped/touched, etc is the first witness. The second witness may very well be the medical report that the police would pursue if and when they were contacted. The second witness then becomes the physical evidence that the doctor finds. Like ripped anal tissue, vaginal tears, etc. Second witness is forensic evidence that is discovered if and when the child is taken to the police/doctor.
Eyewitnesses are unreliable. Physical evidence is reliable and valid.
What do you think is the origin of Giants and/or Sasquatch?
by The Real Edward Gentry ingenesis says a lot about both pre-flood and post-flood giants.the really big nasty ones drowned in the flood but there were lots of others the israelites had to overcome including the king of basham with his 11 foot iron bed.people nowadays are much smaller and i think its due in part to us losing more and more of adams perfection.
i turn my attention to the animals that went onboard the ark but are as yet undiscovered.
during president knorr's time the panda bear was discovered in a market place in china and eventually an american team tracked them down in the wild.
I think I need one of these:
What do you think is the origin of Giants and/or Sasquatch?
by The Real Edward Gentry ingenesis says a lot about both pre-flood and post-flood giants.the really big nasty ones drowned in the flood but there were lots of others the israelites had to overcome including the king of basham with his 11 foot iron bed.people nowadays are much smaller and i think its due in part to us losing more and more of adams perfection.
i turn my attention to the animals that went onboard the ark but are as yet undiscovered.
during president knorr's time the panda bear was discovered in a market place in china and eventually an american team tracked them down in the wild.
waton: Saturday? satire? Here in the North America, , home of the Sasquatch, it is only Friday,
Oh damn. I lost/gained(?) a day on the other side.
Eh...I looked at a Sasquatch on Wednesday and shucks...here it is only Friday and on the other side it is Sasquatch Saturday. See what happens when you look a Sasquatch in the eye?
What do you think is the origin of Giants and/or Sasquatch?
by The Real Edward Gentry ingenesis says a lot about both pre-flood and post-flood giants.the really big nasty ones drowned in the flood but there were lots of others the israelites had to overcome including the king of basham with his 11 foot iron bed.people nowadays are much smaller and i think its due in part to us losing more and more of adams perfection.
i turn my attention to the animals that went onboard the ark but are as yet undiscovered.
during president knorr's time the panda bear was discovered in a market place in china and eventually an american team tracked them down in the wild.
The Real Edward: I turn my attention to the animals that went onboard the Ark but are as yet undiscovered. During President Knorr's time the panda bear was discovered in a market place in China and eventually an American team tracked them down in the wild. After this the panda was added to the list of animals that Noah cared for.
And I turn my attention to your lack of attention to accuracy.
Westerners first encountered (not "discovered") the panda bear in 1869.
Knorr et all (and you) really need to get up to speed.
I believe the Sasqatch to be in this category. There is huge evidence of them living in the dense forests of North America.
And there is HUGE evidence that if you ever look a Sasquatch in the eyes that he will take you back into the parallel world that he lives in.
2+2: For me, it’s the humour that makes this site.
Me too. And to think that this is only Saturday. Usually it is Sunday morning that has the most chuckles