By the way, Coco, I missed the part that she was your student.
I thought you were Uncle Coco and I know that uncles carry a special weight with their nieces!
a friend and i were talking today about a child-friendly restaurant she wants to open.
the accommodations will suit the small stature of children, their food likes, a decor that pleases little guys and gals.
she said to me, "you're children only once.
By the way, Coco, I missed the part that she was your student.
I thought you were Uncle Coco and I know that uncles carry a special weight with their nieces!
a friend and i were talking today about a child-friendly restaurant she wants to open.
the accommodations will suit the small stature of children, their food likes, a decor that pleases little guys and gals.
she said to me, "you're children only once.
coco: Personally, I have been naive in such matters and given out more than had been taken in.
Me too. The bane of the creative ones.
We are just so happy to be doing what we like that we blissfully meander along, giving away ourselves for free and then wondering, looking back, where it all went wrong
I could have been a good business person - if I had learned early on that money is the goal instead of happiness.
Happiness will look after itself. Money won't
a friend and i were talking today about a child-friendly restaurant she wants to open.
the accommodations will suit the small stature of children, their food likes, a decor that pleases little guys and gals.
she said to me, "you're children only once.
Coco: It is not about the money, she reassured me.
I know she is only eleven years old, Coco, but you need to nip this one in the bud.
Change this narrative if you truly want her to be happy and successful. "Not about the money" is a noble enough position but it doesn't translate well into making dreams come true.
Little girls (small women) need to be taught that it IS about the money. Money is how you measure business success.
Chase the dream...with money in hand and money as the goal. That dream will come true then. Make money an integral part of the equation and Lacey will be running that restaurant with flying colors.
Good luck little woman :)
*to add - if she doesn't make it about the money, someone else will and there she will be...just standing in line to join the ranks of the brightest and most creative who make other people rich
in the panda paradise, promisd repeatedly for decades, old bc and ad dating must go, as will months named for roman gods and such like as well of course as the days also are named from pagan origins, have th gb on earth or their now heavenly prdcessors, sorted this out so that roght after the big a we start counting years as fom am, after armaggedon, we could have a franz day, a knorr day or maybe even a lett day, and as for months, always th big guns of russell, rutherford and others such as xsplane ready to replace january, february etc.
sunday howerver as now known would have to be th most important day of the week and with a name of great significanc, step forard donate day !
maybe franz name wont be usd as, when he viewed himself as gods only channel of communication, he either misheard what j told him, or made bad notes on their conversations, hence the 1975 debacle when j whispered the date to him but franz got confused and just made up the date from a few fragments of drivel found in an old desk drawer from russells days.
Here ya go.
This is the "Calendar of Jehovah".
I am not sure which year we would be in now (this one is for 1903 - Jehovah's year of Ransom) but it is clear that we are currently in the eleventh month - the month of Jehovah. The days of the week line up correctly with conventional calendars, so today is Heavenday, the 21st of Jehovah in the year 2017 (Jehovah's year of the ?)
in the panda paradise, promisd repeatedly for decades, old bc and ad dating must go, as will months named for roman gods and such like as well of course as the days also are named from pagan origins, have th gb on earth or their now heavenly prdcessors, sorted this out so that roght after the big a we start counting years as fom am, after armaggedon, we could have a franz day, a knorr day or maybe even a lett day, and as for months, always th big guns of russell, rutherford and others such as xsplane ready to replace january, february etc.
sunday howerver as now known would have to be th most important day of the week and with a name of great significanc, step forard donate day !
maybe franz name wont be usd as, when he viewed himself as gods only channel of communication, he either misheard what j told him, or made bad notes on their conversations, hence the 1975 debacle when j whispered the date to him but franz got confused and just made up the date from a few fragments of drivel found in an old desk drawer from russells days.
Oh my goodness, Lost and Found.
That is your 666th post!!!!
recently, someone who knows deborah drexler, the current copyright holder of cofc, asked her if she will consider having it published again.
her response was:.
" i will have to ask jesus"!!!!!.
elkatire: "I'll have to ask Christ" wasn't Geoffrey Jackson's ARC answer to a question they asked him?
Jesus. Ask Jesus, he said.
Huh. That must be the go-to Christian response to a question you don't want to answer. Jackson fumbled his way to this exchange when trying to defend the GB's ridiculous two-witness rule in cases of rape:
STEWART: “Now, is it not the case that had Jesus been asked about a case of sexual abuse he may have referred back to this part of Deuteronomy, and said that it is not required to have two witnesses?”
JACKSON: “Um, I certainly would like to ask Jesus that, and I can’t at the moment. I hope to in the future. Ah, but that’s a hypothetical question which, if we had an answer, then we could support what you said.”
so i recently moved back to my really really really small hometown in the south.
it was the place that my parents moved to from a major city up north in the early 1970's.
when we lived here times were very tough financially and i was always told that the reason we did not attend meetings was due to the fact that we had no car / no gas for the car / could not afford repairs for the years we were there.
Haha! SilentBuddha, you are one of the WT's Baby Boomers.
The generation of children born after the great disappointment of '75.
Add about 8-10 years and all you young'uns would account for a spike somewhere in the publisher count. You are the "growth" of the 80s and early 90s.
sorry if my topic question was difficult to understand (english is not my native language).
i will like to know the year when the so called “blood fractions” was available as an alternative to a whole blood transfusion.
my question is triggered by the curiosity about how long jw died or put their life at risk, refusing that type of treatment before the year 2000 (when the “new light” allowed that type of treatment).. thank you.
TD: Not allowing it singled out Rh-negative women and their unborn children, which is pretty messed up.......Yes. Pretty messed up.
Women and their babies. Two very vulnerable groups of people within the JW population.
Rhogam should have been allowed. But I suspect that the WTS was far more interested in promoting ultra violet light therapy. That is the treatment that was promoted in the 1973 "Alternatives to Blood Transfusions" which targeted the pediatric population.
And then, fast forward to the 2000s and JW women and babies were targeted for Stanate (TM) [stannsoporfin, tin-mesoporphyrin].
at one time scientists believed that living things and non-living things were made of different material, accounting for the unique properties of living things.
this idea is called vitalism and is no longer popular.
what does remain popular (in fact is still the dominant view) is a similar idea that things that experience the world (humans, frogs, mice) are different from things that don't experience the world (potatoes, rocks, snowflakes).
Can there be a consciousness without a brain?
sorry if my topic question was difficult to understand (english is not my native language).
i will like to know the year when the so called “blood fractions” was available as an alternative to a whole blood transfusion.
my question is triggered by the curiosity about how long jw died or put their life at risk, refusing that type of treatment before the year 2000 (when the “new light” allowed that type of treatment).. thank you.
Rodrigo: I have no idea of JWs are some of the ”guinea pigs” on some medical trials, I thought that was a big gap between the availability of the treatment and the JWs acceptance
Then you likely didn't know that the trials for a lot of "alternative" procedures, and especially artificial blood, are funded and organized by the US Department of Defense.
Jehovah's Witnesses cannot don a uniform but they sure do come in handy for medical testing that benefits the military. The two groups that are most interested in artificial blood? The military and the JWs. Bedfellows in the search for the Holy Grail - artificial blood. That magic elixir that just maybe, maybe someday...will extend the life of people for...oh, maybe indefinitely? Synthetic blood. Never dies and never fails. The promise of eternal life - the promise of biotechnology