Another one. Ohio.
This is a woman looking for her biological father who was a Jehovah's Witness:
Adoptee Birth Date: 11-5-1971
Adoptee Gender: Female
Adoptee Birth Race: Caucasian, German decent ?
Name given to Adoptee by Birth Parents: Annette Marie Haren
Adoptee Birth City: Cleveland, OH
Adoptee Birth County: Cuyahoga County
Adoptee Birth State: Ohio
Adoptee Birth Country: USA
Adoptee Birth Mothers Name: Eileen A. Foltz ((FOUND)) (Deceased)
Adoptee Birth Mothers Maiden Name: Eileen Agnes Haren
Adoptee Birth Mothers Race: Caucasian, German decent
Adoptee Birth Fathers Name: ?
Adoptee Birth Fathers Race: Caucasian, German, French, Irish decent ?
Adoptee Birth Hospital: St. Ann's Hospital
Adoption Agency or Attorney: Catholic Woman's League
Age of Adoptee when Adopted: 6 weeks old
Name given to Adoptee by Adoptive Parents: Christa Noel Fornsaglio
City adoption took place: Canton, OH
County adoption took place: Stark County
State adoption took place: Ohio
Country Adoption took place: USA
Adoptive Mothers Name: Donna Fornsaglio
Adoptive Mothers Maiden Name: DeSantis
Adoptive Fathers Name: Samuel Anthony Fornsaglio
Email Address: [email protected]
Searching For: Birth Father, Medical History.
All Other Information: (Update) Birth mother's date of birth: 7-6-1929 birth mother has 10 siblings, and is of German decent. Birth father was born approximately ?-?-1926, has 4 siblings, and is supposed to be of German, French, and Irish decent. Caseworker: Mrs. Barbara Rosenfield Judge Reuben Z. Wise. I was placed in Catholic Community League Foster Home on 11-8-1971. I was delivered by Dr. Mason. (Update) Birth mother was 5'3 1/2" tall, hazel eyes, wavy medium brown hair, fair to medium complexion. Looks like she graduated from high school in 1947. One of my birth mother's sister's was valedictorian of her class. Birth father was 6'1" tall, dark brown eyes, dark brown hair, medium-dark complexion, Protestant. His parents were from West Virginia and Jehovah Witnesses. (Update) My birth mother's family is German. My birth mother died on 1-28-2013. I met my biological aunts a year ago.
Date Received: 3-14-2008
Date Posted: 3-27-2008
Last Updated: 10-9-2017 & 8-22-2017 & 10-18-2011 & 3-27-2008