TD: Perhaps another example would be the administration of IgG as a transfusion (i.e. An inverted 500ml bag connected to the patient by IV) which is a treatment for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura and Kawasaki's syndrome. I could imagine some JW's having a problem with this procedure because of the method.
That is interesting, TD.
Why I find that interesting is because so-called "bloodless" surgery procedures, which the WTS promotes as "the golden standard of care" has only came about because of blood transfusion technology.
The methods used in WTS approved procedures are blood transfusions - transfusions of the patient's own blood. That has been happening since back in the 60s. It is actually pretty ironic. The WTS slams the medical community for using blood transfusions, but then turns around and promotes procedures and technology that relies on the technology developed for blood transfusions.
It is actually pretty stupid if you break it down into simple terms. Let's say that Jehovah really does hate blood transfusions. Really hates them. Doesn't want people sharing blood at all. No siree. No blood sharing down there on Earth. Don't do it humans! And so Jehovah makes sure that a faithful human transcribes his instructions in be passed down to more humans as instructions to not share blood. And don't eat it.
Then things start happening with medicine and people start to share blood for medical purposes. The birth of blood transfusion technology. Which, apparently, Jehovah really, really hated. And then that technology advanced to the point that blood transfusions were saving lives. the blood technology was working.
And what does Jehovah do next? Well, he sent a message down to Earth to Nathan Knorr and Freddie Franz that Jehovah's special people couldn't avail themselves of this life saving procedure. In 1945. At the end of WW2. BUT. Smarty pants Jehovah had a plan. Yesiree. Jehovah waited until that blood transfusion technology (bad blood transfusions. BAD!) was developed to the point that his special elite ones could avail themselves of that (bad) blood technology so that they didn't have to share their blood with anyone or use the blood of other people unless it had been sanitized first.
Smarty pants Jehovah. Sitting back in the weeds just waiting until blood transfusions were developed so that he could have his people take that technology and develop Tada! "bloodless" surgery.
Without blood transfusions, there would be no "bloodless" surgery.
*to add - I meant to talk about the JWs having problems with the method of delivery of some of the "fractions". A personal story. My sister in law was a nurse. After she retired (and after the person I am about to talk about died) she shared with me how this JW man's factor viii was administered. The hospital staff would wait until after visiting hours were over and then they would hook up his bag of clotting factor to his IV. And then they would take a towel or two to cover the bag and the tube going into his arm so he wouldn't have to see the 'blood' going in. It upset him so much to see the red clotting factors and yet he took the treatment so that he could be with his family longer. It was sad. He was one of the good ones. A very kind and nice man who had hemophilia.